Unity - Resist the succubus: The end of the female Knight [v1.04] [BoRoBoRoGame]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty cool idea to use an auto chess mechanic in a hentai game. I like the art style but surprisingly the gameplay gave me more fun than the scenes. Mostly because the great art style is covered in tons of needless text. I very rarely skip dialogues in this game it was really boring
    In short:
    Art style > Gameplay > Scenes >Writing

    Also regarding gameplay, it was really challenging for me, at least in early game, because I like to invest a lot of gold asap in all games. It's not very long tho, a few hours max
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Revolutionary development of pornographic games. Peak would be when basic attacks and skills are sexual related, regardless this game achieves what almost most adult games can not. But otherwise a really good game with active thinking and engaging content
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent Managing Game.... Very good Art and Concept. Its very rare to find a game like this one. Strategy wise is one of the best adult game around.

    Very happy to have discovered this game and its very addictive!!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Very fun game, wish there was a little more depth to the replayability, but very good, if you enjoy TFT and other auto battlers. the scenes are nice, if a little sparse, but I definitely enjoyed them nonetheless.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4156196

    OK Story with some funny lines
    First autochess game i've seen on here
    Beautiful Renders
    OK Sound
    Great Playability and re-playability to try out different comps while unlocking the different endings
    Great Performance and no crashes or freezes ever
    Didn't notice any Bugs
    Voice Acting lack-luster but not too terrible
    Grammar has room for improvement
    Enough amount of content
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Try this game if you like tft/roguelike

    Good visual, blonde protagonist with big boobs

    This game is honestly pretty good for 5-10 hours

    But once you understand "combo from unit/scroll the game is finished
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Hey. This is an actual game.

    Sure, the gameplay itself is not much more than a copy of Autochess / Teamfight Tactics, but hey - if it's not broken, don't fix it.

    There is enough difficulty to keep you invested, and even a pseudo-hardmode to work on once you unlock enough decent skills to where the game becomes easy. There's just enough units to where replaying the game a few times is fun, and the endless mode is worth checking out after unlocking some of the better skills.

    The classic style static CGs are a bit limited, but the artwork is fantastic and honestly makes up for it. My only real gripe is there really isn't much content on that front. Most of the scenes are long (some too long), but there just aren't that many of them.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5362209

    Not alot of content but gameplay is great if you enjoy a mix of tower defense, strategy, and management.

    CGs are really nice quality and if you're a reader- oh boy there's 50x as many lines of dialouge as there are CGs.

    Maybe not a 5/5 but for interesting and diverse play through- its a good game.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    + Really fun gameplay, especially if you like Auto chess
    + Challenging game
    + High quality art
    + Gallery to revisit scenes

    - The scenes are meh. They consist of CG images with sound effect audio. These are the kinds of CGs where it's one image that gets redrawn with small changes over the course of the scene
    - Not many scenes
    - Scenes are appear in the gallery when you encounter it through the game, but not all the choices are fully unlocked in the gallery. This is particularly annoying if you're doing the chastity route to unlock the true ending. You have to avoid sex and masturbation, so when you encounter a scene, it's particularly annoying that you can see what what you missed out on in the gallery
    - H-scenes are mostly of the female protagonist. It would have been nice to see more scenes with monsters and monster girls. In fact I don't think there's a scene where a male fucks the succubus
    - You can't speed up the combat animations until you beat the game. Even then it still feels slow.

    The rating I'm giving is purely for the gameplay. It's a challenging game with decent depth and the true ending path makes the game even harder. The H-scenes have much to be desired, so this game might not be for those who want to rub one out without too much effort
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty fun gameplay in generall. Considering that the amount of units is very limited, the possible combination of teams lacks variety. Once you figure out what compositions are good and focus on getting them the game becomes relatively easy.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Honestly I was going to rate this as average but between the limited unit variety, uninteresting synergies, terrible translation and completely disconnected gameplay from the porn, I can't even give it three stars. Play a round or two of teamfight tactics with any succubus themed doujin on the other monitor, turn the page after each round of combat, you've now played a better version of this game.
    Review for version 1.04
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Actually a pretty decent compact singleplayer Autochess campaign with some slight permanent progression.

    You got your basic Autochess gameplay with 3 races and 4 profession spread across them. Just beating campaign relatively easy but trying to do it on a "Chastity" run or whatever you should call it is pretty challenging and takes a bit of luck (unless you figure out some pretty huge glitches from programming oversights)

    Beyond that you actually get 10 slots to insert various skills you either roll from a gacha or create freely from the Dupe-burn currency. Skills vary wildly in effect from more Gold to purchase units/upgrades, ways to mitigate losses, bonus to certain archetypes and more.

    I strongly recommend the Rare Elf/Archer unit, his damage is nuts.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has really grown on me. My biggest complaint is that there's not really any sexual action going on during the gameplay. The scenes themselves are fairly far apart, you might get one every 10 minutes. Normally this would sink a game for me, but in this case it doesn't for two reasons.

    #1 the gameplay is actually FUN. This is extremely rare for an H-game and we give most a pass, but the game part here is genuinely fun. I love game over scenes but hate losing intentionally to get them, the context of struggling hard against failure and still failing is what adds the extra context to scenes that make H-games better than just regular videos to me. This game has a great roguelike cycle where it's actually pretty hard at first, but you unlock little buffs between each attempt to make the next a bit easier. This to me is a better balance than a game that is too easy or is absurdly hard with mandatory grinding.

    #2 I really love the art and character designs, and the corruption theme is well integrated into the game systems and story. A+ on this front.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of only 2 games on this site I have stuck with for gameplay. Would legit still play if the entire NSFW theme of the game was ditched. Lots of games on this site are little more than a boring grind to get the pictures or animations from the previews, but this one is actually a good game... with some solid thumbnail pics too.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Depends on how the game goes this can either be a great game or crash and burn.

    Gameplay: It's basically TFT. The custom units are pretty well made with interesting effects, but requires a little further balancing, and there's simply not enough different units for the game to be fun after a run or two.

    Porn: very very good CG, except it sadly pops up at times that doesn't really feel good.
    Half of the scenes pops up when you first bought a certain unit, and that's it. No follow up, no story, not really any gameplay buildup, just roll a unit, buy it, and you get CG. The other half basically comes from losing... except there's no save load and you have to start over from after losing. So, it's very badly integrated into the game.

    Has all the building blocks to be a great game but lacks a little final push before being actually good. Might be saved if there's DLCs coming, but o/w it's pretty meh.

    Been a while and I don't think anything more is coming. It's decent, but not great.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    CG is great indeed. However...

    It is very confusing: what kind of games do devs want to make here.? strategic? Adult? Construction? SLG? Apparently, you can not make everything at one time. So far, this game does poorly in every single genre. Players won't have many CGs; no building can be built, and money is issued daily. It could be interesting to have warriors in different careers, but the overwhelming number of warriors and the restrictions for deploying them are annoying.

    Story? the succubus came, and the succubus went. It can not even be called a story ...

    I smell something ominous; this game reminds me of many mobile games that need deposit cash to avoid grinding. Such games give you enticements to hook you up and then charge you forever.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    TFT hentai.

    The units and synergies do not have that much diversity. That said, for a hentai game, the gameplay is an interesting twist on TFT DAC and other autobattlers.

    The hard mode (going for 0 temptation) is extremely challenging.
    End game builds are basically all 5 class + 6 race traits + 3 race or 2 class. example 5 knight 6 human, 5 warrior 6 orc, or 5 mage 6 elves. You can splash in some synergies but it doesn't feel worth it since you're supposed to base your build around one of the legendary augments you equip that gives benefit to one class trait.

    Idk about the sexual content portion because I'm pretty much just skipped over it. Doesn't look too good though... a few CGs with text and pretty much unvoiced.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    If you've played autochess before the game starts out rough, but isn't too hard after the first couple of runs, at which point you should have got used to the unit pool and got to switch to a better skill set. If you haven't, good luck figuring things out lol because the game sure doesn't explain much.

    The gameplay is... it's autochess. It's good, just somewhat annoying in how unpredictable things are. The enemy doesn't run on the same budget as you do, there's no preview for enemy lineups and you can't even select the enemy units to see their stats, so you can easily get caught off guard by a power spike. The indulgence/chastity system is just sprung on you, and I reset my first game when I got the chastity debuff and thought it was a penalty for accidentally letting my lust max out.

    The porn content is so disjointed from gameplay it's almost laughable. I sound like a broken record repeating it's autochess but it really is, and the only elements hinting towards anything erotic are the lust bar and some unit portraits with big tits. Then every half a dozen rounds or so someone gets violated in a VN scene that ends with you choosing between two options, usually indulgence vs a small penalty or a specific unit getting nerfed vs a small penalty. Play it for the autochess or unlock the gallery and watch the scenes, whatever floats your boat, but there's very little you'll get out of experiencing the combination the intended way.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Overall, the scenes are pretty hot, and the gameplay isn't bad, but I feel like either the game is "too hard" atm or simply hard because it's unfinished and needs to give a lot more equipable skills. It's amazing just how fast I ran out of skill options aside from the few I'd have to grind hours for.

    It also feels like it's missing features the dev thought he'd implement such as the star system that seems to be working for the enemies but not you (so you can only get better troops by getting rarer ones rather than powering up the ones you already had).

    Pace also feels a bit off since it only gets harder and harder, meaning the moment you fall behind, you might as well wave the white flag. The issue here is that there's a "wall" system that's supposed to protect you from failing 3 times (it can also be repaired), but once you reach that point, you can't fend off the next waves anyways. I ended up just using the skill that lets you demolish your extra walls at the start for money to invest for development of income such, but I feel like this can be fixed by staggering the power of waves so you have like a weak, weak, strong, weak, weak, weak, strong fluctuation in the short run while making the base power be higher each time, thus giving you a bit of a break after a hard wave that might have run you over and knocked over a wall.

    Been trying to play legit for a few hours now, and I can't seem to get closer than 20 waves before the end of the story. Maybe I'll revisit this review when this game is out of early access. Overall, not bad, esp if you want to want to waste some time.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The combat can get a bit repetitive, and I found it pretty hard without god mode, but the artwork is great. I just wish there were more of it, and I don't like how some of it is dependent on random events. Otherwise, I'm excited to see if this develops more.