I cant decide what is the bigger problem with this game, the characters or the story.
The main character is all over the place, the thing he hates more than anything is women being taken advantage but he does this himself quite often
even when a woman thinks she might have just been raped the first thing he does is come on to her, while the MC hates on other men treating women badly he will have sex with just about anyone while also trying to date the 3 main women the game has this is either very very poor writing or just a very hypocritical MC.
As for the women, who the hell would date any of them, they are just horrible people, they lie to him, hate on him, treat others like rubbish, cheat on partners, are quite sexist, try to fuck up relationships because they are jealous, force other women into sex they don't want, the list goes on and on.
Now on to the story problems, examples: with very very specific orders to the opposite a professional bodyguard and trained military man is not going to fall for the whole can we come back to your place and try your hot tub, oh look we are now half naked routine, there is the i have the I've been spying on you for years scene which for some reason MC dosent care about(is he immune to anger?), why would the bad guy take people hostage to get back at a person but then kill the person before the person has a chance to know they are even kidnapped?,
, straight up betrayal risking everyone's lives(and again no anger from the MC), characters just showing up and getting complete trust seriously no one ever questions anyone's motives
, a small business taking on internation criminals, doctors injecting patients with stuff without checking what it is, basically every single scene dosent make much sense.
As for the sex, there is nothing arousing about the sex scenes in this game, there is zero build up to them they spring up out of nowhere it is literally just bamn random sex, all the sex in the first part of the game with the MC is like watching a guy date rape a woman while believing she really wants to have sex with him, it would be fine if he was just having sex knowing what he was doing was wrong or on the flip side rejecting the women because he cant be sure if they want it but having her drugged and still believing she wants it is just the worst combination, the art of the sex scenes is good as stand alone images but everything else about them is awful, the pace, angles, build up, length, "animations" if you can call it that(really if you cant do animations properly then still images are better).
Story 0/5 (a huge mess)
Sex 1/5 (some stand alone images are ok)
Characters 0/5 (contradicting and not people you would want to date)
Art 2/5 (ok at best)
Choices 1/5 (none that matter)
Kinks 0/5 (none)