VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Returning to Mia [v1.2.0] [Inceton]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The story about Mia, her friends and family comes to a conclusion. And if you really love Mia, a happy ending too. After "Summer with Mia", there are now also more options in the second part, which can lead to different endings.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Vicky Sidhu

    Liked: Models, Animations and Overall Render Quality.
    Disliked: Story, Guilt Maze, Forced Relationship, No Throuple Story/Ending, Fake Choices.

    The animations and overall render quality was really good, all the renders are very well done but story wise the game was not that great, especially for players who are continuing the story from the cliffhanger ending of Sumer with Mia.

    For me personally the main disappointment was the forced relationship, i am talking about sadie of course and i personally think the players should have been given a choice in this kind of major decision, instead of forcing an unwanted relationship and then making the players feel guilty about something they had no choice in, i mean if they had a choice then of course the whole guilt maze would make much more sense but right now it just does not, the only thing it does is make the game really not enjoyable, at least i didn't, not even a single scene.

    I also must say that i was here for mia's story not for sadie's, not that i disliked her and honestly that was the real problem, she was a prefect love interest in every possible way and breaking up with her was really heartbreaking, that scene made me really gloomy and i actually ended up with fricking teary-eyes...

    Honestly the worst part about this is that all of it could have been easily avoided by adding a simple choice about sadie's relationship in the beginning of game or by adding a throuple story and ending for mia and sadie.

    The choices given to players seem to have no effect, i did everything possible to reject emma but in the end she was forced on me anyway which is not really that much of a good thing, if this was supposed to happen then the players should not have been given a choice, honestly this is one of the worst things a dev can do, at least in my personal opinion i guess...
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I have never rated or reviewed any game before, but I had to make an exception. First part was good but didn't hook me that much. On the other hand, Returning to Mia really sucked me in. Art got a lot better and especially the story, Every character has a personality and doesn't feel rushed at all. None of the characters just throw themselves at MC and I really had to think about some choices I made. I hated some characters at first, but eventually I felt bad when I had to decide on hurting them, which is inevitable. I thought this game will take few hours at most and I will skip through some parts, but to my surprise I read every single line, nothing felt empty and some stuff actually resonated with me. TLDR: Came for a fap, stayed for a story
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    As per usual I tried to fuck every girl I can until Sadie breaks up with the MC.Boy I actually felt bad, so I stayed loyal for the 2nd playthrough. The outcome did not disappoint.

    Never played the prequel, but still enjoyed the sequel. Definitely give this game a try.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The sequel to 'Summer with Mia'. The previous installment was despised by some for its cliffhanger ending and this sequel aimed to tie the story with Mia up nicely.

    Characters look gorgeous. Mia is your sister (tho you can name relationships) whom you had a rocky and illicit past with. Previously there was Laura, your mom, who was also very family-friendly. However, in this new adventure the main girls are Mia and Sadie, who is your girlfriend. There's several other girls too, and Laura does visit later in the game (but there's only one intercourse scene with her and you've gotta be single for it -- which you 'accomplish' by cheating on the gf with Cindy, and avoiding romance with Mia, i.e. not giving her an underwater kiss in the pool nor staying with her on a romantic beach-walk).

    Side note: The stalker? Who's "way too invested and living vicariously through others in a toxic way." Perhaps a parody character aimed at people who might've tired the dev out with complaints about game 1's ending?

    Story is well done. It keeps progressing as naturally as can be in a porny-environment, not going too fast or slow - though that's subjective. It comes in 10 chapters, and the dev certainly likes his cliffhangers because each one ends on a potentially dramatic note that piqued my curiosity.

    Dialog flows well and gives characters the charm to want to spend time with them. It's top notch in terms of porn games. Whereas some, that I'd play more than once, give me a correcting urge where I'd dive into its files to rewrite parts... this one was good as is, and that's rare.

    Sex is unfortunately where it gets my criticism. The good is the hot girls, smooth animations and the dirty talk. The bad... ooh boy, do I have a bone to pick. It requires mouse clicks due to a selection screen.
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    Would recommend! It came really close to getting 5 stars like the previous game, but in this one I had a pet peeve with the sex scenes. All in all, an excellent mix of drama-y plot, dialog and hot characters.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I can not believe the game does not have a higher score....

    This game had some great things going for it.
    1) It was a perfect sequel to "Summer with Mia"
    2) The Incest are treated as proper incest. It was a proper taboo and not just a convenient plot device to start fucking your sister. (Unlike the first game) but more on this later.
    3) It was a very beautiful love store with some heartbreaking moments. Not your typical fuck-fest, although there is more than enough lewd content.
    4) Although you could have sex with plenty of girls, it never felt that the girls were just falling for a magic dick. Each girl had their own motivation and story to tell and obstacles to overcome.

    That does not mean the game was without faults. I did not care much for the Pete side story. The black filler characters still does not do it for me. Not sold on the purpose of Sadie. It was a nice touch, but I would have broken it off with her ages ago.

    But that does not detract from the game for me. After Summer with Mia, this one perfectly concludes the first game. I love the emotional turmoil caused by sleeping with the girls, potentially cheating on your GF and ultimately the consequences for your actions.

    I also loved the way it treated incest. It was always a taboo and a terrible secret, that was not easily divulged. And not without reason. In game characters were revulsed by it, and the MC and Mia always tried to keep it under wraps.
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    There was no trope "You are both consenting adults so it 100% ok" incest that is the norm in incest VNs. In this one they did not come out to everyone and it was also not readily accepted by everyone that were told about it. The MC tried everything to keep it a secret.

    This was unlike the first "Summer with Mia" game where it fell 100% into all the incest tropes. (Consenting adults, does not hurt anybody blah blah blah.....)

    TLDR; Perfect sequel to the first Mia game. Refreshing way it deals with the incest theme. Plenty of sex and very cool sex mechanic.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    playing the first part of this journey, Summer with Mia. i was hooked.
    i won't lie, the story and characters seemed abit simple and bland at first, just another generic AVN.
    im glad i stuck with it, as it transformed to a must play.... i literally couldn't stop, needed to know what was next. as hot as the lewd scenes became, the Dev always added in a variation, a twist to keep you interested and story evolving, and oh boy does it.

    like any good story, the evil Dev ended it on a cliff-hangar... the emotional feels was real man.

    i am kinda late to party, i knew summer with mia 2 came out, even played afew chapters, was totally hooked again. but i got distracted and took along time to cycle back, didnt help that it got a name change to Returning to Mia.

    which im glad, as i had to start again, only this time i saw it was marked as complete. days later i finally finished it..... and boy the Dev has improved, everything from renders, models, animations and writing, and the Feels!!!.
    the dev is evil though, adding a GF straight away, man.... i can already guessed what would happen, but guessing and knowing was a roller coaster.

    as much as i loathe the no harem and the horrible feels of the breaks and cheating etc.... its a more realistic portrayal of a story. and frankly i liked that. yes these are AVNs and meant to take us away from reality for a while.... but a story grounded in what we know would mostly likely happen in life. has more impact, more connection.

    Just like the first game, lots of twists and turns and real emotional feels and guilt trips, and of course excellent story telling and lewds. truely a masterpiece.

    don't wanna spoil it, but Mia ending and that little nugget bombshell she's drops. i waw screaming at the screen... I Knew It. a little nugget from summer with Mia that i honestly forgot about until that very end bit.... wow. bravo Dev of the wild ride.

    This Dev deserves your support via steam and /or via patreon.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't have much to add on the other reviews.. the game is complete and the art is good, that pretty much sets things off on a 4/5 footing.

    What is bizarre about this VN though is that it basically forces the MC to be a scumbag. If you want to play this like a harem game, you will be disappointed.. you will be constantly guilted for cheating and there are no endings for most of the girls you can fool around with, let alone any sort of harem ending.

    Instead, the game forces you to have what appears to be a perfectly awesome girlfriend (admittedly I kinda skipped through the story), cheat on her, and then decide whether to stick with her or go with your sister. Even a lot of VNs where there's a clear "main girl" have a route where you just focus on her and not others. If there's a girlfriend involved for the MC who isn't the main girl, then they either break up early or open the relationship. It's just poor escapism to have to be a scumbag and have it constantly rubbed in your face. It could've been avoided here but I guess the creator just thought the story would be better this way? Hard disagree..
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I wanted to not give it 5 stars, but damn.. It deserves this. But... as it was game about reuniting with Mia, how dare you write the GF character so good? Like you didn't want MC to end with Mia at all.. The whole game was tug-in war between Mia and Sadie, and with how believable characters and story is written, forcing player to end one of this relationships in the end was.. HORRIBLE thing to do to players. I didn't even want to play again to unlock rest of the scenes, because I knew one of those two hearts will need to be broken again. And that's not even considering plentiful side-girls (tho I'm not sure if there could be any proper endings with them).

    Oh yeah, and Sebastian was left off the hook way to easy. For him to be spoiling every single day of MC's life.. I'm not really advocate of violence, but this dude had it too good.

    From the graphic side, it absolutelly is 5 star game, models are beautiful, animations are great, and there is plenty of amazing sex scenes. Well. Incenton is quite talented at this. But yes, giving me one of the hardest choices of LI I ever had in those type of games, even tho I was 200% team Mia after first season... How dare you...
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    A continuation of "Summer with Mia". It's been 2 years and you visit your Aunt for the summer, which is also where your sister Mia is living. You both are dating other people, but it seems your feelings for each other have not gone away. Navigate the women in your life and try to find the path to happiness.

    The graphics of this game are fantastic! All the women are stunning and beautiful, there is no grind, and sex scenes are full of animations and aren't short. Everything you'd want in a porn game, except the story is a fucking downer!

    First off, even though there is a large cast of sexy women, only two or three can actually be chosen to end the game with. The game destroys your chances at a harem and all the women get jealous and hurt the longer you string them along. Even with a walkthrough mod, it is impossible to see all the scenes without using the gallery or doing multiple playthroughs. Using the guide, I still somehow missed out on content with several girls I was prioritizing over the others. The variety is great, but it is unclear which choices will end romantic routes or cancel out others.

    THE WORST part of the game is when you are forced to choose between your sister and your girlfriend. The game did way too good a job of making you love your girlfriend. She's just as adventurous in bed, is willing to share you with other women, and is the sweetest, cutest woman you'll ever know who also wants your babies and to live together forever. Contrast this with Mia, who wants you exclusively and is deeply jealous of other relationships, plays hard to get, and is seemingly always struggling with your relationship and doesn't see where the future goes with you.

    Breaking the GF's heart to be with Mia absolutely WRECKED me. I hated myself and everything in my life that lead me there. I play porn games to escape reality and have fun, not be saddled with consequences and break virtual hearts of perfect women! The story of this game literally caused my discomfort and distress, which is a testiment to how well written the characters are but also how devilish the author is. Refusing to give the player any means of a harem route or not breaking a girl's heart. It is set up in a way that NO MATTER WHAT you will break either Mia or your GF's heart, and for that I can't stand to ever play this game again.

    Fantastic quality, beautiful characters, but a manipulative and mean-spirited story. I know 3 stars seems harsh considering the quality of this experience, but emotional distress this game caused me at the end is something I never want to feel playing a porn game.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I'll start by saying that I was really enjoying it UNTIL the game forced me to sleep with Mia (EVEN WHEN I CHOSE ALL POSSIBLE WRONG ANSWERS WITH HER, THE GAME FORCED ME) that's one of the worst things a dev can do in a choice based game, not only that but at the end they said I cheated my girlfriend with someone that guess what? I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING BECAUSE I CHOSE NOT TO! These choices are a joke and inceton managed to f*ck another one of his games somehow, disgusting.

    Besides that the game has a somewhat boring but acceptable plot and the girls are nice (most of them anyway) it's a way better game compared to the last but still bad, go with you own risk
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Don't often review games here, but man this one ticked all my boxes. I fell in love with Sadie. I saved her run until my final run because I just instantly fell for her character. All the endings were great. Loved Mia and he had a good ending, but I really loved the Sadie ending. Played a lot of VN's. Sadie might be in my top 5 characters just for how damn sweet she was and a little devil behind closed doors.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    1. Models in previous game has been uplifted to be better looking
    2. New characters are non one-dimensional and add depth to story
    3. Plot has some realism in it by adding ACTUAL consequences
    4. Story doesn't go off on tangents and continue to center around MC (and also Mia), as per title
    5. There's also MMF scenes besides the staple FFM scenes.

    1. If you are fan of multiple endings with each Love Interest (LI), then you will be disappointed.
    2. Mia could use a better uplift in her looks.
    3. Certain dialogue choices don't really matter ending-wise, they just only add flavour to the text. Can be kind of a downer sometimes.

    I'd give this a 4.8/5 but F95zone only allows whole numbers so I rounded off to 5/5.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    At the end of the battle, the F95 Crew of the Sherman tank disembarked, getting off one-by-one, collectively in their pride of what they had just experienced together as a unit. Sitting on the tracked stained grass and kicking back together in a moment of both happiness and sadness. Each crew member looking at one another, it didn't take long before they all knew what needed to be said. Collectively they say, while being teary eyed, "Best sister we ever had"

    How to start this review now...

    It's been a long time since the first build of RTM was released and it's always been there as one of the reasons why I keep logging back. To have the story concluded now is pretty sad, though at the same time it feels great to see the story finally come to an end.
    Summer with Mia is one of the games that scratched the itch of romance tackling inc themes. It doesn't feel like a rushed narrative but at the same time provides plenty of R18 scenes which keeps the nature of the relationships believable. Prob not as romance filled as other stories that I have tried, but still a solid one nonetheless.

    It's been pretty disheartnening trying new inc story games which show a lot of potential only to be ruined in terms of immersion. I feel like some pretty highly rated games here also suffer that fate.

    RTM has great pacing, great characters and an awesome conclusion.
    While I do think there's some things I wish could be changed, perhaps story wise and game wise, like for instance three of the characters (including mia) look identical, even if one of them adds to the plot of why she looks similiar, it does detract from the otherwose great model quality. But my issues with the game is easy to shrug off and move on because boy oh boy is this a quality game.

    The ending was satisfying, my playthrough was the Mia focused playthrough with Grace scenes as well and in the end it felt like an ending that provided closure to long awaited end! Kudos to the dev team. I'll probably buy this on Steam whenever steam adds the whole incognito purchase thing.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    This one feels... off.

    - Models are gorgeos
    - Scenes are nicely animated

    - Story
    - Guilt being forced on you
    - Pacing

    There are soo many things wrong with this, coming from Summer with Mia and expecting something more.
    - The lewdness is very toned down from the 1st game. Even when doing something with MIA, it's much more vanilla than what you did with her in the 1st game, and both of you even hesitate / feel reluctant to do more kinky stuff... like whyyyy?
    - You are forced into a guilt trip, and even if you accept your infidelity, everybody keeps talking over and over about it to the point where it kills your mood. There are many scenes that follow the script of "the sex was AMAZING.. now let's talk about the state of human sin and how bad we should feel about what we did.. No, really, we should feel bad and gloomy"
    - Sometimes, you can wait a loooooong time between scenes due to the never ending dialogue and things happening. I almost never skip dialogue on a "big budget" game like this, but this time I had to do it because it got boring at one point.
    - Story doesn't make sense at some points (
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    Overall, it's just that.. "off"
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    This is truly one of those guilty pleasure games which you play because you are invested in the main lovestory between Mia and MC, which in isolation is done pretty well and one of the better on this site. However when you look at everything surrounding it, including the dialogue, setting, conflict and other characters it just becomes plain average or worse. The Mia ending i felt was a little rushed as well, with too much "filling in the blanks". Overall i'd say this game is an improvement from the first game if only so slightly, and if you have played and enjoyed the first game you will like this one too.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    + maybe renders and animations
    + endings with Sadie or Mia are ok

    - game is really boring, all characters are bland, they are no interesting at all
    - mc's lack of stamina during sex scenes, *pant* *pant* he should hit the gym or something
    - last chapter feels totally rushed
    - no throuple ending with two main girls
    - sometimes music don't suit specific scenes, for example you have a very sad moment and you hear a energetic happy song
    - you can't break with Sadie until last chapter, so yeah, if you want to have fun with other girls you are forced to cheat on her
    - no ending with other girls, which is strange, because with some of them you have "couple" status until the end
    - mc is a real pathetic wimp

    after a few attempts i finally finished this avn, unfortunately all i can give is max 2 stars
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    After playing several Inceton games I can say that they can take off well, they can fly (with some turbolence) but they definitely don't know how to land. Another Inceton game that goes down towards the finale (in particular the wrestling episode was terrible) and delivers a disappointing and clearly rushed ending episode.

    The final release was super bugged, and yes later it was fixed with two patches but it's not excuse, it shouldn't have released in that state in the first place (especially on a platform like Steam).
    No endings whatsoever for the side girls, only Mia and Sadie, which for me was the bigger disappointment, it made me feel like most of the previews decisions, playthroughts and path followed were completely useless.
    The storyline from ch9 was trash, not only because of the wrestling event, but the whole idea of "the fan" too (I won't say more to avoid spoilers, who played the game knows what I'm talking about).

    I give 3 stars because renders and sex scenes are good (but please stop adding those damn useless clicks in animations) and I liked the characters.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    mmmmmmmmmmm all i can say is this game is HOT!!! i love the main menu music i just let it play for awhile haha,

    now as for the story yeah better than summer with mia
    now the question is how long will it take for me to beat this game.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    So, after playing "Summer with Mia," which had a more compact feel, this game seems to aim for something bigger, but it falls short in a few ways. One of my major gripes is that many of the girls don't get enough screen time. You can get intimate with almost all of them, but that doesn't guarantee you'll end up with the one you're truly interested in. What really bugs me is how the story pushes you into a relationship with a character you might not care about, and you end up with the main character constantly being unfaithful to his girlfriend, which can be frustrating if you're not invested in that particular character.

    I'll give the game credit for having an actual plot alongside the adult content, but there were times when the story felt a bit drawn out, and I found myself skipping ahead. It would be great to have some sort of menu to distinguish the main love interests from the side characters, like in "Being a Dik." This way, players can set more realistic expectations and avoid a disappointing ending based on their choices.

    In conclusion, I wouldn't recommend it if you're not particularly interested in Sadie or Mia, as it seems the developers force these two on you.