VN - Ren'Py - Reunion [v0.70 New] [Karabinek]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    It's not the worst game ever, but god damn it's not good either. Here's why:

    1. Terrible writing. Ignoring the total lack of spellcheck and the hundreds of grammatical errors, the writing is unnatural, stiff, and unrealistic. The narrative voice honestly is worse than machine generation: sterile, zero passion, the same descriptions over and over and over again. Clitoris this, clitoris that, sperm this, clitoris, sperm, and oh yeah, the all time great: ribbed tunnel.

    2. Plot is fucking retarded. There should be an option for Linda in particular to just shoot her in the fucking face. She is a terrible waste of humanity but the MC never gives her anything but sexual punishment. Literally, just shoot and dump her in the woods. There is nothing satisfying about giving her orgasms.

    2b. MC shoots this guy in the back while he's about to rape a woman, the police show up etc. A couple days later this guy is back on the street, perfectly healthy, and tries to kill MC. What? The? Fuck?

    2c. All the "bad people" are just comically bad. Irredeemably awful. None of them should have any redemption or punishment arcs, all of them without fail should be shot on sight.

    3. Every day there are new bitches to add to the harem. For no reason. Just more and more and more and more and they all look identical. All but one or two have the same vagina with the same stupid landing strip pubes. They all have that shiny, alien asshole like every other bimbo in AVNs. They all have cowtits with nipples that point upwards, even the two that are supposed to have "small breasts."

    4. MC behaves like a child. Irrational outbursts, failing to notice bad people, inability to do anything but plow women. He's an army veteran and has a big company, and they have guns. None of this should be a challenge to solve. He should just kidnap the bad people, torture a confession, and shoot them. Instead this story drags over seven or eight hours and he continues to whine about "oh this mystery is so complicated wah wah." It's not. It's simple. The only thing wrong here is that the dev wants to milk this for years, because not one single thing has been solved. Each day, along with adding more bimbos with cowtits, adds another layer of "mystery" on to this dumb story. Also he is extremely ugly with an idiotic haircut.

    If I sound angry, it's because this game made me salty. It's 27gb and has been in development for almost three years, yet none of it is worth playing because there is zero narrative resolution yet. It's just more and more problems, more and more bimbos, and more le super ebil villains who never get properly punished.

    Avoid. The only revenge stories worth experiencing are the ones you can take proper and satisfying measures against the perpetrators. Giving them orgasms is not satisfying. Either give the bad people dynamic backstories or give the MC a way to violently remove them.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    While there are little nits here and there with this story and some consistency, the level of detail this story has considering all the various characters and LIs is phenomenal and more than makes up for the shortcomings here and there.

    I also really enjoy the overall story and its general depth. It is not following the normal stories you see around here. It has interesting storylines beyond the LIs and keeps a certain mystery to it.

    Graphics and animations are easily 5 star. I like the mix of stills and animation to provide more context to a scene other than some weird flailing legs of some games.

    Story is 5 star due to being a bit more original and having tons of depth.

    Writing takes a hit due to some inconsistency here and there, some grammar errors here and there, etc.

    Over all I would rating this around a 4.5. The story pushes it to that.
    Likes: MrJay
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is not perfect by any means, but it still deserves a better score than it currently has.

    Some of the more noticeable problems are that some scenes are just too dark to where you can barely see what's happening. Thankfully there's not too many of these but when it happens it's certainly jarring.

    Also sometimes the eyes of character seems to be staring out into space or in weird directions.

    And the game could certainly do with more sounds and music. Nothing too overdone, just a bit would be perfect.

    But I don't understand so many of the complaints the game gets.

    The MC isn't superpowered at all, he's just ex-military so that he can beat up some random thugs isn't unbelievable at all. Why he gets all the girls is another matter but honestly if you can't accept that as just necessary to get the story going, why are you interested in a harem game to begin with?

    And even then girls are neither falling head over heels nor are they abandoning their convictions just to be with the MC. Some girls that real character growth for them to realize what they actually want. There's genuinely only one girl who expresses having real concerns with being in an open relationship and she has her own very real problems going on and she and the MC has a heartfelt discussion about it and lays all the cards in the open.

    If anything this is one of those games that has a genuinely very healthy outlook on having an open relationship and is very consistent on how it's about openness, trust and honesty. None of the actual love interests are bullied, fooled or forced into anything. The facts are presented to them genuinely and they're free to make their own decision.

    Now there are some none-love interest girls who are handled via coercion and other means, but in every case that's a result from how they begun by treating the MC and his family, so IMO it's well deserved.

    Honestly what got me staying in this game more than anything was the cast of characters, some you love to hate, some you learn to love and others you just love from the get go.

    Is it always perfectly believable? No, it's called fiction.

    Would like to give a 4.5/5 but I'm rounding up to a 5/5.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Game is average at best.. initially the game looks amazing with the introductions of the love interests and all, but as the game progresses it is evidently clear that nothing makes sense here.. logic is out of question.

    The MC is some kind of alpha male gigachad Johnny Sins type motherfucker. theres nothing he cant do.. People get charmed just by meeting him instantly. and the most stupid thing I find is his excuse of a harem. He's already living in an open relationship with 2 girls at the beginning of the game. Most of the LI we meet later have problems with an open relationship / harem, and reject him, but then he goes on to give the most outrageous excuse like " hey I've been already living in an open relationship and it works.." and the girl will be like " Oh really?? fuck that im in.."

    It also seems his brain is situated in his dick, he will hire any female from the streets to work in his company without giving a single fuck. Most girls throw themselves at him including the sisters. and i also love how he includes all his harem girls in the planning meetings, like for fucks sake they don't possess any brain cells.

    It's very clear that this game has the story constructed around characters, and not that the characters are developed as per the story.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    v0.55 review -
    A good Harem game with a nice thriller mystery story and good looking female models and MC isn't an idiot unlike most games . And there is variety of fetishes like romance , corruption , some bdsm and threesome involving harem girls . No annoying sandbox , it's pretty much choice based VN and unlike others I didn't encounter any big or error in my playthrough maybe cause I played harem route . But overall 5 stars for me , looking forward to next release .
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The models are hot and there are lots of them. The animations are good and the renders a great!

    The plot seems a little re-used but it's tried and true for a reason. MC moves back home after a decade and takes over his family... you know the rest. I'm taking off just 1 star because I feel like more could have been done in this regard but it is a small criticism and did not affect my enjoyment of the game.

    The writing is very good with spelling errors few and far between. This can't be overlooked and taken for granted, unfortunately.

    There's corruption, romance, some rough-play, some fighting and gun stuff, and of course a harem of beautiful women that can be creampie'd - or not. I hope we can knock some of them up and can't wait to see what we get to do with Linda and Ming. This is one of my new favorite games!
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    A good plot with better writing than you see in a lot of V/Ns. I disagree with some comments I've seen saying that the reconciliation between the sister and the MC happened too fast. They didn't actually hate him, they were just hurt that he left. Once he started helping him and they found out why he left I wasn't surprised they all wanted to mend their relationship. Especially with Lisa pushing for it.

    The models look good although you have a choice between big boobs and even bigger boobs, nothing in the small to medium range. Even one thay call small or medium really isn't, just not as big as some of the others. Variety is the spice of life. fortunately they aren't the unrealistic balloon boobs and oversized asses so that's a bonus. I've never understood why some Devs prefer their models to look cartoonish rather than realistic, both male and female.

    It was nice they let you choose to keep Lisa'a long hair, I think she's more attractive than with the pixie cut.

    There were a lot of image not found messages and a couple of unexpected error messages. I tried using that image fix patch but nothing came of it. I'm not sure why it has an incest tag, maybe for the sisters but they haven't done much with each other as yet.

    It's definitely worth a play through and I look forward to updates.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    - Good renders I guess, but its using very generic daz models with default presets resulting in models that you'll probably think are similar to many other titles.
    - Finally the game is being compressed (something many devs do from the get-go, but it's okay, this is progress, he is learning).

    - You can tell that the creator wanted to make a porn game and the 'plot' was just an afterthought. Very cliche 'coming back to my family home' incest game where you fuck all your female relatives. Empty plotlines, super fast paced relationships (goin from being 'strangers' to 'fuckbuddy thats in my harem now' real quick) and the dialogue """choices""" are not really choices as they have no significant impact upon the direction of the story.
    - Inconsistent writing. How did the girls go from hating MC to falling on his dick the next second. Where is the character development? transition from hate to love?
    - This is type of game you'd think was sponsored by the guy directing porno scenes for Brazzers. Predictable/cheesy/robotic dialogues and bimbo females with horrible blown up proportions - huge tits, huge ass, zero brain cells.
    - No branching storylines or character routes. Just a kinetic harem game where MC is fucking everyone. At the very least, you'd think you could at least reject a girl you dislike (something even the most kinetic of kinetic VNs do) but NOPE. Game pretends you fucked her anyway and she is in now your harem. Deal with it.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    The good:
    Renders,Animations are ok.
    The woman are hot!

    The bad:
    ALL girls are BI-LESBIAN! WTF! And you start with 2 forced BI-LESBIAN "Girlfriends". Its a horror for me.
    Choices? What choices? You must fuck all. Because its the dev will. Hey dev mark your "game" as KN.

    Exempt the renders its the worst game i ever played.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    This is like satire of the genre.

    The girls all have bimbo dialogue and throw themselves at the MC, even worse they all have alien proportions that look like a botched-surgery documentary and nobody ever wears clothes that cover anything, in any setting.

    All of those negatives are issues in many other Adult VNs too, but this one does it over the top, the characters are caricatures.
  11. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2553135

    Alright story

    Models are good

    Inconsistent characters: Some of the LIs will hate one person one moment and completely trust them in 1 minute. Makes no sense. Game will say character(s) are straight, but they will then turn lesbian in a second.

    Forced scenes with characters you reject

    Bugs: There are a bugs that have been in the game for multiple versions but have not been fixed yet. Multiple parts of the game are not usable without outside fixes

    Large game size

    False choices: You cannot reject some LIs even though the choices would make it seem like you could; you get many scenes and/or dialogue that contract previous choices.

    If the dev had the choices be meaningful , fixed the bugs that have been persistent across multiple version, and made the character more consistent with what has been in game already, it would be a good game, but unfortunately, there are too many problems for me to recommend.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I really tried to give this one a thorough go but found that the style of writing had me going into the menu and turning on skip unseen text. The time sequencing issues in the writing were baffling that I had to question whether the dev actually proof read anything or just went on a wild tangent of how to make it increasingly stupid and outrageous.
    For me this game is not worth the download because of it's insane package size even the compressed version.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I would like to give this 5 stars but really can't. While this does have a decent story and the women are extremely HOTT but this game has to many problems. For one Missing images. It has image fix but the link to that is messed up also there is a bug loop towards the end of content that you need a bug fix for. I added the bug fix for the loop and now i can't open the game for some reason. The dialog in this game seems to formal almost robotic at times. And another thing is the download itself is crazy there is like 3 different Downloads you need to piece together your self to play when it should only have 2. One for the whole game and one for an update if you already have full game. This is a mess, if the dev would fix the bugs and put all the game together for us to download all in one down load i would give this maybe 4 stars 5 if he would make the dialog less formal/robotic. also the amount of sex scenes needs to increase theres not to many also the animations are not really that good to slow. another negative is lack of choices feels to linear.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I would like to have given this game three stars for the great art and for the story but because of the "choices" that completely mess up the story, two stars is the best it can get at the moment.

    The story is interesting and would be really great if it sadly didn't lack commitment, at the start the MC hates some characters and dislikes the rest quite rightly so but that is quickly forgotten and he suddenly becomes there best friend(even when you choose the opposite choices) then starts helping those same people right away, even the main "bad guy" gets off very lightly
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    The female characters are pretty good although a little standard and with a body style all quite on the busty side for those that like that, while the MC seems good at the start he later turns out to be a very poorly written character given we are to believe he runs his own successful company but he is dumb enough to believe everything said to him at face value(he never checks anything), again at the start he seems strong but devolves into a white knight simp at light speed.

    Choices are by far the worst part of this game, if they actually worked and the characters followed through on them then this game could have been amazing but sadly they don't as almost all story ones are completely ignored
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    then the main story carries on as if you took the other choice even referencing things that happened in the choice you didn't take which gets confusing as you have no idea what they are,
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    other problems are parts of the game are out of order like how MC somehow knows about
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    You cant reject any of the main girls, i did a normal play through and a full rejection one and got the same women both times

    Story 1/5 (confusing due to broken choices)
    Sex 4/5 (quite good)
    Characters 3/5 (standard busty girls)
    Art 4/5 (good)
    Choices 0/5 (the worst)
    Kinks 1/5 (no major ones)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of v0.5a
    If "harem" is your #1 fetish, this is the game for you! Up until now, this is the best game/VN (more VN than game, in this case) to go up this harem rabbit hole in a concise and structured way. A lot of dialog is around the consensual harem/polygamy/"open relationship" idea and, TBH, it is a lot less cringe than you could imagine!
    The women are some of the best and beautiful 3D models around, and the MC will have the opportunity to have relationships (and fuck) with most of them.
    This is one of those VNs (for my taste, of course) that you want to spend time reading and following the story, not just skipping dialog to the next FAP scene.
    Speaking of sex scenes, they are mostly static, although there are still several animations. However, even the static scenes are very well rendered and the dialog that goes with them helps make everything sexy AF.
    I know I should give one less star because there is no sound or special effects, but I just can't: the hours I spent with the game so far were certainly worthy of 5 stars!
    Let's just hope the dev can continue to work on this until the end of the story.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    The renders are pretty decent. Not perfect, but good enough, but the story is kinda weird and all over the place plus the writing feels repetitive and a bit tedious.
    I think if especially the latter was straightened out it would improve the game quite a bit.
    Last but not least the sub stuff in this game seems really weird.
    I can't speak for everyone, but not all dom-sub relationship involve name calling, force and threats and overall it seems like the dev only knows about hard sub or slave relationships, so that's all there is.
    Not the worst, but it shines a wrong light on this whole part of kink in my opinion.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    this story needs better pacing. i mean the women fall in love with the MC like in the first 10 min. a slow burn this story is not. i mean the assistant falls for the MC like right away. there are some grammar errors but i over looked them. my advice is use google. throughout the game i keep seeing i am or you are (i am coming or you are right). like i said it didn't bother me and i applaud the developer for trying, but the errors did take me out of the game world. i can't imagine why this game is so large, the game is summarized within the the first 20 min. the mc meets girls, girls fall blindly in love with mc, thats it. there may be additonal points in the game, but after 20 min i just couldn't go on.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4406778

    The story is really good, most of the Li are written well and I'm happy its back on track

    Mc-is very complicated but I mean that in a good way, he's not a pussy and he's not a Chad, he's just decisive in his actions, he can be this romantic and compassionate guy one moment and in the blink of an eye he changes to a dominanting person that wants revenge and he doesn't lose sight of reality while changes in his mood take affect

    Story-it's kind of a typical guy comes home and romances the family but It does have its own twist and I think it works, it's only version 5 now so there's still plenty of unique things to come, I also like the fact that we don't miss scenes and get forced down a bunch of different paths (other then a few Li that have sub/love routes)

    Love interest-ok so I'm a guy that loves virgins and there's only 1 in the story that we know of (I have my suspicions on 3 other Li of different ages and believe a surprise reveal is coming) here's the thing, even though none of the women are virgins (except Lisa) it didn't bother me,why? Because the Dev didn't go full blown into detail having a Li talk about how she's a pro cocksucking hoe and got around town, what do they say about past relationships? Not at all

    (No ntr/sharing, the mc is a walking pussy magnet, another Dev I gotta resub to when I can)
  19. 2.00 star(s)


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    Honestly, I'm gonna say upfront, this is laughably generic and the only difference between the women, is what magnitude the sadness in their backstory is, and if their boobs are large or obscenely large. And it's pretty funny reading through the story, the writer didn't even think of what MC or his dead dad's businesses even were until halfway through the current end of content. If I read another generic business term, I might scream. And I think a tag is missing from this one, inflation, because there is no DISCERNABLE REASON FOR THIS TO BE 20GB. I CHECKED. I downloaded BOTH versions and looked at them side by side. There is no difference in quality. And that is just wasted space, time, and effort for the Dev. Not to mention most of the lengthy dialog is MC or the love interests rehashing every minute detail of the plot so far to another character. So you the reader have to hear the same few sob stories over and over and OVER. And the biggest joke is the "uncompressed" version is still broken, the second scene with chloe has something missing and just shows an error for the whole scene. And the phone is useless, you get ALL of the wallpapers super early on and there is no reason to click the phone after a certain point.

    So here's the story, MC returns home after being away for 10 years and all of his adoptive sisters now want to have sex with him. You know, the plot to EVERY GENERIC GAME ON THIS SITE. I will say, MC is already in a polyamorous relationship with two girls so I guess if nothing else, he's not some innocent pseudo shota insert. Anyway, step mom is evil literally for evil's sake. All of her actions still have yet to be "justified" as there are about three interactions with her up to the end of current content. She kicked MC out of the house and brainwashed his dad, I guess? Still no answers. MC was given control of all his dad's assets after he died and is helping out the step sisters while he's in town. The youngest daughter has no issues besides loving MC. Middle sister is getting blackmailed, and oldest is in an abusive relationship.

    The main plot is supposed to be MC taking revenge on the step mom, but he just inserts himself in everyone's issues even without player's choice. Then at one point HE STARTS COMPLAINING ABOUT IT?! No, he for some reason has infinite wealth and was throwing money at everyone's issues he can't bitch about helping people when he offered. And all the plot points happen for one scene and then nothing comes up about it later. As most of the later "problems" are just the girls coming to terms entering a polyamorous relationship with MC. And even then none of them care.

    I won't waste time retelling the sisters' stories. The characters that I'm gonna complain about for a paragraph are Sandra and Emily. Everything surrounding their stories is complete crap. And I think it's pretty representative about how I feel about most of the writing in this. Sandra is MC's lawyer, and every single time they interact all MC does is stare at her and internally monologue about how hot she is. Aka ogling and lusting after her. And sandra talks to emily about it saying "He was staring at me all day, he wasn't insistent, but determined and decisive." THAT'S LITERALLY THE SAME THING. She has no reason to like MC at all and her sob story makes no sense either. A video of a jock forcing himself on her made her get bullied? Sure. Also, she's always wearing a wedding ring, what's up with that? Then there's Emily she knew MC in high school, and later, suddenly "I was so in love with you" type stuff. Then right after that Emily and Sandra say they had feelings for each other the whole time? When? Was it between Emily telling Sandra to fuck her boss, or when Emily was flirting with MC? Because I missed any chemistry they had. Because they spring that on MC before completely succumbing to his "relationship."

    That is the issue with this story. Pacing and focus. Every character already loves MC but they wanna take it slow but want everything to happen. And it tries to act like a slow burn with Jennifer(the one with the biggest boobs) to make it seem like she's worth chasing, but right after getting sexually assaulted almost she jumps at MC. Both her and her friend Jill, by the way. Like I get it, dumb porn game, but there's TWENTY THREE women in this (so far) and everything's spread so thin on top of giving the facade of being deep just by making all the characters sad. It's padded out with repetition and over abundant coincidences that make it so there's no real problem for MC. So there's no stakes. He gets mad because he helps people, which IS LITERALLY HIS JOB. And none of the characters have a personality, I cannot name ONE personality trait of anyone outside of maybe Mary and Khloe.

    All in all, the central plot takes a backseat for most of this. The characters are boring. The size is padded out for no good reason. And the translation is almost good. At first I thought it was written by someone in english but there are some glaring grammar and spelling issues that show up later. You know after the dev stopped letting the editor take their money so they can render images that take up more hard drive space. But for whatever reason I am sort of interested in the story, I guess. Middle of the road renpy game, and I'll close this out with a message to others that might review this or other games:

  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I find it a good story even if the beginning seems to be cliche, but the further ado the more i want to continue read it. The characters a very gorgeous, good rendert and most of them have neat story behind. Animations though need more work on it. I've enjoyed the good game although couple of bugs (v0.5). I give this game 4 stars, and add one star in hope for a good continue in the future.