VN - Others - Completed - Rewrite+ [v3.01 Final] [VisualArts/Key]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The music is 10/10 as with all games made by KEY. (Clannad/ Little busters/ etc.)

    The different routes are wildly varied since the premise is that the protagonist REWRITES the story based on who he chooses to spend his time with. Of course most visual novels don't have continuity between different routes anyways, but this particular game makes it slightly obvious that the gimmik is that the plot is rewritten(It's the title of the game).

    Despite the lack of continuity between different routes, the routes all have uniquely enjoyable stories and uniquely wonderful music for each character.
    Likes: Lerd0
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I played this game a long time ago and I had high hopes for it but I was ultimately pretty disappointed. The art, the story and the characters are all kind of meh but what really turns me off is the retconning the plot does based on which route you take. Picking one girl over another literally changes the very fabric of the universe.

    For instance, and these are just made up examples, but let's say you pick girl A. Girl A is secretly an alien who is trying to stop an enemy alien invasion from destroying the earth. Events in the common route refer to this scenario. If you picked girl B however, it turns out that girl A was just chunni and the invasion is made up and aliens aren't real. Depending on who you go with, the reality literally changes, and it's not in like a clever way where everything is tied together in the end, different routes literally contradict one another which makes it a super bizarre and a very awkward experience.

    And some of the route endings are pure dog. Have fun becoming a tree.