Unreal Engine - Completed - Rhentsu [Final] [Marcinho Manga]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    If you're looking for a porn game/game with sexual content - don't play this. Scenes are just 8 gifs with women being fucked by penises (without even a male body connected to them), there are no dialogues, no context, these scenes are not even part of the story - you "buy" them in gallery using points.

    In terms of actual gameplay it's... mediocre at best. Music is annoying, story... It's just 1-4 slides with text before each level. Whole story is garbage. Who is the woman you're playing as? What is she looking for? Who is she working for? You get nothing. The gameplay is boring as fuck, spam LMB until your finger starts hurting and avoid shit like enemy ships and asteroids (why the hell am I not allowed to just hold LMB to shot?!). The variety of enemies is very small (ships that shoots slightly differently, asteroids and turrets, that it), bosses are boring, have same pattern of flying up and down while shooting projectiles and every 10-15 seconds they do a "powerful" shot, they also have ridiculous amounts of HP which doesn't make the fight difficult, it's just even more boring and plain irritating. Game also has hitboxes bugs, a game, where you die in 1 hit, has bugs that damage and kill you where you're not supposed to. The difficulty is broken, it's easy until you die (from hitbox bug in corridor with turrets probably) in which case game becomes MUCH more difficult because you lose all you're firepower upgrades. If you're in last half of the game it becomes almost impossible to defeat last bosses if you don't have weapon upgrades (especially on level 6 where boss just spams green shit all over the screen).
    Likes: jttth
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    What Ever

    When a game seems too short, but next you feel it should be even shorter. Basically a neat side-scroller, yet the devil is in the details: if you've seen the first level, you've seen it all. Each level contains four sections: a section with enemies, a section with asteroids you'd better mine for the score, a "station" section where you fly a maze with some turrets - and a boss fight. Now what differs from level to level is the very patchy difficulty rise (that looks like what you'd normally expect from the easy-medium-hard switch): the enemies first shoot no bullets, next one bullet, next two, and finally three, the turret sections become more cramped - and the bosses shoot more special bullets during the "super attacks" (probably some stuff has more health tho), that's all (though on level 8 you'll finally see a change, namely the moving obstacles in the "turret maze"). The shooting mechanic is somewhat strange, as you can't hold the fire button, but have to mash it instead (will do a charged attack otherwise), so basically 8 levels of heavy button-mashing (especially when you want that fire rate to kill a boss). The charged attacks are only good for asteroids and bosses, as everything else can be easily killed with the normal fire, the weapon upgrade removes the need in charge-attacking the bosses as well. The weapon upgrade is an interesting touch, as it is a trade-off between damage output and protection (the module can be attached from both sides of the ship, acting as a shield if held infront of you, yet disables your main gun in this case).
    The downside is, the game has a very strange difficulty curve. The hitboxes glitch at times, so you'd better not rely on the weapon upgrade's shield too much, and be overall careful), the dual-shot enemies are mostly trivial so what can get you angry is either a misjudged hitbox, or a boss... And - there we go. All the bosses basically act the same (sway up and down at the right of the screen shooting salvos of bullets, and firing some bigger bullets at times). Now the fun fact is, some bosses (say, lvl 3 one) have the bullets packed too tight, so dodging a salvo may become tough as you can't really figure if you could squeeze between them. Tho you can just attack it from it's deadzone, making most of the fight trivial. Funny enough, the other bosses have different patterns, and even the lvl 8 one is much easier. The game is pretty unforgiving, as a death takes all the upgrades (yet even without any every boss is pretty easy).
    Hey, but why don't you mention the story nor the H-stuff?! Well, the story is... well, I didn't really follow it tbh, and somehow had no final cutscene (could easily be missing, as those only run before each mission) - basically all that chase-stuff-and-do-some-recon thing. The H-scenes are completely irrelevant to the story tho, and are a separate thing to be unlocked using the in-game currency. All feature just one animation per scene, and are relatively easy to unlock. Story-wise, no H-content (unless you'd count the MC's cleavage and some meant-to-be-sexy drawings - and yes, no animated cutscenes either). So, long story short, better have some Jets'n'Guns, Solaris 104 or Touhou - and just fap on something else :)
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I found a gameplay. Just a lame shooter. No story... And no hentai at all. It has nothing to do here! (n):poop:
    gameplay : meh!
    Graphisms : meh!
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Basic side scroll shooter in space.

    Long levels where nothing happens, boss at the end of a level, etc. Sex scenes is not worth playing it.
    Jets`n`guns are better in all respects. Even on sex... I hope Rake in the Grass put out second game out of production hell...