so i iabe the 2.8f version on windows 10 64 bit, morticia mindblowres work fine but are not upto date, unit scenes are alos not available for me so i assume they have not been implemented here, mindblowres in general are really buggy and not really maintained eithe, the dev add them as he has time, he is more focused on adding more content at the moment
so i would say if you want all scenes from 2.8f just click the button "continue from last patch" in the main menu
if you are new to this game and do not want to play and just few the scenes or review an old scene, you just have to wait for the dev to recode the mindblowers and coding them right this time
if you are a player who not plays everey release, i would suggest for the next time to play all releases when they are relased on here, the mindblowers are broken as fuck, the same count for the save system and event handeling, this decv is not a great coder rather than a great artist