Don't judge a book by it's cover, this may seem like a higher quality honey select game/novel, but it's much more than that.
So visually the models are fantastic, they have that honey select vibe yes but they are extremely detailed and it's obvious that the Dev took their in crafting each and every one of them, they feel very life like with a lot of different expressions and they even change up their clothing and style as the game goes on.
Environments are very well detailed, which is rare in erotic games, each room feels like it's been hand crafted with attention to detail to match the personality of the girl and the protagonist even interacts with the room to get clues on how to interact with the girls and "advance the plot"( in a way that doesn't feel scummy)
Animation-wise it's truly fantastic, i'm not sure how it works but the animation is way beyond your usual cookie-cutter honey select games, with lots of costume animations, the genitalia is also very detailed as well, again very different from your usual erotic game.
Story wise it's great, it's so great that I often just want to ignore all the smut and just see where the plot goes next, I won't spoil anything but the plot just starts like your typical "man in the house" scenario and starts to morph into something different, the title of the game should clue you in I suppose.
Characters the best ones I've seen in any game at all, extremely well written, they are all unique in their own way and they are all fun to watch and engage with, there's a lot of fantastic banter going on especially with Darci(aka bestgirl) and since the MC is not a total dweeb there's lots of funny and interesting back and forth between each characters, and the MC is actually active and not passive with his thoughts and actions which is another thing that is quite different about his game, and I do not mean it only on sexual manners.
Fetishes are on the kinkier side of vanilla, there's so far no dainty impressionable young virgin girl that the MC corrupts but females that are willing to sexually explore stuff with the MC, which is a serious breath of fresh air if you ask me.
The amount of content that it has compared to the time it was developed is truly impressive, Developers like this deserve a lot more support than they are getting.
Give this one of a shot, I'm pretty sure you won't be disappointed.
And if you can't support it on patron please give it a like or review it!