Unity - Completed - Rise of a Porn Star [Final] [HFTGames]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Looks decent enough but it's basicly going through a bunch of more or less animated poses and thats it, everything else does not seem to have a purpose at all.
    If that would be all it would be ok but the bugs! UI elements disapearing, never to be seen again, getting locked out of interacting with the quest giving book and the shop/dresser.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    For me, the most important game is how to become a porn star. You start out shyly as a photo model and end up in various film scenes. Countless animations and stories accompany you and time flies thanks to the high entertainment value. I didn't experience any bugs
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    It's basically the Unity version of an incredibly shallow HTML life sim with a brain fart "story" that has you grind to slowly unlock the pornier porn.

    Its redeeming feature is that it actually can be fun to try and set up cool snapshots in some of the backdrops... but you'll probably want to go "full save plz" so you don't need to grind to get there.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game offers many backdrops and animations as well as beautiful models and clothes and lovely characters. I reached the end of the game without any bugs. I felt entertained for hours, something many 3DCG games often fail to achieve.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is mid unfortunately. It had some potential but failed to live up to it. I like the cosmetics and customization although I wish we could customize the colors of the clothing and hairs in the game. The apartment serves zero purpose however. There is literally no reason to decorate it. You can't invite other models back to your place. If you've played any previous HFTGames titles, you're not missing anything. This is essentially Pleasure Party with a new coat of paint. You pick one of the scene options and then press play. The animations are the exact same from previous games with no new poses unfortunately. Poses are limited there's no different variants like there were in previous titles. You cant even select who is dominant in the threesome/gangbang scenes. I wanted to like the game more but unfortunately its just okay. 6/10
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    It's boring.

    You choose a pose, wait for the boost to charge, play a short animation for a while, and then it's back to static pose.

    You need to change the intensity of lighting and the pose orientation to maximise the experience per seconds you gain. With this exp, you can buy more static poses, yay!

    The more body parts you get on camera, the more exp you gain.

    But... most of the poses required to have most of the body part exposed are really awkward, especially since it makes her look away from the camera.

    There is 0 challenge, and 0 drive to unlock anything in the game.

    Most clothes pieces give you an energy and motivation stats.
    They are useless, they don't do anything. And well... you'll get plenty of jobs where you don't need clothes anyway so... Even more useless.

    You can buy funritures for your place. Or a bigger place. Why? Who knows, it doesn't add anything to the game, and she can't interact with furniture anyway...

    When I say no challenge, you are not required to have anything specific happening on camera, so as long as you... just get the camera rolling, you'll get your money and notoriety. What is notoriety used for? Beat me, you'll always unlock the next job, and no clothes or places are locked behind notoriety.

    This game is just useless. It's a very fancy scene viewer that tries to disguise has a management game, except there is no real management, and most of the scenes are just static, so not very appealing.

    I think it would have been better if we were directly incarnating the director and giving orders while capturing the scene.

    Instead, we just have a bunch of very stiff characters doing nothing 90%of the time, what fun.

    Edit: there is a minigame during masturbation scenes. It doesn't work if you don't have a qwerty keyboard, even if you put it in that configuration, so that's nice too.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is incredibly dull and lacks any real excitement or depth. The gameplay revolves around entering different shooting scenarios where you simply position the main character in various poses and then wait for an upgrade, which makes the experience feel repetitive and unengaging. There’s no sense of thrill or progression, and the supposed appeal of sexual tension that might attract some players is completely absent, leaving the game feeling flat and lifeless. Overall, it fails to offer any compelling reason to keep playing, as there's no meaningful interaction or captivating elements to sustain interest.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    a HFT game about as buggy as you can expect, barely anything works;
    - scenes often break midway
    - terrible controls
    - sound is either mute of ear deafening loud
    - most of the scenes are broken from the get-go

    it has no substance and the voice acting is totally emotionless and pretty much all actors stand idle frozen doing nothing (fixed by unchecking steam achievements)