RPGM - Rise of Corruption [v0.2.9] [Umarius]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm not a fan of Koikatsu, I think their faces are really weird, although I found the girls in this game very cute, I like girls with long, colorful hair, succubus, with horns, but Koikatsu's rendering is below average, very simple, and with standard animations, or sometimes no animation at all in the scene, with repetitive dialogues during sex scenes, "aah yes the master's dick, I have to make the master cum, aaah" something like that and during several and several lines of dialogue,

    But one of the things that discouraged me the most and made me skip most or almost all of the sex scenes is the fact that the MC is invisible during the sex scene, and there is only the MC's dick floating in the scene as if it were a flying dildo...
    What if the MC wants to kiss a girl? What if he wants to grab her breasts and suck them? What if he wants to do other KINK... But since the only thing that exists of the MC is the flying dildo... then it will always be standard sex... Either the girl sucks the MC, or he sticks it in the girl and that's it, the scene is over... without even having anything special...

    there is no romance... all the girls have their own personality and are different from each other before being corrupted, and different reasons to fight, different motivations... but after being corrupted... all the girls are a CTRL + C and CTRL + V from each other, they are all like "aah it's your duty to worship the master's dick, and make him feel good" and they don't have their own dialogues... there is no romance... there is no motivation... there is no attachment for the player to get attached to the characters and care about them... the game simply doesn't give you a reason for that... the MC is too generic for that and the girls are too lifeless for that.

    The best thing about the game is the girls' looks and the medieval theme, with succubus and demons... but even so... for those like me who aren't fans of Koikatsu... the game should make up for it more in other aspects... like depth in the characters or story... but it fails in that... and it's hard to find reasons to continue the gameplay…

    and when the buggy missions start that the player completes but never disappear from the mission list... or missions that the game barely gives you a hint of where to start or look for... or tedious fights with no reason to fight... or incentives to make the player want to fight...
    for example... in RPGs, whenever the player is going to fight someone or a boss, he fights thinking about the reward later... or gaining the feelings of a character (like saving a princess and winning her love), or a cool weapon... or a new power... but here... nothing but XP.

    and it didn't take long to get to the end of the content and the character himself in the game asking the player for a patreon... very anticlimactic...

    I think it's a game with potential... but made without care or affection... if you're going to play for the sex scenes, I recommend skipping this game... but if you're going to play to pass the time and for the story... maybe it's worth it... without expecting much... the game will make you invest a lot of your time... and most of it walking around the map from one side to the other... without motivation.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Dayum, I really-really love this game's beginning and its simplicity. The part with the succubus queen is short and straight to the point, there's a lil bit of humour, two other girls routes are... okay? And then the game expands further to the part for which I'm not sure the game itself knows what's becoming out of it. And some quests are just impossible to complete.

    So, why 4/5? I like this game, I don't like its current direction. Based on other reviews, it's IMPOSSIBLE to please everyone. I just wish author would focus on depth rather than on breadth. More interactions with already established heroines, more randomized chat responds, more scenes, maybe subquests that are not tied to the main quest. Maybe even more info about the hero, it's strange when there's no bad feelings towards someone the game prompts you to... beat and torture, yea.

    Graphics: koikatu/10, but characters ARE REALLY LOOKING GOOD
    Dialogues: dayum/10
    Plot: ??? why do you need it
    World design: not found in the beginning, but then it appears
    Gameplay: I don't like combat (it's impossible to please everyone), so 10/10

    I almost forgot. The game has a variety of sex scenes in it. Good old days where v0.2.* had hour(s) of content, not like the current v0.2.*
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    The world building actually good,
    I just finish the Duke's Rival quest in Vlester, and I still not see any place to farm exp or equipment for Yukako and Rina after I corrupted them, I really happy if this game have some dungeon or labyrinth for farm in future
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't understand the 2 star ratings, this game is pretty enjoyable for me, perhaps they live a stressful life that both fetching irl and in game causes them to agitate XD. Game is good, there is no single bug, art is good but girls are pretty similar looking. Corruption is HOT, especially after encountering erina. Plot is also good. God speed dev, ignore these two peeps
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Ima Pervert

    It's honestly pretty forgettable at this point (0.2.7).

    It wasn't kidding when it said "combat" wasn't the focus, by combat meaning any kind of gameplay or meaningful interactions. Aside from the very start of the game It's just a series of brainless fetch questing with no real purpose. There is nothing there to draw out any kind of interest in the characters or their situation. I hope that makes sense, your mileage will probably vary - if you didn't want any gameplay why would you play a porn game?

    Every once in awhile It throws what seems like a decision that could impact the plot, but as far as I can tell none of them do.

    So all that is really left is a very generic system of watching whatever scenes if you feel like it (optional), "advancing corruption", rinse and repeating. The content itself isn't terrible, but you've already read them countless times if you've been around F95 for a while. Art consists of generic screenshots from illusion games so you've seen those too.
    Likes: ubira
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I will focus on how badly the corruption theme of this game is. So, i will shortly give my comments on other parts of the game.

    The world design is bad, being the most barebones and generic RPG world you could do, principally with the use of the overused default assets from RPGM.

    The combat is just filler, just there to pad your time, because there is no challenge or any type of strategy, and thank god, because it would be more annoying than it already is.

    The story, surprisingly is the good part of the bunch, being the reason of why it is 2 stars instead of 1, i It's not incredibly good, but it's good enough to be entertaining, if you ignore the main female characters...

    The worst part and probably the worst mistake you could do in this type of game is the corruption and the female characters. The only thing i could compliment, is the models they are simple but well made and have good designs but only initially. The characters and the story are somewhat good, you have different personalities for each heroine, and each one of them have their own objectives and opinions about the world and the others, however, when we talk about the girls, is the worst, as i said, each one of them are unique, but after you corrupt them, they just turn into nothing characters. We can start with Misaki, i didn't have a problem with her since she's the first one you corrupt, she turns into a mindless slut, extremely devoted to you, but, since she's the first corrupted heroine, i didn't see a problem with her change... But then, the other girls get corrupted. Initially, the nun and the warrior have their own personality, the nun having a more gentle and forgiving nature, and the warrior being more of a brute, however, when you corrupt them, they simply just turn into Misaki, and i'm not exaggerating, they just turn into a different tone of pink version of Misaki, losing any defining traits of them, even losing the unique clothes they had to generic succubus clothes that Misaki uses as well, i think even the body gets pretty close or even the same as Misaki. And that's the problem, every unique feature of any girl is lost, turning every woman you corrupt into an generic character, you can like having girls turned into mindless sluts, but this is too much, to the point of they losing any importance to the story or not even being some type of reward to the player, just boring characters with no story and reason to be there.

    The final thing i should review is the sex scenes, they are good enough, but they get old fast, is the same poses for every action for each girl, and the dialogue is just noise, nothing good or sexy, just bad.

    To end this, Dev, i really think you can improve and learn from this project, i reviewed this rather harshly, but it's not me trying to be an asshole, instead, this is a genuine review.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    (Review at v0.2.4)
    TLDR: I really enjoyed the corruption/trainer style of the game and interaction among the harem members. Gameplay is very very ez rpgm combat and fetch quests to progress. Very excited to see the final product!!

    The kind of corruption where a girl gives in of her own free will after experiencing pleasure just hits so well. Also girl later helps MC to corrupt the rest of the party members and other people. The corruption "mechanic" is in the form of a trainer. The mind control is a kind of (fantasy esque) drugged up coercion

    The fights are not very interactive (although I don't think that's the point of the game). After you get to level 3 you get a stun ability. After a few more levels you get an attack which one shots everyone. If not you just stun lock.

    Other side progression is in the form of tedious fetch quests across the world map... that I for some reason found fun (idk why).

    One other thing I found really interesting is the freedom to go slightly different routes which have ambiguous consequences (probably because it's so early in the branches). For example, you can kill a skeleton subordinate who would stop orcs from raiding supplies and upsetting the peace or something.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for version [0.2.5]. Contains spoilers.

    To put in in few simple senteces, Rise of Corruption is RPGMV made game with mix of graphics generated in Koikatsu. It's not another generic crap game made with it, yet not enough to be called good. What you see on the screenshots in the main post of the topic is what you get alongside worst parts of RPG made game, which is basically boring gameplay of poorly designed rooms and mindless, repetitive combat.

    Story is simple and linear. There is really not much to write about it as it's only but an excuse, to put things into motion. Oportunist MC is getting ahold of previous Dark Lord power and is using it to re-launch his quest of world domination to gain power, wealth and women, but divine powers are supporting people and are trying to stop us, so we need to conquer. It's more about the stories of the world. But while many are logical, even if sometimes dumb, and nicely explained sometimes, they are also simple and, in my opinion, too short. Before you can notice you're basically controling a nation, yet know very little about it and can interact with it even less.

    Characters, to my suprise, actually do exist... Like, for example, your General or enemy General. Sadly, some characters, rather important in my opinion, exist only to a certain point. And I mean the girls. Until you corrupt them they have some form of personalities, they struggle with thier believes. After the corruption they turn into MC's cock-worshiping smillar looking succubi with little to no personalities, but only a little quirks by which you can distinguish them.

    There is really not much to tell about the graphics. Girls and sex scenes were made by using Koikatsu. If someone doesn't like the anime/comic style then it won't like the game. As for the RPGMMV part, those are simply the most basic tilesets used and overused so much people are actually throwing up by simply looking at them, due to developers simply not having even an idea how to actually use them.

    Sadly, design of the game basically sucks as developer of Rise of Corruption is making the same mistake as many others while using RPG Maker, which is creating too big, ugly and boring maps of interiors and exteriors. It's not a problem of using basic RTP tiles, but lack of planning.

    Also I find girls having intercourse with "flying dick" more funny than arousing. Especially if MC's skin tone is almost if not the same as those of girls, which really ain't helping with finding it on the screen sometimes during sex.

    And while about sex. It is also hard to actually watch those scenes, due to dialogue box with SPAM of "I NEED CUM/COCK, FUCK ME! YES, CUMMING!" simply obsucing the view on the action.

    I would give it 3,5 out of 5. But only due to the fact I know how much time and effort is needed to actually work with RPG Maker and Koikatsu.
    Sadly, there is no option to give 0,5. So I'm rating it as 3.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is very good, I enjoy the corruption/hypnosis scenes. The game feels very slow for some of the updates. Like you can't continue with x story until x character is corrupted. Apart from that looking forward to see more of the content coming in the future. I feel like there could be more added but not 100% sure what that could be that won't affect the gameplay or add more problems
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    The "game" has pretty good 3DCG. But this game is extremely unintuitive and unfinished. The maps are unnecessarily large and empty. The combat only serves to pad out the game.

    And the game is a big walking simulator, especially trying to corrupt the other 2 girls. You walk from the throne room, down to the 2nd floor, to the balcony, to the jailroom, to the jailroom's basement, THEN you can talk to the girl, which teleports you back to the throne room and you repeat the process again.

    And corruption for the girls is super fast. You can go from 0 to 100 by talking to the girl like 5 times.

    This is the kind of stuff I'd expect from a rough demo, not from someone making 1.5k a month, and released the "game" for nearly a year.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I think it´s a very boring game.

    The story is okay but nothing more.

    The characters have very little personality.

    The music is generic.

    The fights are really boring and take too long.

    The models look below average.

    The sex scenes are really bad looking mostly because of the backgrounds but the animation aren´t good either.

    The training aspect is okay.

    Wouldn´t recommend it just a standart boring RPGmaker game with nothing special.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing game, wish the dev good luck with it's continuation, the story is good, the hypnosis/corruption in this game are very well handled and the variety in female characters in this game is great too, I'm looking forward to see how this game will look when it's finished
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Rise of Corruption is an RPGM game where you take over for the dark lord and become a very bad man. There's even some girls to corrupt along the way!

    The gameplay is the problem with this one. While it's a pretty non-traditional RPGM game, it still is an RPGM game. There's a lot of walking between objectives, little in the way of waypoints to help you figure out where to go, and the combat is still tedious despite basically being there to show what a badass your dark lord is. Well, past the first bit which was just annoying as usual.

    That said, it might be worth fighting through for the corruption content. While a lot of games think that walking up to an empty girl render and dick slapping her until she submits counts as corruption, Rise of Corruption tries a lot harder than most to create heroines with personalities and character to corrupt. The girls are a little trite considering they're your basic JRPG adventuring party, but that kinda works as a sort of meta scaffold to juxtapose this game against something like dragon quest. Overall it's pretty well done.

    The art is Koikatsu, for all that entails. It doesn't do anything ground breaking, so if you like the screenshots, you'll like what's in the game.

    Overall, I feel like the game is somewhere between a three and four. While the corruption content is quite good, the story is mid and the gameplay is poor. It's certainly worth a shot if you've ever wanted to corrupt a JRPG adventuring party, but there's a rather annoying about of RPGM to fight through to get at that content.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Extremely well-done corruption and great worldbuilding in one package. Plus a ridiculous amount of scenes fleshing out the corruption even further and exploring the mentality of the girls you're corrupting, making it feel earned when you finally have another devoted pet rather than just moving down a harem checklist.

    The world itself is somewhat barebones but the side-activity of stabilizing your dark empire and the NPCs changing their tone as you progress with that helps add some depth. There could stand to be a bit more however and the enterable buildings without visible entrances really need arrows indicating they exist, I was unaware many buildings in the port town were more than decoration until quests pointed them out to me.

    The War Room and Prison are also strangely located and while you get a fast travel ability fairly quickly to fix this it's still odd that most of the castle is empty space while these two sheds on your roof are the most important places in your base. It'd be nice to have a few more places in the castle proper even if just for flavor, like the armory.

    Nitpicks aside if you're looking for corruption + power fantasy this is a pretty great choice. Looking forward to where it goes from here.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Went through every portal and nothing works, just a tasteless pad to gametime
    Wasted almost an hour, had to savescum each location till I checked every portal, turns out theres a hidden one where it looks like the branches dont go anywhere untill you wonder over there for no reason
    Finally get there, skip everything bcuz r ur srs, you think I want to read a wall of text after that??
    Told to go find an NPC, then come back to the same place, except they give you a name instead of just telling you that. Again, I'm way past done reading anything at this point an hour in w zero worthwhile content to show for it
    Get back and guess what, another goddamn maze LOL ya no
    It's no wonder the ppl in the comments/threads say nice things, they're the only ones that stuck around for more, speaking of, not a hint to the maze in there so don't bother searching keywords
    Save yourself alot of time and check the files for images, I'm not going to bother

    Idk why so many games insist on a hurdle no one wants, and isnt needed in anyway at all. Then get defensive when ppl dont enjoy it, what did u expect??
    Someone's already said it, but seriously, remove the maze crap, why is it even there in the first place, you have a huge map to explore already, why do you need more needless time padding??

    Edit: Honestly I blame myself, totally forgot its an RPGM tag
    I keep playing these games because I found like two good ones n keep forgetting they're just regurgitated garbage and that's completely on me
    Because there are ppl that actually enjoy consuming this crap n I'm just intruding on what they think is a good game

    Doesnt change the fact that it wasted my time with a design that clearly hasnt seen critique
    And perspective from someone that isnt part of the brainless fanbase can be valuable if the devs are competent enough to see it
    And to give credit where its due, the dev has thought about removing some of it, unfortunately not all for some reason
    (The first stage n some monsters from other "stages")
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a fantastic corruption game. Even the fact that it is RPGM with all its annoying elements does not detract from that.

    Where this game shines is in the storytelling and characterization. Whilst a little clumsy and forced at times, the author does an amazing job of leading the player through the girls' degeneration into willing succubi. Which is where it goes so right - the MC convinces the girls to want to become mindless fucktoys; not just turns them into mindless fucktoys.

    So yeah, one of the best in the genre. Compares well with the Hero's party must fall.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    [Reviewed as of v0.1.9]

    Rise of Corruption is a call back to an earlier time in the adult games community, and despite its clumsy start it's a welcome nostalgia trip for people who remember those days. It has relatively weak mechanics, a nostalgia-driven premise, and some simple yet effective porn elements. Folks who are more partial to RPGM games may find something to appreciate here, while those who think the engine gets in the way may want to turn elsewhere.

    The porn games community has grown a lot lately thanks to things like RenPy and Patreon. Newcomers might not be familiar with the older community where games were made in flash or RPGM, had more core gameplay elements, and had clearer roots in certain content—JRPGs in this case. Rise of Corruption is a very clear love letter to that old era. The story, the art, the basic mechanics, etc calls back to those early games. Whether or not the game works for you or not may depend on whether you have that nostalgia or soft spot for the old style of games. If you just want a RenPy VN you likely won't see the appeal.

    Now, that isn't to say it's all good for people who like that style. There's relatively little thought put into the actual gameplay, with even bosses being easily wiped out without any planning or effort. Maps are relatively empty, and while a certain amount of walking is welcome in RPGM games RoC overdoes it. Half the maps could easily be discarded without jeopardizing the feeling the game is going for. It's hard not to compare RoC to one RPGM game in particular, which has been going since that time and has had a great deal of thought put into how to tie the RPGM mechanics into a porn game in a satisfying way.

    The actual porn is decently done if you're into what it's going for. The visuals are an older lower-res style which you might like or dislike, and the porn follows a simple but effective trainer/corruption style. There's room for some more content—every character thus far follows just about the same progression, to the point where large parts of certain corruption events are just copy+pasted (e.g. the escape events). It would be nice to see the characters branch out a bit more in terms of both personality and porn scenes.

    Overall RoC isn't anything special, but I appreciate seeing a new dev dive into one of the more neglected sectors of the porn community. I'm optimistic that with some more time and effort the dev can work on some of the game's weaknesses and turn this into a great tribute to an old genre. While it certainly isn't the top game or VN I've found on f95, I look forward to checking in again in a while and seeing how it's going!
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Rise of Corruption [v0.1.8]

    What the actual fuck? How can anyone rate this above a 2? I have never felt so jebaited in my entire life.

    This game features some amazing stuff like:
    * Nonsensical story.
    * Linear progression.
    * Unnecessary walking between locations to pad out gameplay time.
    * Subpar art.
    * Corruption happens "because magic".
    * Idiotic filler combat where you hold down spacebar to spam attack and sometimes top up your hp using a potion. Wow. Such skill required.

    This is pretty much just a VN with all the bad things about RPG maker tacked-on. Nobody in their right mind should rate this above a 3, even if this is exactly your kink. It's just not very good at all. I smell some paid actors rating this thread.

    Move on people, nothing to see here.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the first time I rate a game in here, this game is incredible, every single aspect that makes me love corruption games is here and better than ever. The story is good, the scenes are good, progression is good, you don't need to grind for like 20 hours to see a single sex scene, instead it is good paced. I hope we see more of this in the future.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly I'm probably not giving a high enough rating. This game is very unique and very absorbing. At least to the point that I'm currently at in the game I haven't had one tiny lull.

    The parts that would be 'that part' in any other adult game are instead condensed into a digestible chunk that both narratively serves the purpose it desires while also expanding the fantasy of the setting.

    The girls corruption are truly some engaging things. From the perspective of somebody who absolutely adores when general subjects of talk changes to match the situation happening after a major event, this game provides that to you and more. Every single stage of corruption of the girls offers new things to purview and allows you to follow their journey from chaste righteous heroine to loving loyal corrupted servant.

    I'm going to be honest, I truly underestimated this game. There are cons that I'll list later but the pros are overwhelmingly positive to the point. Seldom do you see a burn of corruption across multiple people be this absorbing. The scenes themselves and their internal struggles with trying to resist are sublime.


    • The escape events between the girls is a bit samey in a slight way. In all other events the MC has different lines to say when having them run through the same tasks.
    • There are a couple of typos and grammatical issues
    • The early game accuracy where you can miss a lot is a special of this engine but still annoying
    That's about it.
    • Great Corruption content
    • The hero of the party you're corrupting is legitimately unlikeable in a way that isn't a blind parody. Pretty good.
    • Differences in dialogue at each step of corruption
    • The visual queues separating a girls inner and 'corrupt' thoughts.
    • The world building
    I could easily recommend this one to anybody who enjoys corruption content. I look forward to the updates. The developers probably have a longtime fan in me.