Poor Eleanor has a fair amount of competion lately for face time, it's true. While she's gaining the knighthood, growing sorta as a person, and steadily becoming more skilled, but it almost feels like she's steadily wandering into the background accidentally compared to some of the other cast members, despite being integral and a constant part of the plot. ..Which is confusing.
Good, even great with a sword, sure, but there are several other martial inclined characters that, despite their baggage, can have a great more appeal. Her wild magic angle hasn't had too much face time, and when she does pop up now and then it's mostly to say something a bit short sighted, occasionaly racist, or just a but.. euuugh. On the flip side, she *is* courageous, and is absolutely willing to have Catherine's back 100%. And for the record, you can absolutely have derp characters that still have buckets and buckets of charisma. Dunno if Eli is there yet, though. But if anything it is super important to have that contrast in smart/clever/wise between 'em, otherwise they all start feeling the same.
Really, she's almost a backdrop for a different standard protagonist setting (the plucky sword slinger).
It may also be due to the sudden shift in setting, come to think of it. The adventuring duo of El and Cath was a pretty brief affair, or so it seems. Routed the kobolds as a prologue, fought the orks, got the magic bits, did a little traveling, then boom, big battle in the town and they are split up, Cath is now a rising master mage, has part ownership of the tavern, and El is even further removed from interacting with her on the regular. Cath is trying unsuccessfully to retire, and even has a sexy half orc writing a litteral ballad about her.
Not saying these aren't deserved or likely results from what they have been doing (they *have* almost been killed.. five? six times now?), but it does seem like the adventuring speed dial was overclocked. We barely had much in the way of interaction with their handler, for example. Where are all the sexy shortstacks at?
For contrast of other martial inclined types, you have a beserking tsundere assassin with an eyepatch, a sexy squid hair plot/thot device, a stalwart horned guard captain that is on the wrong end of the race war (whom is just as ripped if not more, should that be your thing), and most recently a level headed, mostly immortal being deft with a halberd (as well as other large, blunt lances we assume) and possessing possibly a literal heart of gold, whom also can give us insight and lore into factions and magical races barely even mentioned before now.
The Seraphs wang aside, that's some stiff competion, Eli. Good luck! Silver lining, she is absolutely going to be involved when everything goes pear shaped back at home, within the courts, knighthood, or whatever.
If she wasn't already in the knighthood, I would have suggested her be the boots on the ground, rump in occasionally in the air type, acting as a part time adventurer, part time waitress for Cath's tavern. Or maybe a waitress/muscle/bouncer combo, because why not. Also, I thought Kyo or somebody had started giving her magic pew pew lessons at the tower-- is that no longer a thing?