is difficult to grade this VN. First it is really a Kinetic Novel, at least so far. There are some things done quite well juxtaposed with some really poor aspects.
What's good:
What's good:
- Renders - high quality, certainly above average
- Scenes/Setting - very good, excellent attention to detail. Overall good immersion.
- LI - the daughter is attractive in an unconventional way which I found appealing. Don't recall seeing the model used very much in other games. She has a natural look - no outrageous boobs or ginormous ass that is so prevalent now. There is underarm hair - be warned. Not my thing, but I could look past it. It is in keeping with the setting and time.
- Animation - Above average. Fluid and enhances the sex scenes.
- Writing is simply ghastly. I mean truly cringeworthy. I don't believe the Dev is a native English speaker. It is not so much the grammar, but the content. No one speaks this way.
- Story - The story structure is poor and very rushed. This carries over to the LI's relationships. She is mighty quick to have some "chocolate" (Dev's words, not mine) despite professing her love for her stepfather. There is strong porn logic at work and best not to view it for historical accuracy. You have to just go with it.
- Stepfather - he may be a stand in for the crypt keeper. He is just so creeping looking. I get keeping it real for the timeframe, but yikes!