RPGM - None - [RJ01035612] Carcass - 屍

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Not as good as the previous game by the same developer, Decadence. There're much less humans in this one and some monsters even have similar CGs which look like copy-pasted. And the dialogues and descriptions during sex have been all gone.
    But still a good game with a decent quality.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    On it's own this game is pretty good, but it is a bit lacking in comparison to the previous game in various aspects.

    I will be drawing many comparisons to Decdence. If you are just here for having sex with wonderfully weird and grotesque monster girls and guys, feel free to give this a go.

    Also note I am using a translator program known as ZTranslate(paired with snipping tool since it dousn't work on some games) to play the game and understand most text.

    Gameplay and usability are better in this game. Instead of being given free reign to explore the entire map you are railed in slightly more, which except for the very start is a good thing. Game is also more stable than last game and isn't locked into low resolution.

    The monsters are varied in appearance, with only a few minor instances of monsters having recycled/recolored parts. Unfortanatly most monsters have only a few poses spread across the majority of them, where the previous game varied the body position quite often even when performing similar sex acts on separate monsters.

    Another point of note is that unlike the previous game this one focuses exclusively on monsters with grotesque mutated humanoid bodies(female/male/intersex} with only one non-humanoid which is a plant monster , where the previous game had a wider variety such as slimes, tentacle suckers, a few furrys, animals, and even humans. There is also less of an emphasis on information about the creatures you encounter, with just random notes that provide little info, where Decadence gave more in depth info about what you were having sex with, and they had more personality such as one type of monster being embarrassed by receiving oral, or the strategies different monsters use to entice creatures into mating with them.

    TLDR, the porn and story are less impressive, the gameplay and usability of the game are somewhat better.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    OK, so first the good parts:
    Just like decadence I had fun exploring the game. The dev really know how to desing a game in this aspect. Every time I would find a new path and keeping exploring and find more sutff, I would not get boring. And in this game he improve the game by give new items that would allow explore new areas like the rook shot, and the jumping shoes and C4. So this game feels more structured than the preview one.
    Second, this time he added combat as well, while decadence you would only walk around Carcass has a bit more of gameplay to it.
    And finally, his environment story telling continue as sharp as ever. Despise Decadence being in chinese I was able to grasp it plot by sheer environment story telling ( or at least come up with something that sounded plausiable). this game is no different. Even thoug the game has significant less text than decadence, you still can understand that is a plot happening as you play through the game.
    Now the bad:
    First, now that there is combat the sex scenes became item drops that you get when you kill the mosnters. That would not be a problem IF its drops werent tied to RNG, each monster has 4 sex scenes to it (with some exceptions) so this mean you have to keep farming if you want to get all the sex scenes. And to make matters worse you can get repeated items making the farming for said items even slower. For example: a monster is divided by gender, each gender has 2 animation, "rape" and "sex", so is possible tou you keep farming the same monster, acumulate 4 rapes scenes and not a single sex.
    And second and the worst offender: The sex scenses are the same for ALL NPCs. This one is the biggets let down of the game every monster, every npc will have the same position in the sex animations. Not to say that decadence hadnt reuse the same sex position on different NPCs many times, but still there was different animations that would keep the game fresh. Carcass failed miserably on this aspect such a shame.