Im going to give this game 3 stars. 3 very strong stars, which are deserved. First, Im going to point at good things in this game.
+ Very nice, enjoyable 2D anime art. The ammount of different art is good enough, fair ammount of same art reuses as well. MC customisation... ah, all options for customisation are ugly af, but at least you can choose to use preset art for MC which is much better (even considering that it limits customisation options during game). Also will include here the fact that main girl have nice avarage-to-small breast size. I hate when girl's breasts are oversized and it is nice to finaly see normal size.
+ Very rare fetish which usualy you wont find in any game as main one - pimp (while MC being dominant male). And it is unfolded perfectly, with many different situations and possibilities. Also, ofcourse, the fact that MC is male (honestly Im tired of all these female mc games). About scat... Im gonna say that there is a bit too much of it. Personaly I do not hate it, since it can be an interesting option in humilating and degrading the slave girl in such games, but too much of it is... well, at least it is perfectly avoidable and if you do not want these scenes - you can just ignore them. Also I hate when there is clearly said "rape" for the scene, but girls turn to enjoy it - there isnt such a thing here. If you humilate or rape a girl - she will cry, she will be upset and, mostly, broken in the end. All in all, everything about sex scenes and fetishes in this game is played great.
+ Another one plus for the ammount of choices and possibilities in the game. You realy have a full control of your MC and decide whatever is going to happen next. It is a significant thing for me in any rpg game, adult or normal one.
Now to the minuses:
- First and the most significant minus for me in this game is story and characters personality. Story is nearly non-existant. I do not ask for a story of the size of the book, but at least it must be there and have to be enjoyable. Here we just have some comic nonsense without even any attempt to turn it in somewhat logic or bearable story. Characters motivations are also unlogical and, mostly, stupid. Personalities... lets just say creator didnt gave anything to this, just took few archetypes, put them there and thats it. Nearly no thought has been put into world creation here and because of this everything feels too artificial.
- Gameplay. Mostly boring, which would be nearly unbearable if there wouldnt be so many choices and options. MC is stated to be an avarage mage. Thats it. No development here. No options to become stronger or anything to give you a sense of achievement, or, at least, sense of being powerful enough to do whatever you do. Fights... there isnt such thing, just "boom boom, you won, you found [that]" or "boom boom, you lost and took [so much] damage", everything is preset and not even worth mention. So, mostly, besides erotic/sex scenes and options which become available by obtaining certain items, gameplay is lame. Music and sounds... not even worth mention.
All in all, this game receives solid 3 stars from me. It definetely isnt bad and was worth my time, but is very far from being great. I would never give 5 stars only because I enjoyed the game for few hours, to get such rating game must be perfect in everything or, at least, being near to perfection. 4 stars is for great games with only one significant minus or with several minuses in details. And here we have a perfectly deserved 3 stars, for a good and rare game with few significant minuses.
As conclusion, this game is worth a go if you enjoy fetishes and genre of the game, but it wont keep your attention for long and hardly you will remember about it again.