Unity - Rogue Femme [v0.1.7] [Banana Stroke]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Played 0.1.7
    This is a slay the spire clone, where the cards you add to your deck influence your character's transformation into one of 3 monster girls. While a promising idea, the game falls apart because of it's poor balance and repetitive combat. The game gives out tons of busted cards that let you draw more for zero cost. Furthermore, in under 2 hours of playtime, I stopped seeing any new cards or monster mechanics. Since the bulk of the game is combat that is neither mechanically or visually interesting, I'd recommend staying away.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    A fun deck building game. I like the idea of your form changing based on the composition of your deck. It still has a lot of work ahead, you end up repeating a lot of the same content in the current version of the game.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The game certainly possesses strong qualities, but the end product appears mediocre. It's not bad at all, it's just very average in its current state. Mainly:
    - the AI art is kind of OK, but very generic and blends together in one indistinguishable mess.
    - the gameplay is yet another take on Slay the Spire, but brings nothing new to it. Try Last Evil which plays on this field much better
    The thing is, the game is fully functional and with this solid foundation it can be expanded into something worthy. The potential is there, but for the moment I can hardly recommend this one.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best card game, a very fun and challenging game . At the star, it was not really balance, and the animations need word, but the game have a lot of potencial... i will give 5 stars for what it can be!
    Likes: DuniX
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This review is for 0.1.4

    I'm usually not a fan of AI art, but it kind of works with a game of this genre, since runs are procedurally generated. I'd still prefer man-made art, or AI art that was trained by the developer's own artwork, but whatever.

    As for the gameplay, it is decent. Not too much content yet, but it has a good foundation as a roguelike deck builder. There's multiple types of battles, mystery encounters that can be either events or ambushes, and a resting point where you can buy cards, heal, and remove cards. There are also multiple potential bosses at the end of the floor, with relic rewards upon defeating them. A decent challenge is presented, and I'm sure it will ramp up once more levels are implemented.

    Unfortunately, there's only one level right now, and it just loops, with your max HP halving between each run. I can't give a more detailed review right now, but I'll probably return to the game once it has more levels, since it is fun.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I tried quite a lot of card games, very few I played to the end tbh. Not to talk about playing again.

    This one is exceptionally, its superb. Best card game ever. Not just the game play, which is challenging and a lot of fun. Also graphics are great, just lovely. And the game is still wip, growing…

    One can say it is danger of addiction! Rarely I started a game again and again after finishing it. Highly recommendable.

    PS: previous reviews are older (before 0.1 I guess). I agree, in the beginning the game was not really balanced. Now it is!
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game really like the transformation deck building fusion needs perhaps more animation due to the effect of cards or statuts of both players depending on the last card used against or to defend.

    Thrilled to see the next content
    Likes: Rolo
  8. 2.00 star(s)



    Alright AI art is being used its not great not bad. Just kind meh. Its pretty basic poses. Combat is kind of repetitive, and it can be very one-sided at times. It seemed like a great concept not so sure in the end. There seems to be zero story I can tell to it, and my char changes gender and features as I go, which is a little weird again no explanation, and played it for a bit saw no sex content, sure its there but I really don't want to slug threw it any more to find out.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The games structure is very nice. i can only imagine what this game will bring with time. i love the cards and different possible endings the MC can end up as. and the monsters are hot af too. I havent beaten it yet but im looking forward to more
    Likes: Rolo
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is completely unbalanced. Many times the first opponent kills you. There is no save option. You need extreme patience or incredible luck to get to the end. It's absolutely not a fun waste of time so far.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    It's obviously using ai art. It looks great on simple poses, but it will shit its bed in sex scenes and they wont get any better given the limitations of this tech. I honestly dont mind using ai art as long as you put effort to it but this is nothing more than text2img with some inpainting. For the gameplay its a very basic deck builder game you probably have seen before.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Interesting 0.0.1 demo -

    First off the artwork is gorgeous, That alone could net this game 3 stars. But the animations need work. As for game play it seems like a fairly standard deck builder, with the hook being as you take damage you get Male to Female transformed.

    It's a promising start and I'd love to see more down the road, I'll revisit this review after the game has gone through a few more revisions and had a little more meat added to the bone.