Ren'Py - Rogue-like: Evolution [v1.52a] [Oni]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great. The sex scenes are easy to use while they have many different options. The art is amazing as well as the dialogue. Some if the characters arent finished but everything else in the game makes up for it. It kinda feels like it has untouched potential though.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 891068

    This is my fav of all time! I've been playing for a while now, and it keeps getting better.
    I like the artwork a lot
    and I most write more word to post this review, but I just want to give this game five star. Its great.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Peter the Great

    this very good game. about 5 girls to pursue and all have sexual content. as trainers go this one is very good and one of the best. would be better with music and more animations. Artist has a distinct art syle which is hard to find.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Laura's titjob alone is better than F95% of the shit posted on here. I genuinely mean that. this game is easily the best game we have available. it almost makes me regret the things i've done. I'm so sorry to all the people i've hurt.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Characters are all gorgeous and different than in mainstream. For me game engine is simple and easy to use. I haven't seen this kind of a sex scene UI to bring girls to the end. Overall innovative game. Me like! My points are 7/5.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. It is clear, it is simple, there isn't too much of a story although there are very small, minor story lines.

    All of the sex scenes are available for all characters and they all have good angles. It makes it one of my favorites.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Seeing Ren'Py game I automatically feel a bit unattracted because there are a lot of mediocre visual novels. This game using Ren'Py differently, giving you opportunity to not just click through images, but to make a lot of choices. There is great relationship building, I clearly remember how much I liked it when I one by one got unlocked different sex options, which are different for each beautiful heroine. There is a lot of customization, freedom, really outstanding game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    i will never forget this game and I'm always looking for an update the game mechanics are fun to use and I genuinely enjoy talking with the characters. with or without mods i could play this game for hours and I'm really holding out for the update
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This might be my favorite game which I consider to loosely be within the "corruption" genre (although you can strategically avoid that kind of content entirely) something about it is just perfectly satisfying. The options you have to approach the goal of the game add a lot of variety which I can appreciate on every playthrough when I revisit it for major updates. The artstyle is consistently top quality IMO (a bonus when it's the artist also delivering the code) and the simple 2D animation to complement it just works; this also means it works well on relatively low spec mobile devices without a hitch if you choose to play it that way. Update frequency would be my only gripe but I can appreciate the fact that after several years it is still seeing quality updates that don't leave the game a broken mess. That alone is a rare quality deserving of the rating. One of the few games I've not regretted supporting on Patreon and check up on habitually.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    good game

    quite a few characters
    art is great!
    corroption is fun and when maxed, the characters become sexier imo
    dev is adding more sex positions

    sometimes boobs look ugly
    professor plans are confusing
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I regularly come back to this one. There's just something the slower, dynamic progression that really appeals to me. Having to put in the work to evolve the relationships and having dozens of ways to go about it is just a heccin' good time.

    The list of flaws is probably too long to fit in a short review like this one, but I do believe the game more than makes up for it in its uniqueness.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for 0.994g.
    One of the best classic 2D animation games with cartoonish characters on RenPy. It sure has its flaws, but the level of complexity in this rather simple game is not what you would expect.
    Good points:
    • You will not surprise anyone with sta stat system in such games nowdays. But this game takes it to the next level. When the best thing you can say about the game is the stat management, the game is either very good or very bad. This is the former case. So, what to expect from stats:
      • Stats control everything. There is no event or action which triggers no matter of stats and which outcome is not based on stats. This way, once the stats are known, the player always knows ehat to expect. There is never some stupid randomness or wtf-logic the player cannot control.
      • Stats increase and decrease depending on the player's choices. For every player choice there is an option to quicksave before and rollback to it in a matter of seconds just to see what the outcome will be.
      • The player never knows the exact values of stat checks, so it adds some doubt "whether I have enough" to the gameplay and promotes slow and methodic approach.
      • All stats do matter. There is no stat which does abolutely nothing. There is no dominant and secondary stat.
    • The sprites are mostly well made, what is aspecially appealing is the amount of facial expressions and "lust meter differences", all of those depending on the stats of course.
    • There is a couple of clothing options for girls, from which the player can build different outfits and save them for different occasions (sleep wear, gym clothes etc)
    • Up to 7 "main events" with each girl, first being introduction and the following 6 are related to 3 of the main stats, 2 on each, and give different behavior for girl as an outcome.
    • There is nothing forcing the player how to play. I have played the game several times, chosing different approach each time, and was pretty surprised how the behavior of girls change according to my approach.
    • There are currently 6 girls, each being unique in own way, and despite every approach is applicable to every girl, some girls may fall for some approaches faster than others and benefit from it more. Anyway, it is always good to experiment on what you can do.
    • There is actually a lot to do with each girl. About 20 primary actions, most of them can be coupled with offhand actions and pose switching.
    • The timeline is split into 4 timeframes, but each action takes a certain fraction of the timeframe it is performed in. F.e. studying takes up whole remaining timeframe and can be started even in the middle of timeframe, but chatting with a girl only takes up like 1/20th of a timeframe and it is realistic.
    Bad points:
    • The performance. From such lightweight game one would expect pretty fast scene change, area load etc. But no, not the case with this one. I have no idea how it happens, but the game really struggles even on Ryzen 3950x with massive cache and fast overclock speed, aspecially when in "skip mode". I have no idea why is it so bad. I do not really see this impacting my gameplay, but I do keep in mind that not all of the players are running cutting edge hardware, and it should work for everyone smoothly. It doesnt.
    • Some of the sprites are outright bad. There is a lot of critique every once in a while when new sprite is added, and it seems like almost noone is satisfied with it. With a simple redrawing of 2-3 sprites the game could have been improved a lot.
    • Some of the sprites are low res, which ruins closeups in certain events because it is visible.
    • Bugs eventually appear here and there. Most of them are fixed, but a whole bunch of small bugs remain, probably not noticed by the developer. And those are not fixed for years.
    Almost perfect by design game, has very well made game mechanics allowing for a smooth and varying response based on player's actions, surprisingly great attention to details you rarely see in such games. Only downsides being low developement speed, performance being lower than expected and small occasional bugs. However, these disadvantages are not crucial and allow the player to fully enjoy the sandboxy gameplay of this game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Slow updates but it's a damn good game. You can progress however you want and interact however you want, with enough combinations of events and scenes that offer a lot of replayability. So yeah very customisable.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    What a great game, I recommend not downloading right now because it doesn't have that much content and it will only leave you wanting more and I hate that feeling, maybe you like that kind of feeling, and if that is the case go ahead play it.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Cute art, but terrible gameplay.
    There's no story and the characters don't say anything interesting at all. There are no scripted events outside of meeting the characters. It's just a nonstop grind of flirting with everyone you come across for hours until you hit a magic number where they will undress for you.

    If the grind was fun or varied then it might have been interesting, but it's the exact same action over and over.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a dating simulator with many activities and a simple but complete system with a lot of content and something else to come (the creator of the game "oni" is somewhat lazy but is very good).
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Dating VN with a couple super heroines.

    Good idea for a game
    Somewhat decent art

    Super boring gameplay
    Very bad progression system
    No soundtrack to speak of
    Build in cheating as if it somehow could help solve the game's problems

    Game has potential, but needs a lot of reorganization to make it a fun game worth playing
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    My review is 1/5,
    but i really enjoyed the earlier version years ago so i must give 5 stars.

    So the game from 5 star turned into 1 star mostly because the addition of new characters art are so inconsistent and look out of place.
    The dev should have kept 'X-Men: Evolution' series look for the new characters.
    Imagine it like you are watching good movie, but all of a sudden at the half of the movie there is big cut, the producers ran out of money so the other half of the movie was filmed in a backyard with a few homeless people as the stand in actors.
    So first half Rouge and Kitty +5 stars, the second half with homeless Jean, Emma, Storm and x-23 -4 stars. 5-4=1 star

    In my eyes this game has been abandoned a long time ago.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Let's be honest. This game has been functionally the same for at least 3 years now. It hasn't changed one bit in concept or execution. It's been bogged down by "technical improvements" and the very occasional reskin that passes as a new girl.

    The storyline has "progressed" only as a formality, because progressing the storyline seems completely arbitrary and random with no distinct cues. Technically, some new girls have been added, but your interaction with every girl is functionally identical. The gameplay loop is still a terrible and uninteresting grindfest of trying to work up six distinct stats. Plus, it's a "harem" game where you can't even get more than 2 girls on the screen at the same time, and even that is a major pain in the ass.

    The renders are basically simple cartoon drawings on generic doll poses. There's no interactivity to the scenes themselves, with basically every action looking the same regardless of who it's with. You have a daily schedule of "classes" that you're supposed to care about, but it's hard to because nothing of note happens in them.

    By now it's blatantly obvious that the developer has no real intent of finishing the game. Progress towards any kind of conclusion has all but stalled, and he's now fixated on "backend improvements" (with no corresponding benefit to the horrible gameplay loop or clunky UI) and the occasional adding of a new girl (basically just a reskin of the generic doll models they have already).

    If you really like X-Men and enjoy the idea of meaningless, mediocre renderings of virtual sex ad nauseam, go for it. Otherwise, don't bother.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    4/5 (v0.993m)
    Great setting and characters.
    Excellent artwork and animation.
    Excellent concept for modular interactions. However, some issues with implementation:
    • Clunky interface. Too many mouse clicks to navigate sub-menus. The UI could stand improvement in this regard.
    • Repetitive interactions. When starting with a new girl, every progression is essentially the same. It would be nice if the progression varied with each girl based on their personality/preferences.
    • Limited scalability. What is the point of a harem-style game if you cannot ever have more than 2 girls on screen?
    • Inability to 'get rid' of girls you don't want to interact with. e.g., I have no interest whatsoever in lewd scenes with Storm, and while I can ignore/leave in each encounter, I still need to do this hundreds of times throughout a play session. Apparently, there is a way to do this, at least temporarily ...
    • Bugs. Counters (e.g., addiction) that go infinitely negative, or infinite interactions in some encounters, inconsistent/random reactions, etc.
    Other issues that prevent 5/5: unclear progression (not enough narrative hints at various points), unclear mechanics (inadequate tutorial), grindiness for various perks, etc.

    Would LOVE to see more from this game - lots of unrealized potential.