
Jun 5, 2020
we're gonna have to wait for oni to add mystique officially. which might take years at this rate (no offense oni just recognizing stuff takes time and you already got your priorities going on)


New Member
Dec 16, 2018
Would be cool if there was an easy way for people to mod this (so that they also don't break with updates). Feels like the core game is there and all that could be added is more girls or any storyline someone thinks could be fun.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Unfortunately, one guy tried that. Started remaking RLE from scratch with clean, optimized code and in a better version of Ren'Py. With rescalated screen and all. However, he decided to drop that and start his own game instead, similiar in concept to RLE and with some shared characters, but very different nontheless. He was even planning to make it so you could drag and drop mods in the style of Skyrim or Fallout. To this day I still hope someone would pick that thing up and completed it.
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Feb 23, 2019
Would be cool if there was an easy way for people to mod this (so that they also don't break with updates). Feels like the core game is there and all that could be added is more girls or any storyline someone thinks could be fun.
The problem is the game is not finished and the code is constantly being changed. A framework to a splice character would not be too difficult to make; the difficult part is when Oni decides, "Eh, I am not feeling this way of specifying an object" and now all of your code is incorrect and must be changed. When he is done fiddling with the code, you may see a resurgence of modding for this game. But I would also like to point out that modding this game is not that difficult. Python is a very approachable language and this game is really 99% renpy and 1% python. So anyone who has a slight interest in modding this game, copy your game files and go to town. I think people have been scared away by all the "this game has spaghetti code", it in fact does to an extent. But the game runs and can be understood, so it can be modified... Anyway sorry for the mini rant
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