Zeca Suez

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
Awesome ! X-23's being added in too. staying away from the game payed off, guess i'll just have to be a little more patient and wait till next update so she's more fleshed out. Wonder if her claws pop out when she has a Hard orgasm... Lol


Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
Awesome ! X-23's being added in too. staying away from the game payed off, guess i'll just have to be a little more patient and wait till next update so she's more fleshed out. Wonder if her claws pop out when she has a Hard orgasm... Lol
Knowing Oni you will have to wait a few more updates(which in Oni´s time could mean a year or two)before she is fleshed out enough for even the basic sexual interactions.
If thats your sole reason for staying away...I would advice against it.
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Active Member
Oct 24, 2018
Knowing Oni you will have to wait a few more updates(which in Oni´s time could mean a year or two)before she is fleshed out enough for even the basic sexual interactions.
If thats your sole reason for staying away...I would advice against it.
Witch is rather annoying way to develop things, especially since Oni pretty much refuses to accept help from the outside.

Zeca Suez

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
Knowing Oni you will have to wait a few more updates(which in Oni´s time could mean a year or two)before she is fleshed out enough for even the basic sexual interactions.
If thats your sole reason for staying away...I would advice against it.
Ya I know he updates slow as hell, last version I played was 0.980i ... idk if enough content's been added after that one I guess I aughta take a good look at the changelog and judge if I wanna grab it now or wait a few more months.
Witch is rather annoying way to develop things, especially since Oni pretty much refuses to accept help from the outside.
Also such a shame since his art style is nearly perfect. Characters look just like they did in the animated series.
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Feb 4, 2017
Witch is rather annoying way to develop things, especially since Oni pretty much refuses to accept help from the outside.
I've always thought if Oni got help from even just 1 programmer and maybe a QA tester the updates would be twice as fast and he could actually get more money on patreon to motivate him. As is it can seem rather disappointing he takes so long and is still so stubborn.

Zeca Suez

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
Yeah he hits the X-Men Evolution artstyle rather well.
Doesnt have quite the same effect if you grew up with the 90´s series tho.
Man I miss southern bombshell Rogue...
Don't get me wrong that version of rogue was also very beautiful the artstyle from that era was somewhat different than the X-men Evolution times I grew up watching those on saturdays too. I think the original series Storm was hotter than the Storm from X-men evolution. I like both Rogues just find the gothish punk Rogue hotter as a personal preference thing. I remember wanting to be Gambit not only cause he was gonna be the one who would end up with rogue.
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Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
Don't get me wrong that version of rogue was also very beautiful the artstyle from that era was somewhat different than the X-men Evolution times I grew up watching those on saturdays too. I think the original series Storm was hotter than the Storm from X-men evolution. I like both Rogues just find the gothish punk Rogue hotter as a personal preference thing. I remember wanting to be Gambit not only cause he was gonna be the one who would end up with rogue.
Hah yeah,that believe only held true if you stayed away from the comics.
Short of incest(and even that happened more than once depending on what version of continuity you are looking at)everyone "was the one" for everyone at one point.
Fucking comic book authors dont give a crap about the established legacy of characters.
Absolutely no respect in that industry.

That aside dont get me wrong goth Rogue is nice(or was?no idea what canon interpretation the animated shows use these days)but she always reminded me a bit too much of the movie version of Rogue(which I think she was based on in the first place?).
Going from might as well be naked badass bombshell with a rocking 80´s hair metal mane to insecure introvert always felt like too much of a shift for me(yes Im aware that its not the same continuity and that 80´s Rogue had all that Binary business going on).
Top tier waifu anyway :D

Zeca Suez

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
Going from might as well be naked badass bombshell with a rocking 80´s hair metal mane to insecure introvert always felt like too much of a shift for me(yes Im aware that its not the same continuity and that 80´s Rogue had all that Binary business going on).
Top tier waifu anyway :D
Sir you sound like someone who also had a chest full of comics as a teenager with the comics which had the specially "well-illustrated" heroines hidde... eh carefully placed underneath a pile of the others in a specific place... so they were easy to find for scientific reference reasons.
I also am a fan of the Ole Curly big 80's hairstyles. I remember one Full body illustration of Starfire was the cause of a lot of puddles being formed on the floor before I discovered the miraculous existence of tissue-papers.
I didn't like the live-action movie version of rogue In my opinion they only got the original Sabertooth, wolverine and eventually the Juggernaut right rest of the characters kinda missed the mark, Professor-X and Magneto they also got right, some of the others are acceptable but most of the rest don't rekindle that love for the original series. Guess it would also depend on which series was the first one for someone ? I felt no correlation between the movies rogue and the X-men Evolution rogue and I am glad of it.

Ya I remember the Badass southernbell version had super strength and flight along with her tactile power draining abilities because she drained a Captain Marvel to death hence permanently getting flight and super strength right ? Never saw her having any Binary powers but then I didn't get to finish the entire Series and missed a few episodes here and there.

That's the thing with comics, every writer is going to mold the story as per his own preference and what they like, for example batsuit with nipples...I know it's not a comic but a movie but damn good example of the writer/creator doing what they like . As a younger man I couldn't deal with the drastic changes to narratives that I had already gotten used to by reading the previous stories, hence why I eventually gave up on keeping up with reading each and every new comic that came out.
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Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
Sir you sound like someone who also had a chest full of comics as a teenager with the comics which had the specially "well-illustrated" heroines hidde... eh carefully placed underneath a pile of the others in a specific place... so they were easy to find for scientific reference reasons.
Hah nah,I was lucky enough to have access to the internet in the 90´s :D

I also am a fan of the Ole Curly big 80's hairstyles. I remember one Full body illustration of Starfire was the cause of a lot of puddles being formed on the floor before I discovered the miraculous existence of tissue-papers.
Yeah,pre-nymphomaniac-bimbo Starfire certainly had her allures.
One of the few characters that actually endured the dark ages comic era with relatively good costume designs.
A shame the character has been pretty much shat all over ever since the DC editorial restructure.

I didn't like the live-action movie version of rogue In my opinion they only got the original Sabertooth, wolverine and eventually the Juggernaut right rest of the characters kinda missed the mark, Professor-X and Magneto they also got right, some of the others are acceptable but most of the rest don't rekindle that love for the original series. Guess it would also depend on which series was the first one for someone ? I felt no correlation between the movies rogue and the X-men Evolution rogue and I am glad of it.
Thats probably the first time I hear someone say they got Juggs right.
As far as the movies themselves go...yeah they somewhat messed up the story and extended cast.
Rogue should never have been the focal point of the series as that by neccesety meant they had to gut her personality
and turn her into an even worse Jubilee.
Jackman really saved the movies(well the first one,2 and 3 are just kinda shite and in Future Past he was little more than a cameo...fucking Lawrence focus,that girl cant act her way out of a wet paperbag).

Ya I remember the Badass southernbell version had super strength and flight along with her tactile power draining abilities because she drained a Captain Marvel to death hence permanently getting flight and super strength right ? Never saw her having any Binary powers but then I didn't get to finish the entire Series and missed a few episodes here and there.
Far as I remember that was just a coma(or rather retconned into a coma later)and I think she ran as Binary for some time...maybe Im misremembering tho(and that was all in the comics anyway,not sure it was even mentioned in the series).

That's the thing with comics, every writer is going to mold the story as per his own preference and what they like, for example batsuit with nipples...I know it's not a comic but a movie but damn good example of the writer/creator doing what they like . As a younger man I couldn't deal with the drastic changes to narratives that I had already gotten used to by reading the previous stories, hence why I eventually gave up on keeping up with reading each and every new comic that came out.
That would all be fine if there was some respect for the fanbase and what the prior authors achieved but instead we got baffons trying to ram their stupid ideas into continuity no matter how out of place or retarded they are.
I dropped superhero comics entirely because of One More Day and quite frankly havent regretted it once(in fact,considering what I have been hearing recently,that was one of my smarter life decisions heh).

The man who makes a mod to replace our current Rogue with the older style, especially if she THICC, will instantly be my hero
That would pretty much equal a complete redraw hah...we need a hero! ;_;
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Zeca Suez

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
The man who makes a mod to replace our current Rogue with the older style, especially if she THICC, will instantly be my hero
Second that motion. this also peaks my interest.

Hah nah,I was lucky enough to have access to the internet in the 90´s :D

Yeah,pre-nymphomaniac-bimbo Starfire certainly had her allures.
A shame the character has been pretty much shat all over ever since the DC editorial restructure.
Damn... I didn't even have a computer back then... I think... I am pretty sure then when I got a computer the internet was just a luxury around here ... I remember being a teenager and smuggling hentai images on floppy disks from Cyber Cafe's slowly building a porn folder 4MB at a time.

You don't even wanna see what they've done with Starfire in the Teen Titans TV series... they basically made her human with a sparkly hooker outfit which might have passed in the 80's but just looks tacky now, granted the actress playing her is hot but she looks nothing like a Tamaranian.
Thats probably the first time I hear someone say they got Juggs right.
Jackman really saved the movies(well the first one,2 and 3 are just kinda shite and in Future Past he was little more than a cameo...fucking Lawrence focus,that girl cant act her way out of a wet paperbag).

Far as I remember that was just a coma(or rather retconned into a coma later)and I think she ran as Binary for some time...maybe Im misremembering tho(and that was all in the comics anyway,not sure it was even mentioned in the series).
Well I liked the attitude of that Juggernaut even if they did'nt give him any decent time in the movie, When he yelled "I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch !" I was like yeah... you tell that puny shadowcat how unstoppable you are man.

Ah yes Lawrence ... that was the exact thing I was thinking of when the live action movies topic came up but didn't wanna go on a rant about how much I dislike that actress,for some unknown reason which is maybe just Instinctual I just hate her, besides they send such mixed messages the first movie she is all I am blue(mutant) and proud and the next movie it's Jennifer>mystique and then they try to justifying her facetime over mystique's actual form by saying that the bodysuit she wore was too uncomfortable and hard to get into and get out of, hell if it was the real reason they would have worked around it and come up with a better solution, don't think all those actors from Avatar complained about it, besides a Body painted version of Mystique would be way closer to the original than the scaley ugly live action one can't have her walking around naked in paint ? ok then make it CGI ...like Green Lantern (lol), The Mystique from the original X-men TV series was also one of the hottest looking characters that slipped my mind when listing hotties earlier just like many others that I am sure are not popping into my mind right this moment. Like Jubliee, I liked her look in the comics she looked good there I remember I liked her so much as a kid I tried my best to draw her exactly from a comic book.
Logan was fantastic though that R-rating did wonders for that movie though the rage-monster wolverine should have had a little more time and could have been depicted a little better, the only thing BVS did right was the fight scene and seeing how well that Batman fight scene was makes me thing that scene with wolverine in the jungle after he injects the Go-go juice could have been a little more action packed, though that's on the director I think. Their X-23 was absolutely adorable though I could just pinch her claws off, what a brilliant performance, she didn't even need dialogue to show off her acting skills.

Far as I remember that was just a coma(or rather retconned into a coma later)and I think she ran as Binary for some time...maybe Im misremembering tho(and that was all in the comics anyway,not sure it was even mentioned in the series).

That would all be fine if there was some respect for the fanbase and what the prior authors achieved but instead we got baffons trying to ram their stupid ideas into continuity no matter how out of place or retarded they are.
I dropped superhero comics entirely because of One More Day and quite frankly havent regretted it once(in fact,considering what I have been hearing recently,that was one of my smarter life decisions heh).

That would pretty much equal a complete redraw hah...we need a hero! ;_;
I kinda liked the whole redemption for a hero arch idea for Rogue, nobody focuses on doing a good job as a hero with guilt who has fucked up before and doesn't wanna repeat that. They might have retconned it though IDK as I said I missed a lot of the later part of that series(also the show went off the air and got replaced by some newer shit)

Respect for the fanbase ? lol that's a noble Idea but it's lost on these newbies, haven't you seen what they did to Star Wars Episode VIII ? that Ryan Johnson guy made a movie like nobody was watching over him. It's the 8th movie in a series motherf*cker you can't just unload your bowls on the original 6 movies that came before. His Biography should be titled "standing on the shoulder of a giant and taking a dump on it" back in the middle ages behavior like this was why they whipped people in the town square.(and a lot of other serious stuff and some questionable reasons too)
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Nameless One

Dec 30, 2018
Oh my,a thicker Rogue?Like old school Rogue?Eh,where's the jar to put my money in?It's surprising that the only part I've been interested in when it comes to superheroes these past couple of years is the sexiness.I've,unfortunately,given up on them.Too much crap.

Isn't it odd that Jackman is considered the movie Wolverine,despite the fact that comic Wolverine was a dwarf?A very angry,hairy,not good at engineering dwarf?


Forum Fanatic
Jul 21, 2018
Oh my,a thicker Rogue?Like old school Rogue?Eh,where's the jar to put my money in?It's surprising that the only part I've been interested in when it comes to superheroes these past couple of years is the sexiness.I've,unfortunately,given up on them.Too much crap.

Isn't it odd that Jackman is considered the movie Wolverine,despite the fact that comic Wolverine was a dwarf?A very angry,hairy, not good at engineering dwarf?
Lack of engineering skills and capacity to do a full lush dwarven beard empower his rage!!! XD
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