
Game Developer
Nov 6, 2018
@Ghostly Hale sorry mate I don't understand what you mean. :unsure: I replied to somebody commenting on my own game which is an adult Power Rangers parody (thread is ). So I'm not the dev of Rogue-Like (although I'd wish to have his skills already!). If you want to share any information, ideas or requests regarding my game, let's take it to the respective thread and not here. If you want to tell Oni (the dev behind Rogue-Like), I suggest you contact him via the Patreon messenger on his

And regarding Rogue-Like: I can't wait for X23 to be fully implemented. Her sass is pure gold! What do you think of her and which girls would you like to see later on? I'd love to see Jean Grey one day (this game is missing a redhead if you ask me).


Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
I Sir cannot in Good Perv-faith agree to diminishing Eye candy :p . Though you are right shallow pretty characters don't help storylines unless you have some kinda clever twist on it... like if she'd start As a Hot dumbass but then as the story progresses she learns about culture of this alien planet she has wound up on and adapts to it and then you find out there's deeper meaningfull character traits present underneath all those layers of sexy thiccness. That way you get the best of both worlds.
Yeah,I mean thats fine for a new character but not one so firmly established(and in a steady relationship soon-to-be-only-fucked-over-by-executive-meddeling married one at that).
Starfire had what?
Over two decades of character represantation at that point?
Sure there is a point to be made about character reboots offering the chance to put a completely new spin on something established but more often than not that turns into a shitshow(and most certainly did in this case with its incredibly shallow attempt at sexuality).
And to be frank...the art wasnt even that good(serviceable and certainly titillating but not particularly original or even interesting,nothing you havent seen before).

Really ? damn it did My brain just rewrite that memory as it personally saw fit ? I did mention I had a thing for the original series Storm earlier I could have gotten that all mixed up in my head since Halle Berry might not have acted the shit out of the role of Storm but with the big white hair she didn't look too bad nowhere as good as original Storm but then real world females would have a tough time keeping up with Artistically perfected 2D hotties.
Not the biggest Storm fan so I will leave it at that. :p

Oh look it up on youtube or something if you haven't already they almost had that Costume Perfect without looking Stupid like they did when they tried that with the younger muties in First class I think that's where they wear the yellow "Flight Suits" that were supposed to inspire nostalgia for the old X-men uniforms.
Speaking of Uniforms and Costumes... Aquaman... Damn Good job they did on the costumes even made the Stupid Yellow/gold and green Aquaman costume look good. They kept the original Black Manta Look and the Original Ocean Master look too just as they were in the comics.
Yeah the first class suits looked pretty bad.
Not many costume designs would translate well to real life(especially the more...fabulouse?! ones from the 70´s and 80´s) but I always thought that Wolverine´s classical treads would work.
Maybe trim the mask´s ears a bit but outside of that its basicly just a big latex jumpsuit(with differing decals and paintshop depending on the chosen costume).
Would have fit with Jackman´s more pronounced physique.
Oh well,that dream is dead,will have to look up that scene though.

I Didn't even Know they were making another terminator... with the original Sarah Connor ... I just read an article after you mentioned it... I will have to look into it some more. I guess the Khaleesi won't be won't be reprising her role then.
Thankfully she wont...can that girl do anything but scream?
She was easily the worst Sarah Connor out of the three(though that is partly to blame on Genesys being a shitshow in its own regards).

Yeah back then there would have been riots if the 200 something year old Wolverine would have started Dating his Female teenage clone... that'd be some Selfcest... Wolverine's Age was never confirmed in that series either was it ?
In Evolution?No and even in the comics it was in constant retcon limbo(dunno what the state of canon is these days,Wolverine just came back from the dead I think?).

Heh heh... ive had to deal with those too... before I was allowed to have a computer before the glorioous days of the Floppies.. those magzines were even more difficult to hide atleast with the Jpeg's I could just use the good old Folder in a folder in a folder in a folder with 50 other folders trick. :p
Hah yeah the old folder-in-folder trick. xD
Funny how pretty much everyone comes up with that very same tricks.

She-hulk... damn... Good Pick sir... I would have to call dibs on Wonder Woman ofcourse ... wouldn't be right if I don't since I've had a crush on her since as long as I can remember having crushes... then the Logical Choice would be Shapeshifter chicks Like Mystique since then I can have em shift into anyone and everyone else Including She-Hulk :p I would have tried to go for Storm or X-23 or Evolution version Rogue but the filling the other two Slots with Shapeshifters is the Logical choice.
Eh shapeshifters dont imitate personality so its kinda pointless(I suppose Mystique would be able to pull it off to some degree but not really the same).
Its the utilitarian option that makes waifu´s everywhere sad.

Nameless One

Dec 30, 2018
Well fellas (Saraf and Acez),here's something to look forward to:Cybernetic "companions".With the rapid development in A.I I wouldn't be surprised if in,let's say,20-30 years we could have a real-life Mystique or whoever your pants desire.Personally,I'm looking forward to all of the controversies that people will come up with.I've already prepared my cola and popcorn.


Aug 3, 2017
The first sentence is "I'm trying to gauge some reaction to this bj pose.", so it's probably just a X-23 teaser.


Aug 29, 2017
how does one use the "Console Variables:"
Just google "RenPy console", it's better this way. You probably will be redirected to a thread on this site anyway explaining anything.
Where i can find a list of all the female heroes in the game?
There are only Rogue, Kitty and Emma as characters you can do pretty much everything. X-23 currently in early development which means probably a year or two for her to be more or less "complete".


Active Member
Jul 16, 2017
ok, 2 girls, weird touch and lewd action, terrible animation, if you want use the Word "Animation". i like the Idea, but to see the actually Result.... ehm... naaaah, lol. i will not support because after i read the change logs, (omg what a work the Dev has done and the actually Result) i dont think this Game will be great. I believe the idea is more made for Unity or Unreal, not renpy. It needs a Restauration and a new Engine.

Ghostly Hale

Active Member
Jan 26, 2018
@Ghostly Hale sorry mate I don't understand what you mean. :unsure: I replied to somebody commenting on my own game which is an adult Power Rangers parody (thread is ). So I'm not the dev of Rogue-Like (although I'd wish to have his skills already!). If you want to share any information, ideas or requests regarding my game, let's take it to the respective thread and not here. If you want to tell Oni (the dev behind Rogue-Like), I suggest you contact him via the Patreon messenger on his

And regarding Rogue-Like: I can't wait for X23 to be fully implemented. Her sass is pure gold! What do you think of her and which girls would you like to see later on? I'd love to see Jean Grey one day (this game is missing a redhead if you ask me).
I didn't know there was a power ranger game in the making. I'll check it out. A for red-heads yes Jean does need to get in.
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Kravenar Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 28, 2017
ok, 2 girls, weird touch and lewd action, terrible animation, if you want use the Word "Animation". i like the Idea, but to see the actually Result.... ehm... naaaah, lol. i will not support because after i read the change logs, (omg what a work the Dev has done and the actually Result) i dont think this Game will be great. I believe the idea is more made for Unity or Unreal, not renpy. It needs a Restauration and a new Engine.
it COULD be made with Unity or Unreal, IF the Dev could have get more funds. But hey, it's a Patreon-made game. ;)
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Reactions: King_In_Yellow

Zeca Suez

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
Well fellas (Saraf and Acez),here's something to look forward to:Cybernetic "companions".With the rapid development in A.I I wouldn't be surprised if in,let's say,20-30 years we could have a real-life Mystique or whoever your pants desire.Personally,I'm looking forward to all of the controversies that people will come up with.I've already prepared my cola and popcorn.
What kinda Popcorn you got there ?
...In games and hentai fucking anything is ok... demons, shapeshifters, mutants, zombies, golems, blobs of gelatin whatever else your brain can think of. But thinking of it in the real world I don't think I would ever be willing to fuck anything besides a woman or my own hand Lol. But who knows ? someone might finally get the Idea that it is not about making your robots as life like as possible... it's about making them more beautiful than humanly possible... I mean think about it... us 2D CG fans don't like 2D because it is realistic we like em because the artist has perfected them in ways real women would have a tough time matching ? Each line each curve is made with purpose... that trait is rarer in the real world.

Zeca Suez

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
Damn it ! must have missed an Alert and the thread starts running off without me.
Yeah,I mean thats fine for a new character but not one so firmly established(and in a steady relationship soon-to-be-only-fucked-over-by-executive-meddeling married one at that).
Starfire had what?
Over two decades of character represantation at that point?
Sure there is a point to be made about character reboots offering the chance to put a completely new spin on something established but more often than not that turns into a shitshow(and most certainly did in this case with its incredibly shallow attempt at sexuality).
And to be frank...the art wasnt even that good(serviceable and certainly titillating but not particularly original or even interesting,nothing you havent seen before).
Yeah well have to agree to the main point there which is they shouldn't be just adding new shit for the sheer purpose of branding it as new and making more money off of it... that kinda behavior usually leads to a decline in quality every time. They really need to stop selling Polished turds. x__x
Oh Sorry... ya Thicc starfire ... allowed my imagination to run wild for a moment there... she looks good as she is slender but not skinny just the right amount of meat on the bones... keep picturing the old 80s version... the newer teen titans are just childish looking so none of her old appeal in there. the Animated ones not the Live action TV Series... don't even watch any of the Animated Teen titans anymore... and Starfire is not in the Young Justice series... atleast so far. No wonder that poor Nightwing looks sorta out of place with Oracle.

Not the biggest Storm fan so I will leave it at that. :p

Yeah the first class suits looked pretty bad.
Not many costume designs would translate well to real life(especially the more...fabulouse?! ones from the 70´s and 80´s) but I always thought that Wolverine´s classical treads would work.
Maybe trim the mask´s ears a bit but outside of that its basicly just a big latex jumpsuit(with differing decals and paintshop depending on the chosen costume).
Would have fit with Jackman´s more pronounced physique.
Oh well,that dream is dead,will have to look up that scene though.
D: what has poor Storm ever done to you ? or it's more of a what she hasn't done for you I guess. Everyone has their own preferences it's all cool.
I guess most of the old 70's 80's clothes would look weird as it is anyway... but a complete lack of costumes for superheroes makes it feel like something essential to the whole superhero theme is missing. Captain America's full blue body suit was probably the hardest thing to translate into the Live action I suppose in the animate Version he has that navy blueish costume practically wearing the flag itself. But they did ok on that part by making his uniform a variation of combat gear.

Mask's ears... That's where his wild haircut is stored... at-least that is what I always believed ever since I was a kid. You gotta check out that post credits scene eventually the Outfit seemed a perfect rendition of the classic Wolverine... best part is it doesn't look like shit... does look a bit uncomfortable though ... who knows... Deadpool might finally get his wish to make him cameo into one of his movies ?

Thankfully she wont...can that girl do anything but scream?
She was easily the worst Sarah Connor out of the three(though that is partly to blame on Genesys being a shitshow in its own regards).

In Evolution?No and even in the comics it was in constant retcon limbo(dunno what the state of canon is these days,Wolverine just came back from the dead I think?).
I am starting to think Bad Directing is at the core of a lot of Bad Acting...the greatest directors drove actors insane with retakes... heck Jackie chan normally does like a 10-100 retakes of every other scene... but that dude is crazy.

Last I heard Wolverine was an Adamantium statue or something haven't kept up with the comics. He needs to come back from the dead in the fucking movies... They could do it if they wanted... you know with time the poison from the additives to the food they were adding to neuter mutants just burns away over time and his healing factor regains its full power again... he could rise from the grave... if the movie makes and the actor agree on it.

Hah yeah the old folder-in-folder trick. xD
Funny how pretty much everyone comes up with that very same tricks.

Eh shapeshifters dont imitate personality so its kinda pointless(I suppose Mystique would be able to pull it off to some degree but not really the same).
Its the utilitarian option that makes waifu´s everywhere sad.
Yeah Folder in folder... Shared consciousness of horny teens ? they are all connected via a mind link ?

I do once again disagree sir... it would heavily depend on a persons acting abilities and what kinda shifter it is... some things not just transform into another person physically but also biologically and even take on personality traits of their targets. Mystique is not one of those types but Yes a good Shapeshifter could imitate the personality and mannerisms of the person he/she transforms into if they are a good actor ... so yeah Not Jennifer Lawrence XD
besides some physical traits would become necessary by the physical limitations of the bodies you transformed into... Don't wanna go into the physics of it all and start discussing conservation of mass now.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
Well fellas (Saraf and Acez),here's something to look forward to:Cybernetic "companions".With the rapid development in A.I I wouldn't be surprised if in,let's say,20-30 years we could have a real-life Mystique or whoever your pants desire.Personally,I'm looking forward to all of the controversies that people will come up with.I've already prepared my cola and popcorn.
Bwaha Im not even sure Im still around in 20-30 years but even then I doubt it.
Maybe 50,followed by Skynet eliminating humanity with a bunch of sexbots(there are worse ways to go I suppose).

Oh Sorry... ya Thicc starfire ... allowed my imagination to run wild for a moment there... she looks good as she is slender but not skinny just the right amount of meat on the bones... keep picturing the old 80s version... the newer teen titans are just childish looking so none of her old appeal in there. the Animated ones not the Live action TV Series... don't even watch any of the Animated Teen titans anymore... and Starfire is not in the Young Justice series... atleast so far. No wonder that poor Nightwing looks sorta out of place with Oracle.
Hm dont think I remember Starfire ever being potrayed as really skinny,always more on the healthy if not athletic side(outside of highly stylized depictions like that 2000´s TV show).
Something Unlimited actually did a rather good job with it(as well as making her a fun character instead of just another slave heh).

D: what has poor Storm ever done to you ? or it's more of a what she hasn't done for you I guess. Everyone has their own preferences it's all cool.
Less the fault of Storm and more of the 90´s show localization team.
Over here they gave her a rather old sounding voice and in combination with her(back then anyway)trademark of going on about nature like an old crook so I formed that prejudice in my head of her being a granny.
Never really could get rid of that.

I guess most of the old 70's 80's clothes would look weird as it is anyway... but a complete lack of costumes for superheroes makes it feel like something essential to the whole superhero theme is missing. Captain America's full blue body suit was probably the hardest thing to translate into the Live action I suppose in the animate Version he has that navy blueish costume practically wearing the flag itself. But they did ok on that part by making his uniform a variation of combat gear.
Well they modernized Cap´s costume quite a bit as well and its far from the hardest to translate(like all those hero disco outfights from the 70´s would be,or 80´s tendencies to spikes and ridiculous shoulderpads).Outside of its garrish color scheme its actually rather mundane.
Though I completely agree that a costume is a must for most.

Mask's ears... That's where his wild haircut is stored... at-least that is what I always believed ever since I was a kid. You gotta check out that post credits scene eventually the Outfit seemed a perfect rendition of the classic Wolverine... best part is it doesn't look like shit... does look a bit uncomfortable though ... who knows... Deadpool might finally get his wish to make him cameo into one of his movies ?
Looking at the patterns on the gloves that outfit wouldnt have been particularly close to the original either(probably more along the lines of Cap´s revised costume).
Its really hard to say how it would have looked without Jackman actually donning it and seeing it in motion.

Last I heard Wolverine was an Adamantium statue or something haven't kept up with the comics. He needs to come back from the dead in the fucking movies... They could do it if they wanted... you know with time the poison from the additives to the food they were adding to neuter mutants just burns away over time and his healing factor regains its full power again... he could rise from the grave... if the movie makes and the actor agree on it.
Yeah,last I heard the statue was broken and Logan started doing camoe´s in other comics twirrling around one of the infinity stone.
Since the whole thing came on the tails of X-23 donning Wolverines costume though(dont even get me started on how wrong that is)I pretty much lost interest and couldnt even be bothered to read summaries anymore.
I dont think Logan plays in the same universe as the X-men movies so technically he should still be around(I think...possibly...look here the whole thing got a neat and well deserved ending with Future past but then they had to go and fuck it up with Apocolypse again so I have no clue whats canon anymore).

Yeah Folder in folder... Shared consciousness of horny teens ? they are all connected via a mind link ?
Probably,kinda like how fire turned up I suppose =P

I do once again disagree sir... it would heavily depend on a persons acting abilities and what kinda shifter it is... some things not just transform into another person physically but also biologically and even take on personality traits of their targets. Mystique is not one of those types but Yes a good Shapeshifter could imitate the personality and mannerisms of the person he/she transforms into if they are a good actor ... so yeah Not Jennifer Lawrence XD
besides some physical traits would become necessary by the physical limitations of the bodies you transformed into... Don't wanna go into the physics of it all and start discussing conservation of mass now.
That we will keep disagreeing on.

Zeca Suez

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
Bwaha Im not even sure Im still around in 20-30 years but even then I doubt it.
Maybe 50,followed by Skynet eliminating humanity with a bunch of sexbots(there are worse ways to go I suppose).

Hm dont think I remember Starfire ever being potrayed as really skinny,always more on the healthy if not athletic side(outside of highly stylized depictions like that 2000´s TV show).
Something Unlimited actually did a rather good job with it(as well as making her a fun character instead of just another slave heh).
If one must die... dying old while jizzing from being serviced too well by a scientifically perfected orgasm inducing hot robot chick sounds like the most favorable way to go... I want her to collect that jizz and cradle it while weeping her artificially augmented tears for her master.

Well In my defense I am Old as we established earlier and second, English is my third language so sometimes I forget the exact words I am looking for and substitute them, what I meant When I said skinny was she is in that sweet spot/zone where she isn't chubby or toned or skinny/boney but looks ummm soft ? with just the right amount of meat on the bones. Though if you look at the new teen titans art style those kids are practically colorful stick figures.
Another character with similar allure as Starfire would be that brazilian(I think) girl, called Fire. the one that burns green.
What a coincidence... when I started reading your response on starfire I was wondering in the back of my head "how come we haven't discussed Something Unlimited ?" it's basically Oni's level of art version of DC characters, though it updates more often... thankfully.

Less the fault of Storm and more of the 90´s show localization team.
Over here they gave her a rather old sounding voice and in combination with her(back then anyway)trademark of going on about nature like an old crook so I formed that prejudice in my head of her being a granny.
Never really could get rid of that.

Well they modernized Cap´s costume quite a bit as well and its far from the hardest to translate(like all those hero disco outfights from the 70´s would be,or 80´s tendencies to spikes and ridiculous shoulderpads).Outside of its garrish color scheme its actually rather mundane.
Though I completely agree that a costume is a must for most.
... Storm looks like a Granny ? ... mature sounding voice - check, White/gray/silver hair - check, White eyes like an old lady with cataract when she powers up - check ... Awww damnit... you ruined it... 8/10 GILF confirmed would still bang... hah Perv armor protected me Storm from being ruined for me. Ya back then If I thought she looked like a granny I wouldn't be into her at all either ... my tolerance for ol... eh mature women only came with ate and exposure to the freaky depths of the internet... it's sorta like mutation.

Yeah they are getting better at better with executing superhero costumes properly in movies. You are right many of the old costumes would look absolutely ridiculous if they just copy pasted them onto heroes today.

Looking at the patterns on the gloves that outfit wouldnt have been particularly close to the original either(probably more along the lines of Cap´s revised costume).
Its really hard to say how it would have looked without Jackman actually donning it and seeing it in motion.
Yeah those little metal slots the blades came out of originally ... I was looking for those too lol ... and very True... can't say how the final thing would have looked on him... I am sure they would have had to CGI some stuff in definitely ... like the super hairy arms of Classic logan lol ... Sabertooth wasn't the only hairy dude around. there are images of this suit I remember seeing it from the top-down view it looked pretty close. At-least closest as we would have gotten for now.

Yeah,last I heard the statue was broken and Logan started doing camoe´s in other comics twirrling around one of the infinity stone.
Since the whole thing came on the tails of X-23 donning Wolverines costume though(dont even get me started on how wrong that is)I pretty much lost interest and couldnt even be bothered to read summaries anymore.
I dont think Logan plays in the same universe as the X-men movies so technically he should still be around(I think...possibly...look here the whole thing got a neat and well deserved ending with Future past but then they had to go and fuck it up with Apocolypse again so I have no clue whats canon anymore).
That's heavy... walking about playing with an infinity stone... but good on him old boy is out and about getting some exercise.
Yeah I heard about that too... her wearing his costume and everything I was pretty Meh about it too.
You got a lot of ammunition there with the Apocalypse movie... where to even start... Psylocke at-least looked easy on the eyes. Young storm was cute with her lil punk hairstyle don't wanna ruin my buzz by discussing all the shit took me a big ass bottle to get this buzz ain't letting these damn youngsters ruin it lol ... Jean Grey needs to make her way out of that clusterfuck and go back to Winterfel to take more acting classes...is all I am gonna say.
It's a face... People uses it to convey their feeeeeeelings lady.
Probably,kinda like how fire turned up I suppose =P

That we will keep disagreeing on.
Exactly... Cavemen needed to stop being scared of the dark so they could take care of their horniness lol and so perverts found a way ! lol

As for the last bit I guess we will have to.
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