Yup this nails it on the head why there is almost no alternative to Rogue Like. Almost every H game is always the same restrictive linear gameplay loop over and over, where there is no freedom to do anything in scenes.
Rogue Like lets to swap to whatever sex action you want at anytime assuming you level the girl up high enough, and you can bang them whenever, wherever, with whomever you wish. Cause the sex scenes is all "real time" while most of the other games are all just either pre generated video / animation clips or like the same 3 key frame pictures during an entire sex scene with lots of boring repetitive dialogue.
In other words Rogue Like actually feels like a game where you are free to make decisions most of the time, while other games are visual novels, where they aren't really a game but more of just story book that occassionally lets you make a decision.
I was playing
Null Hypothesis for the first time yesterday, and at first I was yes this game has the more indepth mechanics people were asking Oni to add in Rogue Like. But I felt the game was awful because it was way too overly scripted and felt like a normal linear game rather than a sex sandbox. Like you have to flirt with all 3 girls simultaneously, and do multiple rounds of quests, and go on x number of dates with them, along with getting their Love / Trust up to even bang one of them. While in Rogue Like, if you don't care for the other girls you can just ignore them and focus on pursuing only the girls you like.