No offense but if you want to write romance melodrama then dont use superheros for that, its really not what superheros comics are meant to be doing and a big reason why western comics have so many problems currently because they been highjacked by people that care entirely about their slash fanfic and little else, this is why Korra failed to follow on Ang.What did I expect them to do? I dont know, maybe and episode were rogue wanted to act a love scene with him, or maybe one were she went in a snow trip with him insted of jean, or buying christmas presents in new york togetter, or telling misty that she likes him.. Wait all that happen in the show whit cyclops, hummm, o yeah because the show wanted a love triangle with scott and jean, gambit is just there to be a magnetos acolytes, dont be dumb
This doesnt happen in Manga because usually they stick to what they are doing, there is some romance in Demon Slayer but at no point it highjacked the plot, same with other action series were that is secondary as support and leave the shipping crap to doujins, there is still series entirely on romance that just shows how bad western comics became as its hyperfocused on superheros only but then again, this is why manga diversity allows it to continue to thrive as western comics are further and further in the decline due to their unwillingness to diversity (even if we can thank the Comic Book Code for that originally) and too hyperfocused on decades old characters with little actual inovation.
But the thing is, dont expect a cartoon aimed children to have content targeted at another demographics, I see this a lot when grown ass men complain about media not cathering to their needs, the audience that watched Madoka and Pretty Cure werent the same and expecting Pretty Cure to start being about Cure shipping is asemine yet it happens in the fandom but we shouldnt let the people that the show was never aimed at to dictacte how the show should be.