Ren'Py - Rogue-like: Evolution [v1.61e] [Oni]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has extremely good progression mechanics and a great story to match. If you pick the wrong choice, it doesn't punish you by setting you back 20 minutes of work, instead it's a system where picking the right choice feels good and the wrong choice doesn't hurt as much. Graphics are pretty decent especially for a RenPy game and the dialogue is well made.

    I only issue I have with the game is the menu system during scenes and wardrobe changes. It's sometimes buggy, slow, or unintuitive but most of the time it does it's job.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game to death. To be honest, there is no way for me to talk about this and not be biased. I've played it since X-23 wasn't even fully in the game, and have avidly followed it's progress from there. All of the characters have unique personalities, styles, and ways of having sex. As a result, the four characters stand out more as people. (I'm sure more will be added, and there is even a mod for more content for this if the base content's roster isn't large enough for you.) Now, this game has virtually nothing in the way of story, and in fact is something I typically despise in a game like this, open world. Well, sort of. The unfortunate truth is that while the Ren'py engine can be used to make them, compelling open world experiences are rare on this engine. It's no RPGM, and the skills and attributes you must raise are a pain in most Ren'py games that include them, as are the other "Open World" elements creators use to make up for otherwise pathetic run times.

    R.L.E., I can confidently say, does not have these issues. The world requires very little exploring (all items that the player cares about can be bought in the bedroom, and rooms are exactly what they say on the tin). Unlike a fair number of games out there, this title does not attempt to make itself play like a point and click from the 90s. In fact, due to how small the area you move through is, it feels more like a light sandbox than virtually any other game in this style and genre that I've personally played. Though, I will say that R.L.E. does have a strange habit of adding in some features that feel like they weren't fully thought out, or weren't implemented properly. These elements don't severely hurt the game, but they do serve to make me scratch my head. For example: level ups.

    There are only three major stats that you can improve: these are the rate at which you can earn money, your stamina (the sexual kind), and how fast you can improve your relationships with other characters. The third can be a little on the grindy side. Experience is gained relatively quickly over time as long as you constantly train and go to class. Money gives massive bonuses to your relationships when spent correctly, and is a massive time saver. The game is essentially figuring out where the girls are going to be, what they like, and generally what the fastest way to grind relationship points is for each character. The only grinds that are really bad are for characters that aren't fully implemented yet, or if you try to seduce one of the women without having gotten through their event. (e.g. you need to catch Emma Frost masturbating after class to kick start your relationship with her.) Thankfully, there is only one of these “kickstart” events per character.

    With all that said, I do have a question: why would you base it off of level ups based on time played? The question might sound silly, but let me explain my confusion. There are other games (which I'm not allowed to mention by name due to the "reviewing rules") that, while admittedly tend to be in the visual novel genre, do a better job at achieving a sense of progression. Rather than just grind through same-y conversations with the different characters, would you not have more detailed preset conversations that feel more personal, and where real decisions can be made? Without question, the best writing in the game is when characters take you aside and open up to you. A sense of progression is something that almost every other competent game I’ve played has done better than R.L.E.. It’s almost at the perfect balance, but it’s way too tilted in that category.

    Another head-scratcher is the three relationship types you can have with the lovely ladies: friends with benefits, lovers, or master and servant. Unfortunately, for those excited by the last option, don't bother coming here for that. Another one of my few notable complaints about this experience is how vanilla it can feel. The only things that your type of relationship affects is slight differences in dialogue, and minor variations on dates. The actions that you can do with your sexual partners are largely unaffected by the path(s) you choose. This is a subjective opinion of course, but I think that having less characters for more detailed control would have been a worthwhile tradeoff, or maybe having characters represent specific fetishes would have helped. Regardless, it feels like the creator(s) missed an opportunity to make a solid game that much better.

    Back to positives, holding this experience up beyond (mostly) engaging gameplay is fantastic art, well crafted animations, and respectable (thoroughly underutilized) writing. Even when I've unlocked everything I have an interest in, I still play it on occasion because the game is infinitely playable. Once you've unlocked everything you can still take the girls on dates, talk, and sleep with all of the girls without loading a save. Kinda like some other famous games, R.L.E. has no real ending it just becomes a sandbox to do whatever you want with. I highly recommend you give this game a chance. It is and always will be one of my favorite games I've played in the lands of smut.

    P.S. There is a fantastic cheat mod for this game that negates any grind present, and as mentioned, mod(s) that expand the game’s already impressive pool of content. They can all be found on F95. I recommend playing it with only the extra content mod, and wait to make yourself a god until at least one playthrough.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This Game gets the Harem God Seal Of Approval for many reasons
    1. Art: The art work is so good the shading of the characters makes them look like the actual show
    2.Nostalgia: My name aint Doug but i cant help but to be nostalgic while playing this game I can hear the dialogue if as if the words ascended into an audio frequency
    3. Characters: i love the constant addition of characters into game( still waiting for a certain pink white costumed be added in) help make up for the small lack of story. The character interactions seem to be less awkward and never really feel forced. Laura and kitty are best girls fight me!!:mad:
    4. Setting: Though i get to live out a dream of living in comic universe the limited travel options make feel as if a monochrome bear is lurking somewhere
    5.Scenes: the scenes are pretty good can look awkward at times but they are incredibly well drawn like i said before the art is really good
    6.Obligitory Bitches and Gripes: this game needs a story and perhaps a mission mode ... what you were expecting me to complain more... nah i must return to my realm H.G out Peace
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Bob Wanker

    Rogue-like: Evolution is a game that separates itself from the majority with its unique take on eroticism and hand drawn art style. This game doesn't have traditionally depictive sexual interaction, instead it opts for a more psychological approach, which leaves out the more in depth detail, but in turn allows the player to have more control over the scene itself. Maybe this doesn't sound like your cup of tea? It didn't sound like mine either. But I gave it a try anyway and found I really enjoyed the artistic gameplay style the dev was going for. The games file size is small, so take a break from the honey select clones and give it a try.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    What this game lacks in a 3d driven content, it makes up for it creativity repeatability, and the attention to detail of hand drawn characters. The problems of compatibility between updates as of late has been frustrating but over all this is a game that should leave most wanting more and impatiently waiting for the next update!
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    While the art is good and the training/control aspects are hot, this is still the sort of game that entertains for a few short hours and then you just delete it and wait months for a tiny crumb of new content. I think it's clear to all of us that Oni's just milking their patrons at this point.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game have all the elements a 10/10 ren'py game has:

    -More scenes unlocks as you progress
    -All scenes are repeatable
    -Has a good amount of fetishes scenes, and good ones
    -Different girls to bang with the same sex options available
    -Good art
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    this review is for v0.991e
    hi guys this is my review for this game i hope you like it.

    - the art of this game is soo good i never see any game with art like this
    - the dialogues of this game is so fantastic
    - clothes art is so good
    - the art of characters is not gonna to be regular for you after play long time the game and i think this is a magic of this game
    - back grounds is so cool
    - there is so many clothes to you buy and gift them
    - sex system is so big and so cool and you can almost do every pose and sex stuff you like

    - this game dont have any song and this is bad for the game like this
    - menus of the game is so messy and i think the developer must make a better menu system and make it simple
    - the wardrobe of this game is big and button system for change wardrobe is so bad system and it must be a window for choose a dress
    - there is have some bugs in character moves and talk when we have 2 character in one scenes

    this was my review for this game i hope you like it.
    (sorry for bad english )
  9. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1882281

    Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    An extremely solid BASE to a good game, with a clever concept. The sex scenes are some of the most customizable I've ever seen and the general artstyle is strong. Lots of little details too.

    I do however think this game is overrated because it lacks in overall content and story. Therefore it fails to properly work as either a sandbox or visual novel style game, there just isn't enough to do or see. It's a fun thing to mess with for like 30 mins, but honestly is reminds me of something like superdeepthroat more than anything.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    [Review of v0.990l]

    A no-BS dating sim/trainer with above-average art and serviceable writing, though with not much in the way of plot. Unlike a lot of similar games, Rouge-like knows how to dangle a reward in front of the player without burning them out through tedious hoop-jumping in order to get that reward. It's the sexy kind of tease, not the annoying one.

    It's odd how much I enjoy being able to make the characters wear specific outfits after enough time investment. I know it isn't a new thing for trainers, but seeing Rogue around campus in nothing but thigh-highs is incredibly gratifying.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Whoever reads it after 2020 - check this shit out for nostalgia sake.

    Newest quarantine update (Aprils fools) is the funnies shit I saw in a very long time. Like, X-man mutant school in quarantine. With phone sex, social distancing (in hentai game) and health advices. Seriously, it is the funny as hell. And so close to home that it is strange.

    Cause, you know, it feels real because it fucking is.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    May not be the preties game or most pack with story, but its polished and constend devolempment and having always something to do is amazing. The art style and Story is awesome. Game is easy to understand and fun to dive and spend hours and hours.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    yeah the updates are scarce and dont add much but i have no doubt its the best game on this site, in fact its probably my favorite jerk off game. Great mechanics that admittedly are sometimes wonky, but you have 4 characters who are fully fleshed out to interact with in a number of ways. Cant recommend this game enough tbh.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a hard one to rate... the art alone is both alluring and a good parody of it's original tv material. That said, the game play leaves much to be desired and is one more case of an amateur dev not understanding proper game design and creating a game that's far more complicated than it needs to be to achieve what it does.
    The end result is... average. You get art that's a cut above the normal but a game that shows some ingenuity but also could use far more refinement.
    It bordered between 3 and 4 stars but given how long it's been out I err towards 3.
    This isn't saying you shouldn't play it at least once, especially if you were a fan of the source show in your youth ;) , it doesn't disappoint it just requires a lot of time and effort for the payout of an adult game and at this point in it's development [it's going on 4 frikkin years] it's behind most games that reach a similar point.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an excellent game in several aspects such as the decisions to approach certain characters and how they evolve according to the approach you had with them, that encourages you to start another game but with other decisions.
  17. 3.00 star(s)

    Unreal Bober

    Hi Boyz n Girlz.

    I hope this review will be helpfull for you and you can decide play this game or not.

    Rogue-like is a sandbox trainer-like grind game about corruption.


    Story begins for a guy whom you can choose a skin color and a name. A new member of the school for mutants where director is chairman Xavier. You are a mutant who has the ability when he touches a girl she begins to feel a craving for him at first, and then she can’t live without it at least as author intended. Xavier introduces us to a girl named Rogue and we leave to campus and that’s it ... no, I seriously it really where ends of plot and the grinder starts. Sandbox entertain yourself and this is a fact. ( But about it we talk in the Gameplay part.) You don’t have choices for plot and other things since the plot is over. Now we can just play the grind part. First with Rogue then game will give us Kitty another girl mutant and then Teacher Frost and so on but the plot isn’t there.


    As we understood, the game was created on the Ren'Py engine but is not a visual novel, it is, if I may say, a full-fledged game. choice of the engine on which it works poorly and I recall that the game is on Ren'Py and, accordingly, all the bugs that are adjacent to it are presented in this the game.


    Gameplay component is the most important part in any game. So it occupies a huge place in my review. So all what be saying before is not matter.

    Event system.
    This game have lack of events and this events not really developed they just copy each other like the blowjob in the morning from girlz so its really rare to see unique content for girls.

    Example - "Event when Rogue is run in your bedroom and want touch."
    Sometimes she comes to us and it’s possible to sell a can of your sperm to her, by the way, this would be a good turn in the storyline and have really big outcome if there was a plot here, but since it’s not there it’s just fun little thing, but as a whole thing jarselling is only one option that not copy other options from sex system in this event.

    Corruption system.
    You need to fill in three scales for the girl, love, humility and depravity, that is, the game initially hints that it should have replayability with different options for the passage. You say "WOW COOL!" and i say: "Hold on boyz! Now kill your Whorses and come with me."

    Obviously, the author wanted to make trainer game, but in the end it turned out not a damn thing not trainer not corruption. As a matter of fact, the dialogs change not all just some of them but the most stay same, but only after, for example, the Rogue came to you and offered one of three options, depending on which scale is being filled, but the training itself does not change, almost all actions fill three scales at once.
    You can run into bugs where you made her a slave, and the next day she behaves like your wife launching an appropriate dialogue or just a friend for sex. That is, in fact, it does not matter which of the three indicators you have completed, there are no consequences for game reality either.

    You ask: "What the fuck! why just do it if author could not implement it properly?" and I’ll answer :"Yes friends this garbage so live with it" we have a great example of a slave trainer where we can develop a girl as we want and get different events, dialogues and scenes but I won’t tell you the name of these games, but I’ll tell you the password: " all slavers love to drink pink tea "

    Sex and relations system.
    To my surprise, the sex system itself is quite entertaining. During the main actions there are still small actions. for example, during a kiss, you can unzip fly and let your hero out start jerking off getting a reaction from a girl and even get a few words, depending on whether she saw our dick or this is her first acquaintance with our monster aka pussyslayer.

    Yes, this system is not perfect and in fact everything is not as colorful as I describe. In reality, we get the maximum something like a couple of words and that’s all, and on the screen there is a looping little animation, a hand that jerks off a dick.

    We are offered a system of repeating the same flirting actions to develop relationships with our girls, that is, kisses, spanking, hugging, banging boobs and other petting, but most of this is not animated and is expressed in the same dialogue. There are also more intimate actions, but they are in other section. The author also didn’t have much imagination, so everything depends on dancing, handjob, blowjob, sex and anal in one position. Also in the sex system there will be the possibility of sex with 2 girlz, but don’t rejoice, you will see the same animation one on one, but in your corner of the screen there will be a picture where another girl will stand pretending to be participating, some kind of NTR or Cuckquean where you force her look at you. (You won’t even get a blowjob from both sides of your cock so roll your lip, the author deceived you.:cry:)

    There is the unrealized at least not really realized part, but for me it’s a rather interesting dress-up system. You can control your girl’s wardrobe, it’s a pity that people don’t respond to revealing outfits so it’s also a stub clean to satisfy. As author doesn’t shine with imagination and like coding more so your babe will not wear bondage or blindfolds or handcuffs and other things. There is a big plus of this game that this system exist but it's a waste so much potential.

    Dialogue system.
    By the way, if you noticed, I mentioned a dialogue system. So in games where you repeat the same action, this system must be developed that especially displays the state of your girl from an innocent to a depraved one in, say, a cold state and on the verge of orgasm, and must also reflect the actions that we do. Yes, the author also knew this, but couldn’t make a direct good dialogue system on Ren'Py, so came to dialogues of three variations and very very rare dilutions of dialogs with disposable things like “wow your sperm tastes like the thing you sold to me” even in this case girl not angry no matter what stage of corruption and this don't have outcome, because author conceived only one option for developing a dialogue that does not take into account the depravity of our bitch and other factors in general, there are several points in the game where factors are taken into account but they are rare and basically 98% of the game you will read the same lines ...

    Game design.

    Okay, you might think, but dude, judging by your review, it’s just 2 stars and you put 3 stars.

    Yes, the most important thing that still gives this game to hang out is game design. It's a good, beautiful, high-quality solution for Ren'Py, good animations and good art, not five stars and really smal variations, but better than many games.


    Even if it's game have a good art and complex sex system still everything else pulls the game with an anchor: bad mechanics, poor coding, lack of events, little variations of animations, repeadet dialogues not developed and wasted systems: bad realised threesome not realised levelup system, why this in game anyway? and this list can be really endless...

    Final words.
    That’s the end, friends. I hope you found the review useful.

    I was try to review all aspects of this game and be objective (And I will get better) so you can decide is this game worth your time or not. But still, I advise you to try it yourself, maybe you like it.

    I'm forgot to mention some small and not needed mechanics such as money making and level up system there you go in class because they are really poor develop and needed only for extend the gameplay.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Really excellent. This is basically the game I've been waiting for, ever since little teenage-me saw his first flash-based loop with options.

    And, right there is the reason why: options. I've never seen much appeal in porn games that are essentially normal games with porn taped on. If I just want dirty pictures, the web's full of 'em.

    This is the most versatile sex sim I've ever played, by a mile. It's possible there's ones that outshine it (I tend to avoid 3d graphics, so maybe one of those?), but I don't know of any that come close. Almost everything you might reasonably expect, you can do, including FFM. It can take a little grinding, but since the grinding is 90% the sex itself, it flies right by.

    Imagine a classic hentai flash game, the kind that's a single scene with handjob > blowjob > vaginal > anal progression. Downgrade the animation a bit, then inject the menu with all the steroids ever used in Olympic history. That's this game.

    ... Oh, and did I mention there's dress-up? >.>
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This might be my favorite game on the site. Biggest reason: gameplay. This is what other h-games should aspire to.

    Gameplay - most of your time is spent trying to get into a girls pants (duh?). But in this game you have a tremendous amount of control. Other games have scripted encounters. But here it's all up to you to control. Want her to strip? Ask her. Do you want to stop having sex and finger for a bit? Go for it.

    This game captures the natural building of rapport and escalation that happens in a real relationship. Honestly it's really impressive.

    They made a game that manages to feel naughty without incest, without forced encounters, without RNG, and without turning the protagonist into a creep.

    I can't imagine how much time was spent programming the systems on which this game was built but it's impressive as fuck. I've had threesomes where one girl is super into it but the other is on the fence, and the first girl gets her to go along with it and they end up loving it. And I'm not saying which girl it was because that can happen with any girl in the game, in any combination. WHAT!?

    My only complaint, literally only one, is that there isn't more artwork content. That's it. Literally if there were 10 more of these games on this website with different character models / art styles / etc I would throw money at you.

    Graphics - They're good son

    Story - it's like an open-world game so you kind of create your own. You follow natural patterns like get a girlfriend, get serious, get kinky, get another girlfriend, now see if you can get em to do stuff together. So there isn't a "story" as in you don't get a cookie-cutter wall-of-text, but instead you create the story through your actions

    Replayability - amazing. This is my favorite game to replay on the site. There isn't even very much h-content visually and yet I come back to it time and time again. This shit's good.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really a surprise. I hadn't seen it around, but I'm glad I finally found it.
    It reminds me of Akabur's masterpieces. I love the training parts, that are repeated for 4 women.
    It tends to become repetitive after a while, but the possible interactions between the various females are great, and they make it all worth it.
    The characters also show a clear personality, that you're able to shape. It's also a "male domination" themed game, I guess.
    Now I want to play all of their games.