label Betsy_Psyknife:
#Raises your focus by her lust
#if "knife" in BetsyX.History:
if "knife" in BetsyX.RecentActions:
ch_b "I'm afraid I can't concentrate, [BetsyX.Petname]."
$ Player.Focus += BetsyX.Lust
$ Player.Focus = 100 if Player.Focus > 100 else Player.Focus
$ BetsyX.Lust = 100 if Player.Focus > 100 else BetsyX.Lust
So, basically, add her lust to your's. If you cum as a result, she cums.
Now I kinda want Psylocke to be able to use that as a prank like Kitty does with stealing clothes. Psylocke sneaks up to someone, stabs their head with the knife, they cum uncontrollable, Psylocke runs away going "HAHA! Made you cum!"