Gonna be real, Squirrel girl is just a meme character to me. She exists solely so people can talk about how she beat doctor doom, even though she should be clearly incapable of doing that given that she has no real powers.
She's a vehicle of authorial fiat used for comedic purposes, which was fine as a one-off joke but started to grate when they tried to keep doing it.
Aside from that, she's not attractive in her base form, and even less so with the tumblr-tier artstyle she's had recently.
I have no interest in her whatsoever. If she does get added to the game, I will be actively avoiding her, or even looking for a console command to just make her stop appearing.
S'not like I've got some sort of irrational hatred of the character, but I feel absolutely nothing when the character is on-screen, so I might as well just shoo her out of the way so I can get back to rogue or kitty.
Though I suppose I would probably begrudge all dev-time and resources spent on the character, since from my POV it's a total waste for no benefit.