And you don't think 3 or 4 hours of enamored enjoyment is fairly significant in the arena of adult games hosted here (particularly those that are games and not just kinetic novels)? If 3 or 4 hours is too little, does that say more about content or about grindyness?
EDIT: I even allowed myself to take my own point for granted there in agreeing with your assessment of 3 or 4 hours. 3 or 4 hours is accurate for me to go through the game getting to a point where I'm only going to get repetition of events moving forward. But that won't be the case for someone who doesn't already know the game inside and out. I know which responses in scripted events get the most stat increases, I know which activities and conversations are the most effective for stat increases for each character based on where their stats currently sit. And I know what to avoid in order to keep the money flowing so I can buy everything there is to buy as soon as possible in the game. Additionally, I know what content exists and what doesn't so I know when I've hit that point that everything else will just be a repeat. A new player won't have any of that, and will probably take 2 to 3 times longer than me to reach that same point.