If you are worried about the wankers that expect you to cater to their fetishes and get pissed off when you don't, but aren't willing to do any of the work themselves, then there is a simple solution: Make your mod, but don't release it into the wild. Make it for yourself, and no one else.
...Okay, so... I can sort of understand why you're giving
me the do-it-yourself pep talk. But, my wishlist for this game can be categorized as ' things that will be in the game eventually,' which is just the usual array of sex acts that we've got with the other girls but not fully with Gewn yet.
I don't care about tribadism. I only play as male Zero, and my interest in yuri is conditional. And even with the faults I may have with female Zero, I don't draw eroge (yet), and I hate codeing. On a scale of 1 to 10, my motivation to try to add things to playing as female Zero is already less than 1; especially since most people around here still don't know how the search feature works, or reading the opening post for instillation instructions. Godspeed to those who can put up with that, but Hell would have to freeze over before I get into any level of game development.
my intents and purposes, I'm just here to do my usual hanging out in the thread with a Gurren Lagann reference - among other references - and be horny with everyone wanting that good-good with Gewn. So with all that said, my "push" for varpep to make a mod is facetious, not serious.