Seriously I'm so lost. Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated. Do I just raise points with every girl until something happens?
Once enough points are gained with a girl, she will open up to some stuff, like partying up with you to go somewhere, letting you enter her room, or accepting some of the sex options. As time goes by, more and more girls appear in the game, and as of now, there are 8. If you want to raise their stats higher, flirt with them, or generally interact with them. Also, gift them stuff. Books are a one off thing that boost them quite a bit and are somewhat cheap.
There are a myriad of interactions and small details in the game that could take forever to dive into, so I guess that should give you the general idea of how to proceed. Stats do give girls different reactions depending on which one is the predominant: If it's love, they'll be more inclined to romance, if it's obedience they'll be more submissive, and if it's inhibition (contrary to what the word actually means) they'll get kinkier. But all of those stats end up doing roughly the same; it's just a different flavor of the same lollipop.
Two last tips: It's a roleplay game, so, unless you just wanna get to the fapping very fast, assume a character and play like that, because you will get to the sexy stuff anyways. And also, there's no story nor missions, and those things are not to be expected, so the only gameplay will be walking around the school's premises and gaining points with the girls.