Unity - Roof Jumper: Quest from Cupido [v1.0] [Timekss]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    (Version 1.0)

    You'll have more fun playing the no-wifi dinosaur game on Google than this
    The gameplay is as simple as it can get: You left click to jump, don't fall off. There's nothing else to it.
    It's usually never a good idea to judge a book by it's cover, but the cover of this game probably took more time to make than the game itself.
    The animations are great, but that's because they're stolen from different artists and lazily copied into the game
    This game could have better graphics, gameplay, sound design, accessibility, or literally any aspect of the game could be improved.
    If you want to see good animations, look literally anywhere else. You'll have an easier time finding them there.