Glad to see my game has finally been posted here! I'm the developer and can answer a few questions.
Firstly, I want to stress is that the game is in
pre-alpha. It's extremely barebones at the moment with placeholder graphics, such as the main character, but the point is to convey the type of game it is. The initial release took me roughly 10 days to whip together, though I had been working on this idea of several years now and prototyped similar things before. Since then, I've been building upon it. Functionality has been my focus, not content.
I've been working with an artist to develop a new player model, though it has taken much longer than I expected. The base model is mostly finished, so now I'm working with an animator to get some animations. I'm aiming to have her replace the current model by December.
Yeah I have to agree, this really seemed like my kind of game like Naked Order or the 5+ JP clone games of that but this is..... a Major letdown...
I like Naked Order and it's a source of inspiration, but the copious amounts of rape is what really turns me off from it. Most exhibitionism games I've played turn into massive rapefests. I just want to play as a girl who's enjoying herself as she sneaks around town naked.
She looks like a stick figure with tits and ass and anime eyes lol
I don't like her either, but I needed
something to get the idea across. Part of why I keep the censorship on is because there's nothing interesting to see underneath. I've been prioritizing a new player model to give my game its own identity, which is what's been holding me back from showing it prematurely.
You know what would really help this game? Having controls that make sense. To remove lower clothes is one key, G, and to remove upper clothes is another key, T. Not only that, but they have zero in common with the article being removed, so they aren't obvious, and they are usually somewhere that spreading your fingers out to reach isn't easy from the WASD movement keys, the upper clothes key in particular falls into that. It's doable, just at the cost of being able to quickly get back to WASD in case you need to abort stripping and move.
This is the first time I've heard someone complain about the controls. I used T/G for removing top/bottom because the T key is above the G key. When I implement the control binding screen, this should be alleviated a bit, but I'm open to suggestions about control bindings.
I personally welcome an exhibition focussed game where you don't get fucked by every male in the city if you get caught once.
That's exactly the kind of game I want to make. There's such a shortage of it.
As long as this isn't cancelled, this will be a nice addition to the list of exhibitionism-heavy games. Wonder how the other locations they have planned will look like.
I hope that crouching, sneaking, crawling, lying down (or just something to make her walk slower damnit!) gets implemented soon. Would make gameplay smoother instead of running everywhere.
Expanding the stealth mechanics is on my to-do, but I have a lot of other things to do as well.
I've been working on this full-time for several months and will continue to do so for as long as I'm able to. The more people who subscribe to my Patreon, the longer I'll be able to work on it. Right now, I'm developing this at a loss every month and I only have so much money until I need to work professionally again.