Unity - Completed - Round and Round Molester Train [Final] [Dispair]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall the game shines at what it sets out to do: molestation and corruption. Deserves a 5/5, 'one-of-its-kind' in terms of the gameplay, quality, sound/vocals, SOLID animations, scenario and flexibility/sandbox. Having the developer/cheat mode removes almost all of the pain points in the game.

    The best:
    • If you have a kink for panties\bra, this one's a real banger. It is really exciting to reveal what she's wearing underneath as you unveil her clothes(and her reaction), Immersive seeing new pieces as the days go by. Super cute when she wear matching ones. Always looking forward to the next unboxing experience.
    • PoV is great and immersive, soundscape is as such, her reactions, voices and breathing really pulls you into the scene.
    • Animations are lovely, the shivers, the jerks when she hits ecstasy (or in embarassment) from your attacks. 10/10
    • Headpat PoV
    • REAR OF THE CAR (and the glorious v1.11 patch removes the pesky 'MC shadow')
    • Attention to detailed
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    • Having the option for her to service you in one scenario. And having her willingness change over her corruption? BANG ON.
    • One-handed: 100
    The good:
    • Progression content: as you 'corrupt' her, (by increasing your control) the options available to you escalates in boldness.
    • Your actions are turn based, time only progresses when you take an action. You are not pressed for time and can enjoy to the animations, her reaction and dialogue. Dialogue is pretty good.
    • Her reaction to your attacks/advances also change based on the way you treat her (Not 'The best', due to it being unintuitive since it is based on her stats, e.g. Affection) You wont notice it in a single day, but overtime her attitude will change.
    • Rear of the car is the best.
    The bad:
    • Stats are a chore to grind, your control increases by one per day (if you do it correctly) which unlocks more actions.
    • It is recommended to download the developer mode and cheat the stats/prevent mission fail when you grow bored of the bothersome excuse of a bottlenecked progression.
    • There is no indication of her stats (unless you have dev mode: which shows you her stats), so its pretty touch-base ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) by gauging her reaction, facial expression and internal monologue. However, there is text buff/debuff indicator of her status (e.g. low resistance will give you a 'kissable' buff etc..)
    • Since your actions are turn based, you may find yourself clicking the same action and skipping the dialogue to grind her stats. (which can be tedious and this is where you will notice repeated dialogues)
    • Rear of the car is too short (dev/cheat mode solves this)
    The worst:
    • None that I can think of.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    1star is still too much for this game.

    Was baited by the decent preview pics that reminded me of old flashgames and the positiv reviews. Sadly this was just a complete waste of time.

    The "gameplay" is a grindy loop of "spam this action" until you unlock another action. But be careful, don't spam it too much or you will be caught. So spam....wait....spam....wait...spam...wait.

    Dialogs may be hard to judge because of the translation so let's just say: not good.

    Even the most grindy "sandbox" renpy game you can think of is still more fun than this.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Story is Really awesome . and those dialouges too. I couldn't understand why it's 5 days instead of 1. and That finishing was Really really good Though i expected more content after every ending . but gameplay makes up for it
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game, that mechanic is what I wanted to see after AG2.
    And want to mention a very good voice acting and maybe to little ambient sound.
    This game is definitely one of the best I saw for some years.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    live 2(.5?)d animations are top notch aside from a few nitpick like no seamless change between actions or states. you can see each level of the girl's emotional from slight brush to reddish with trembling eyes to the moist eyes and a bit of tears. it's really really well done.
    The girl proportion is more realistic than the bombshell cow-like that seem to dominate lewd space. if you're sick of fapping to a cow then this is good.
    For gameplay if you're not accustom tonon-hand-holding style then this gonna fustrate you since other than basically a gameover guage there is nothing that overtly tell you other parameters. you have to read and observe the response from the girl to guage where her arousal at. this is a big add immersiveness. For me as someone who spend their free time reading paradox game's wiki for fun this is a big plus. I like this style.
    A minor flaw is that the game didn't tell you that the 5 days countdown are not game over limit your meta progression is saved when you continue on a new 5 days loop like rogue-lite game.
    I'll to add that the OP version is not the lastest version and doesn't contain manual translation.
    you can find the lastes one from this post it already included the lastes version of manual transaltion. You don't need to download the attached translation file (I'm pretty sure since the one that come with the game has translation file that 2 time bigger and from the rough comparison is pretty sure that it's an actual update from the attached one) maybe they update their reply but forgot to remove obsolete attached file?
    a minor guide or should I say a nudge of direction.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Maxing out the character takes a while, but if you just want to fap, there's a dev/god mode. If you do want to play the game itself, it's quite a fun challenge even with quicksaves. I've beat it once normally and currently use dev mode and I highly recommend it to rape, molester, or trainer/mind break enjoyers.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. The animations are top notch and that's really what i look for in games like this.
    The way the girl changes with time is also ball busting good. I can't say i like or dislike the molesting aspect of it but the idea of a purgatory like scenario makes me feel things.
    Plot is odd and very "Japanese" but i won't say much on this.
    The translation is a bit of a pain in the ass. You gotta piece things together since MTL likes poetry.
    Voice acting is excellent, no ifs or buts here, not from me.

    I really hope the developer releases something else, anything really.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid porn trainer game here with many different endings. The H inside of the game is good and the voice acting of the woman is also good. But the one big issue is the translation like most of the other reviews. I played with a fanmade translation and while good, it is still missing a good bit. Would recommend otherwise
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Adding my own review here for score only, other reviews already cover everything very well. The highlights:
    - Terrible MTL, passable story (when intelligable)
    - Excellent gameplay that is terribly explained via MTL (read the forum or reviews)
    - Great art and animation
    - Well paced progression for a porn game

    One can only hope for a fan translation one day
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    We need more games like this. I'm not really into the whole schoolgirl thing, but public secret-sexy time is best time, and this game does it very well. Similar vibe to Urge to Molest--another highly recommended series.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Grindy, not well explained, basic animations and only few of the actual penetration ones (vaginal and anal and then elevator bjowjob scene), has x-ray but isn't that amazing (you can cum few times and fill up the womb but there is no cum inflation or really anything interesting). Girl doesn't really talk or react much, very simple game overall, not sure why people are rating it so high, might have been 3 stars if it had few more positions or even 4 stars if there was more interaction and dynamics to the sex but there isn't so 2 stars max.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Admitably, this game looks terrible and shouldn't actually be as good as it is, but it exceeded even my limited expectations.

    If by chance you read japanese then congratulations you dont have to suffer through the horrible MTL translation this game has. Not a stab at the game at all, but for what's its worth this game does indeed have a story. Trying my best here to decipher the gibberish I went through.

    Basically you play a guy that's stuck on a time loop, for a reason I couldn't tell. Evidentally something bad happened and youre dead, but the translations are so bad I cant confirm it. So for five days youre stuck on a train, with the same girl, and you decided for god know why, that youre going to fuck with this girl.

    Every five days or so your game ends, your ending is based on your performance. Does this reach any satisfactory conclusion? Dont know, because the translation is shit. I read from some commenters that the girl is in fact trying to save your soul or some shit. Dont really care, if Im honest.

    Here's where the game shines. You have the standard variety for games like this. Undress, molest, blowjobs, anal, etc. But the game doesn't let you do all that out of the blue. In fact attempting to undress the girl will immediately gameover your ass. Instead your task is to properly 'train' the girl and progressively get more options.

    There's a limited amount of stuff you can do per day, and there's a meter that decides how much you can get away with. Spamming the same act doesn't work here, and the game does elegantly tell you if what youre doing isn't working, or if youre progressing. So for example, the girl doesn't take kisses very well at first but with enough head pats she gradually accepts your tongue. Its all very nicely done, narrated (or garbled) by the protagonist.

    Unfortunately, the game is horrible at explaning how the game itself works. Getting an ending in this game doesn't get warped back on day 1 without progression. In fact what happens is you start over with your progression on the girl, roguelite style.

    Also, bear in mind that this game is a patient sort, and there's no helpful meters that shows how much the girl is now trained in specific parts. So dont expect to fuck the girl until you've properly get her cumming at least twice, and that takes time. A word of advice: choose a body part (tits, crotch etc.) and stick with it. She'll be taking blowjobs by day 3-4 easily that way. Dont bother too much with the undressing, that'll come naturally.

    Oh, and this game is properly point n click. There's no dragging anywhere or anything special. You choose and the girl reacts. Very nicely react I may add.

    Alright, for all those who love these corruption themes, this game properly serves that niche. The poor girl will start off innocent, then slowly she'll get more receptive to your groping, and finally turns completely stockholm syndrome style. Supposedly to do this you'll have to get all the endings, which isn't trivial. So if youre into this kind of stuff, you'll get about 5 hours worth of your time getting this girl to beg for cock.

    Pretty much one of the better games of its genre, but the chikan genre itself is fairly barren so if this scratches your itch then you owe it to yourself to at least try it. Recommended for those who can look past bad MTL for solid gameplay.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Wow. Going in my expectations weren't that high. I thought it would be yet another generic molester game. And... it kind of is, but it's also got that oomph that makes this a great game.

    Story 4/10

    I don't speak MTLglish so I can only roughly understand the story. You're a molester, obviously, and you're molesting this girl because you find no purpose in life otherwise.

    With each bad end, you get a glimpse of some alternate reality. You get stabbed or die in many of them by some other unknown individual. Then in the "Perfect Bad End" it's revealed that you're the savior and in the hospital, but also the molester? It really doesn't make sense.

    The only other story aspect to consider is the girl. She's extremely stubborn. Hence why you can molest her and she won't say anything. And really, that's what makes this game so good. This game is a psychological mind domination game. And domination is only fun when there's a challenge.

    Gameplay 9/10

    Really really good gameplay. It was actually quite fun to play. There's a little bit of grind but it just adds to the gameplay experience since you look forward to what will be unlocked.

    The core gameplay loop is that you're on a train and every action will advance the time (there's a time limit per day). And depending on the action, you raise suspicion. If you max out suspicion, then it's game over. But it's not really game over because you can start over from day 1 with all progress maintained.

    What is progress? The girl has multiple hidden attributes that changes depending on your actions. Her resistance to certain actions depends on these hidden attributes and you unlock actions depending on these attributes.

    Does this sound tedious and annoying? No, it's great! The game has a minor grind curve but there's always new dialogue options and the character has progressed reactions to the same interactions. You're always making progress and it's exciting discovering new things you can do and new reactions you can see.

    There's three phases to daily interactions and you start with the first phase. And let me tell you, unlocking the third phase like X-mas all over again. Emphasis on the XXX if you know what I meant.

    Art 8/10

    At the end of the day, there's 3 poses. But you know what? It works. It's a 2D model but it looks 3D and there's tons of animations. Since the transitions between animations are so flawless and continuous, it looks 3D. The animations really sells the art.

    When the girl gets really going her face turns red and she starts shaking. And everything else in between.

    The art style itself is okay-ish, not 100% my type but I like it.

    Oh, and there's voice acting. Always a really nice touch.

    Overall 8/10

    I think I got around 10 hours of gameplay out of this game. Unfortunately, like a good 30% of that time was me waiting for the online MTL translation. Even then, this game is pretty top of the line.

    Couple ways to improve is to have a better storyline. The whole mystery/time paradox thing doesn't really add to the game at all. Another improvement would be to have a better post-end game.

    The post-end game is actually the girl changing over from resisting to being loving with voiced dialogue lines and all. But that transition is an option box you check and it doesn't make sense at all from the story perspective. Everything else in the game is earned and makes sense, but that final switch to loving doesn't fit in at all.

    That being said, I thought I was starting to lose interest in h-games. But just wow. This game is like viagra.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    this game is really good game. If you haven't, definitely go and play. I was very hesitant to give the game 5 stars or 4 stars, but in the end I thought 4 stars would be the best. because the translation of the game is really, really bad. Sometimes it takes 5 seconds for the texts to be translated from Japanese to English. I hope something is done about it in the future. Secondly, the game is not very good at explaining itself. Let me give you a tip, never skip the day in the game, wait for the time to run out.

    If we come to the good aspects of the game, for example, the girl on the train comes across with a different underwear every day, this is a detail I like. Thigh socks are my favorite again. The fact that the girl on the train gets more corrapted over time and the things you can do to her increase every day. A good example of this is when the girl looks at you with embarrassment at first and then starts dying to suck you. The facial expressions are so well drawn and it really makes the game so much more gripping. What could be more fun than watching a girl have an orgasm? There are many variations of even the simplest actions such as fingering or touching. As you progress in the game, different places are opened, for example, while you are serving the girl on the train, she does it to you in the second scene and so on. The drawing of the positions in the game is also very nice and when this is combined with very good outfit and outfit removal mechanics, it is really very provocative.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Version: 1.10

    Story: So, the story is difficult to understand, but it's the typical guy that goes rampage being a train molester. Nothing much new here (3/5)

    Originality: The game has it's own features. It reminded me a lot of "Urge to Molest" another game very similar to this one, but at this case, it's just one person and it also let you do much more than the other game. Can't say this is something new, but I do the thing pretty well. (4/5)

    Sound: Just the sounds of the train, interactions and the bullied girl. Some tense music could be good here, but it's good as it is. (4/5)

    Playability: Now this here is tricky. There is one problem in this game, that is actually good after you understand it. You don't know much about how the bullied girl is feeling, and in the beginning, it is very difficult to upgrade your game. But after you understand that you need to do some things in order to access other parts of the game, it becomes awesome because of this doubt. At all, you can replay this a lot. There are lots of interactions, and for people who enjoy this fetish, the game is awesome (4/5)

    Performance: Did not have any problems. (5/5)

    Bugs: Just have some animations bugs (4/5)

    Animations: The game have animations, so that's a plus. But at least in this version I found the animations kind of buggy. (4/5)

    Voice Acting: Lot's of interactions from the girl and the protagonist, mainly after you won some dominance. There are lot's of repetition in the dialogue because the game has some kind of grind. (4/5)

    Amount of content: There are 9 (10) levels. The 5 days are replayable and cumulative. There are 3 different locations with different interactions with the girl. This is not much, but clearly not few. (4/5)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The game came out just great, this is the first game in this genre that I have played, and I was very pleased with it that I wanted to write a small review.. Of the advantages, I can single out.
    1. Interesting mechanics, all events grow very smoothly and you can't get all the scenes in a couple of minutes, for me this is a big plus.
    2. A lot of preludes of all kinds, and the number of actions with each new level can be applied more and more.
    3. The emotions of the girl are very well shown, the smoothness of the transition from one level of corruption to another is also good, at the beginning it will seem that the process is slow, but in the end it is just what it should be.
    4. There are many different options for simulating depravity, which is very pleasing.
    5. The atmosphere on the train, the soundtrack is very good.
    And now to what I don't really like.
    1. Various toys are taken from the air, although it can be assumed that the main character has already prepared in advance and this moment was simply considered unnecessary, I would like to choose sex toys for applications to my goal, I mean a store with different assortment.
    2 At the beginning of the game, it is not entirely clear what the choice of ending affects when you complete the cycle in five days. Because of what you can get confused whether there is progress or not.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    This could easily be 5 star material but it is selling a car with the intent to travel but the car has no wheels so it can't actually go anyfuckingwhere....

    Game is pretty much for all purposes a completely shit waste of time. Without using dev mode I will describe as a metaphor:...
    there are gutters your job is to clean them
    but being two stories up... you can't possibly do that shit without a ladder
    you are never given a damn freaking ladder
    so you stand around like a fool wasting time

    Seems like the base game has to follow a stupid as fuck incredibly specific order that you just have to guess out in order to progress. Lots of stuff is never ever mentioned but the end day numbers thing can lead you to assume you can do any of that shit.... only on the last day and only if you reached the right point prior otherwise fuck you your just tossing time into the trash bin. Gotta get to a point in particular at end of every day and this is stupidly unclear unless you play around a good bit and observe the number changes via dev mode fucking shit like
    -kisses are only done at resistance number range 0 to depends on day and other numbers
    -she ONLY ONLY climaxes at number 100 or over IF and only when you push X
    -clothes aside from the jacket can NOT NOT under ANY fucking circumstance be removed prior to day Y
    -pick do gently/intensely you have no control over which hand does it and cant stop the intense action specifically when needed

    and other stuff :/
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Super fun once you figure it out. Just keep cycling after game overs, kinda roguelike. Good replay too. It would be nice to get a translation of the initial instruction page, if anyone finds/makes one. Thanks for posting.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic Molester game. Ignore all of the "I touched her once and she didn't ahegao" comments.'

    The MTL is decent but slow, but the gameplay is worth sitting through it.

    Basically its a slow corruption of the heroine. Your goal is to get her comfortable with your touch otherwise she'll react poorly, leading to you getting caught. The 5 days only matter for what ending you get. After the 5 days (or if you get caught) the cycle begins anew, but with all of the progress you've made with the heroine.

    The art is great, and the heroine's underwear changes with each day. The bra and panties are just retextured, but she'll switch between knee socks, opaque thigh highs, sheer stockings, and tights. Being able to lift her skirt or open her shirt for a different surprise certainly adds to the joy of the game.

    I haven't gotten all of the endings but honestly the art and the gameplay loop is so good I don't really care.

    Download and enjoy!