RPGM - Completed - Roundscape Adorevia [v6.7] [Arvus Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of what you may be looking for and boy is it a good game again the draw back is it is a RPGM game meaning saves may get ruined and a lot of grinding/wasting time walking. If you can get over that this game has no other downsides.

    Art 9/10
    Sex 10/10 More anal in games please!
    Story 10/10
    Characters 10/10
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one of the best RPG Maker Adult games around currently. It has a lot of systems behind it and give the player a lot of choice. Also has hours on hours of content and entertainment with multiple endings.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    You'd be hard pressed to find a better RPGM game. Great depth, interesting companions (and most are optional), and you can push your character to the limits of their piety or depravity. With exclusive scenes for each gender and background story there is great replay-ability. I glady wasted a few days in Adorevia (even when I stated singing "Anvilania" from the animaniacs. - watch it in HULU if you are too young for that ref. lol)
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    RC-1138 Boss

    Great game. Nice and long story without much of the grind that usually happens in rpgmaker games. Also there is lots of classes and origins that add a bit of different dialogue lines to the game.

    And the main selling point of couse is the huge amount of sex scenes from a wide range of fetishes, specially if you play as a female character while male character scenes is mostly vanilla sex.

    There are some bugs yet on it but none game breaking.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is a lot of fun and has tons of content. The artwork is hit or miss as some of it is poor quality, but the good artwork is good. Has content from lesbian, bestiality, futa. You can pick what between male or female main character giving you lots of choices. There is also content that requires high/low morality and you can corrupt your party members if you choose. Overall excellent game
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Roundscape Adorevia is a really big and complete game. it has a long longevity( it was about 20+ hours for me), it has a lot of characters with a corruption system that changes their behaviour, it has a lot of choises that have an impact on later events and most of all it has really a lot of images
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game gets so much hate for the variety of fetishes in it, but that's dumb. I like a game where I'm exposed to the shit I don't like. It gives the game a feeling that anything can happen, as opposed to every other game out there that's going to be straight vanilla all the way through. I actually think that Roundscape is still a bit tame because there's no gay stuff in the main plot. I'm not gay myself, but I'd just love there to be some gay sex to piss off the douchebags who call the futa stuff gay.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    (I agree with Bruce_Wayne18's review "Rich in gameplay poor in fappable material")
    Roundscape is a normal RPG with some erotic cutscenes. It's not a universe where every character is at least a little perverted in any way, they are often just normal dudes. Sometimes there is a possibility of sex, but it'll mainly come from your companions if you make the right decisions. If you don't, much stays boring or companions could even leave you.
    Roundscape takes its universe serious, but that doesn't mean it can't boost erotism while remaining authentic.
    Personally, I believe what this game badly needs is entire avatar models in dialogues. From there, you could implement character customization and reactions to erotic tension. Without it, the peak of the game is restricted to limited cutscenes. However, this'll only work if you finally decide to enhance the overall perversion of the world.

    To be honest, I like this game. I love RPGs so I didn't care too much about how it handled the erotic elements.
    But now that I watched the ongoing development for a time, I think it needs a harsher eye.

    If you're interested in an RPG review, here are some words:
    Regarding the RPG-Elements:
    The chances of you trying out two characters (male/female) are high due to the different origins and H-Scenes making a single replay bearable. On that point, the individual intros of the starting classes are very appreciated and fun to witness.
    However, the atmosphere gets quite calm after that and everything is not really giving me the necessary tension to reach Act 3. Of course, it's (sometimes) well written and that reflects the fun you have while undergoing quests, but everything between those events is just a dead (and torturous) search for the next scripted occurrence. Hence, it has a weak replay-value overall except if you forget all of it as good as you can in order to relive the scenes. In addition, the quest log is rarely helpful and in rare occasions you will reload because specific decisions are unpardonable. Speaking of decisions, the few that are there are usually yes/no questions.
    Likes: Sole
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    best game I found on this site (which by the way is a great site), well-built characters, the universe of the game is perfect (do you want to know what is going to happen), not to mention the scenes of sex that were very interesting and differentiated by being a group of people drawing besides a single person, even a Brazilian who does not know how to speak English will like it and even understand what is happening in the game (I speak from my own experience) Thank you for updating this game.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    (Review based on version 2.8 and three (3) hours playing time.)

    I want to like this game. I can see it’s been crafted over time with a lot of dedication put into it. However, various little things are killing it for me.
    My first problem is the obvious grammatical errors in the opening two hours. They aren't numerous and overwhelming, but there are enough that it felt amateurish.

    Second issue - the mouse controls. To be short and sweet, they are simply not fun. While I do have a game pad using it causes another set of issues. After plugging in my gamepad I got horrible hit or miss functionality. From directional inputs not being read (causing the player character to suddenly stop moving) to impossible to navigate menus it was just frustrating. I’m frankly amazed this kind of broken inputs was even possible in an RPG maker game.

    Next we have a really odd game play issue. You get lag when you exit a game play menu. You read that right, there a tiny hitch/pause/lag after exiting menus and to make matters worse monsters tend to teleport four or five steps after the hitch ends. Exiting a menu should never cause a noticeable hitch in game play.

    My last major issue is another odd one. I’ve twice run into dialog for events/people I haven’t experienced in game yet. I don’t mean prompts to go do a quest or visit a person, but rather NPCs speaking to me as if I’ve completed some long quest chain. The oddest part was that the dialogue wasn’t even some quest I’d flagged and hadn’t finished. No, it was glaringly obvious that I was speaking to NPCs about an event I hadn't triggered yet and one I didn’t even know was possible. How’s that for spoilers?

    If you're in the market for an e-rpg and are willing to forgive technical and grammatical flaws to get your fix this might be for you. However, if you're looking for a good RPG with erotic elements I'd have to say look elsewhere. It’s a real shame too because as I said before, I can see the effort that was put into what we do have.

    Perhaps this game does become amazing later on as some reviews state, but for now I just don't see the polish that would get me to invest more time to find out.

    (There actually are a few other things that annoy me but that's artistic in nature not technical flaws)
  11. 1.00 star(s)

    Netori Popeye

    2024 Update:
    A mess of a game, with disjointed mechanics and an inconsistent art style with huge variance in quality. Not to mention the AI art that's been added in recent updates, truly inexcusable. Believe it or not, I used to rate this game five stars, back in 2017. It goes to show you just how low this game has fallen.
  12. 2.00 star(s)

    Lena Tran

    I don't know why people said this game is good but I can't seem to get into this game, ''pretty boring'' the game doesn't have a map to tell you where to go in order to continue the main quest. This is pretty much ridiculous! but I can tell the story is good.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I generally am not a fan of the RPG Maker games. But the story, the art, and the relationship options are to great to not consider this game one of the best adult games available. The developers are consistently offering greater amounts of content, and even now that the main story of the game is complete; they're creating expansions. There's something here for everyone to love. From regular MF romance, to tentacle porn, to incest, and more, you'd be hard-pressed not to find something you'd like.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    It's one of the top tier erotic rpgs. The content is huge, the gameplay is awesome and the characters are pretty good. Balancing is average, many things to improve, but ok. The negative part is that you are somehow forced into some scenes in order to improve your status with the npcs, even if you don't like the outcome.
    Overall i would highly recommend this game to anyone who loved to play rpgs and is obvously looking for some erotic in it.