how do i use it?More translations and edit
Around 90% of text is translated
Game is full of random events so hard to find them
Place the zip file in your games folder and extract ithow do i use it?
Late reply, but it seems you need to make a save on the same slot (so slot 3), then replace it with the save file provided otherwise the game won't detect it.i think the save don't work, can u check it and upload all save folder ?
any update on your mtl?Here's a simple translation of the in-game images.
Just unpack into the game folder and replace all.
(optionally, you can avoid replacing the title screen image if you would prefer)
I'm also currently editing the MTL for this game to make it a bit more palatable, will drop it here in a week or two.
Was this done for the v1.01 version?Yes, actually!
I went over most of the text related to gameplay, UI, and plot progression but haven't really touched much of the sex scenes ironically. This thing was on the back burner for a while, so I feel like it's better to release what little I already have, than to release nothing at all.
Not sure if I'll ever return to it at a later date to continue working on it, but here is a slightly edited mtl patch for this game
(also includes image translation from my previous post)
Just unpack into the game folder and replace all.
Hmmmm. Meaning there's a risk the bugfix from the 1.01 version might get reversed when applying.Oh, no, unfortunately it was made for the v1.0 release.