Unity - Completed - Run Away, Slime! [v1.1] [Kosya]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    So, the main complaint I've seen for this game is it's difficulty spike at the start of level 4 (the last level). Yes. It does get harder there. But I don't think the difficulty is unreasonable. Just considerably higher than the previous levels, that you can beat with next to no effort.

    I would like to address something I noticed in playing. The layouts aren't entirely random like the other reviews seem to be implying. From what I can tell each level has a few prebuilt "sections" and those sections are arranged and repeated at random. But the obstacles positioning in relation to each other isn't random. And you are NEVER required to take damage. There is no point where you will ever be completely incapable of getting past the obstacles.

    That being said, level 4 is a bitch. Some of the layouts are difficult, requiring you to throw yourself into slowing regions with pretty precise timing to avoid nets, and sometimes the powerups are placed such that going after them will run you straight into those nets. You have to play it more defensively. Recognizing when you can take the powerup and when you can't while trying to conserve health. I lost once in the first 3 levels and about 20 times on the last one, though every attempt usually takes less than a minute.

    That brings me to my personal primary complaint. The game is short. You can finish the whole thing in about half an hour. If I'd paid for the thing I'd feel cheated by that. I think adding a few more levels between three and four would have really helped with the pacing and gave the game a bit more meat, but overall it's not bad.

    Also there's some very light almost irrelevant pixilation on the porn. Not so much that it really obstructs your view of anything, but enough to notice it's there. Still, as a fan of pixel art animations, I found them reasonably good. It doesn't reach nearly the same level as Libra Heart's, but then what does? Overall I'd say the game is serviceable, but if it doesn't stand out to you as your kinda thing I'd give it a pass.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game's difficulty curve is almost non-existent, it's basically a cliff.
    Level one is brain-dead easy
    Level two is a bit harder, but really just relies on you not going into the slowing areas
    Three is a toss up. For example, I only saw like 6 or 7 nets on this level, and they were all in easy to dodge areas.
    My REAL beef is with level four.
    Fuck level four.
    This is where the ugly fact that nets CAN'T be struggled out of rears its face. Not only this, but these nets are all in groups of three, wherein you have to do some pretty weird maneuvers due to the placement of the slowdown boxes. The placement of nets and slowdowns is so bullshit that many of the runs on level four end in getting trapped in a net once, and then being fucked by slowdown boxes that allow the girl to hit you three times in a row.
    Also did I mention that the nets are perfectly spaced out so that if you dash through one, you get caught in the next, essentially making the fact that you can dash through nets worthless? Yeah, fuck the net placement.
    This game would be INFINITELY better if some sort of struggle system was put into place, since you only have 3 hit points

    Furthermore, the sex scenes are all underwhelming anyways.

    1/5. Do not play.
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Eepy Poss

    Level 1: Wow there's no obstacles at all, I guess this is just a tutorial.
    Level 2: Don't touch the slowdown zones, they slow your movement speed to a crawl. Immediately throws a slowdown zone on the course every 2 inches and every zone is larger than your normal jump and some of them are even larger than your jump combined with a dash because they're back to back to back. Heck, some of them are layered directly on top of the power pellets you need to even play the game.

    This game immediately jumps in difficulty in a way where it's either overly difficult for no reason or downright impossible. It's purely up to luck whether or not the game wants to let you win because you can have a slow down zone every 2 inches making the level literally impossible because you're constantly being slowed to 25% your usual speed with all of the power balls completely covered by these zones. You can do the same level again and have them be completely and evenly spaced out and not covering the pellets at all and basically not even a problem.

    The balance of this game is so fucked and with how simply the concept and core design is there's literally nothing you can do about it. Level 3 adds nets, as an example, that completely immobilizes you and basically means you're absolutely going to lose 1 of your 3 hp. You could go 90% of this level and maybe encounter like 2 or 3 nets, you could play this level another time and see a net every 2 seconds and it's layered on top of and between slow down zones that guarantee you will hit the net every single time.

    The art isn't bad but this game is fucking horrendous. The only saving grace this game has is that by default it has an unlock all function, but even then whats the point of the game? You might as well release a webm/mp4 of the scenes or just simply animated loops on your pixiv or something.