Nobody is forcing Telegram on you, I've created that group because the old group, that was posted here and created by another user, was absolute shit with random spam links and in which you couldn't even see the posts that were made before you joined. Everything that is in there has been posted before and the latest video was originally posted in the old group, from which I took it and uploaded it here. I haven't made an archive of all the videos because they have all either been posted here, or because they're somewhere on the web. I will continue to post all the new content here, if it'll posted in the Telegam firstIn truth, for some time now, I have found that this thread no longer makes any sense and for good reason, I and some regulars have repeated 150,000 times that videos must be shared by publishing a direct link via mega, pcloud, mediafre, Dropbox etc... but there is always a smart guy who ends up coming to annoy us by forcing us to use Telegram to be able to see the videos, so I decided not to share anything anymore and even if I had content I wouldn't would not publish on this thread, because I'm tired of repeating myself, moreover the creator of Rune works much too slowly for our investment to be profitable, in addition he uses several sites by publishing similar content there but with some difference , however he could easily publish all his content on a single site, so what he is looking for above all is that people subscribe several times but to different sites, and like that he can earn money easily but without overdoing it, so I can assure you that it's not really worth investing money in a subscription because you will have so little content that you will have the impression of simply being taken for an idiot
Can u share the link for the tele channelNobody is forcing Telegram on you, I've created that group because the old group, that was posted here and created by another user, was absolute shit with random spam links and in which you couldn't even see the posts that were made before you joined. Everything that is in there has been posted before and the latest video was originally posted in the old group, from which I took it and uploaded it here. I haven't made an archive if all the videos because they have all either been posted here, or because they're somewhere on the web. I will continue to post all the new content here, if it'll posted in the Telegam first
Can u share the link for the tele channel
Do what you want, because as I said in my previous message, I don't really care any more.Nobody is forcing Telegram on you, I've created that group because the old group, that was posted here and created by another user, was absolute shit with random spam links and in which you couldn't even see the posts that were made before you joined. Everything that is in there has been posted before and the latest video was originally posted in the old group, from which I took it and uploaded it here. I haven't made an archive if all the videos because they have all either been posted here, or because they're somewhere on the web. I will continue to post all the new content here, if it'll posted in the Telegam first
Can someone post all the series?
well, trying to force people into doing things only your way probably wasn't a good idea lolDo what you want, because as I said in my previous message, I don't really care any more.
Yeah think what you like if it makes you happywell, trying to force people into doing things only your way probably wasn't a good idea lol
Everything from the collection + a few things posted here are in the group. Its for people that already use Telegram I guess. Its convenientBut why join this or that particular group? That's what this thread is created for, isn't it? To share content from the creator in question...![]()
The telegram thing was always optional but the people who didnt want to make a telegram got mad they could not see the new art being posted lolBut why join this or that particular group? That's what this thread is created for, isn't it? To share content from the creator in question...![]()