Ren'Py RWBY Trainer : Let's be honest, this is a [Devlog] now


Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Howdy doody!
Update on the main thread.
Almost at another line-count milestone, just under 35,000 lines of code/dialogue now!

And the sloggy bit is over and done with (and as a man who personally very much enjoys a butt-job I'm shocked to see myself typing that) and we can get onto the first stage of framing skits to introduce milestones to the game.

I'll start with getting the ones for the first milestones of Horniness, Pain Training, Trust, and Punishment down.
These will be evening events triggered by Ruby hitting them for the first time, then she'll come visit you in her PJs and you can have a nice...... chat........?

With them in place, which shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks, we'll finally be ready to enter the CNC space. I'm a bit nervous TBH, CNC's a delicate subject matter for a lot of users but I'm hoping I'll handle it well.

But you didn't come here for my ramblings, you came here to find out what happened to Cinder right?
Well SHOCKINGLY, we've given her a good spanking and left her plenty bruised :D
Enjoy the butt!
Sep 8, 2022
I for one am more motivated by your ramblings than by AI butts. Anyway, I thought I'd let you know that even though I haven't downloaded and played the most recent releases I'm still reading the changelogs and blog posts. I'm just trying to wait until there's enough new content built up for it to feel fresh again. I'll probably play the release that has the new milestone content to see how that turns out.


Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Yeah, the last few updates are ultimately tone of voice changes to sex acts rather than full content.
It's necessary to provide the breadth of experiences I'm aiming for but it's pretty dull work and not exciting to replay.


Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Non-update week,
Been squirrelling away at plans for implementing the next major step in the development, which has been much mooted over on the Devlog already.
So nothing to report apart from that this new phase will require a final dose of Ruby placeholders, namely PJs Ruby, as she'll be visiting you in that as yet unused evening timeslot.
So PJs Ruby seemed like a good subject for today's butt, because what is a post without a butt even for really?


Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Not gonna lie, I'm getting distracted by Warhammer and other stuff at the moment.
Still managing a day of work a week, but the new edition of Age of Sigmar and a load of new local and semi-local painting competitions are dragging in my attention.
Still, we're still on schedule with the structural stuff almost all done :D
And of course a butt is just part of the process!


Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Structural stuff is done, and I've created the outlines for the events;
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These will give us the first 4 skits that allow us to unlock the next steps in Ruby's developments as a trusting, submissive, horny, masochist (respectively).
As well as launching more interactions with the Narrator to move towards opening up Narrator content at a later date.

Anyway, lots of creative writing work now to come :D
And of course the pajama Ruby talking heads to create.

What was going to happen to Pajama Ruby?
I think we knew really, didn't we, if we're honest with ourselves.......


Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
6 1/2 hours and over 180 generative images.
I know, I know, in 6 1/2 hours an actual artist would probably have produced one and still not thought it was good enough. But at least they'd feel a sense of accomplishment.
If there's one thing I've learned from doing all this it's that anyone who things plugging a load of prompts into a generative algorithm is the same as creating art is huffing their own farts.
Don't get me wrong, it is WORK. But it's not creative in the slightest, otherwise captain "stick-figures will do" over here couldn't do it.

Anyway, rant over, I've got all the assets finally done (and probably burned enough of my PixAI credits to serious inhibit the content I need for my Daggerheart campaign) and I'm ready to being the fun stuff.

Writing the smut. The flirty, kinky, spanky, painslut trainingy, smut.

Over on the main thread we were wondering what was going to happen to reject Ruby.
The good news is the poor dear clearly enjoyed her consolation spanking :D
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Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Viruses can fuck off into the same hole fascists belong in, I think they'd get along.

Seriously, no updates sadly.
I'm sick and feel sorry for myself.
Have boobs, boobs make everything better....
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Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Holy shit the dev is really sick, he posted boobs instead of butts.
Sicker than I thought! I thought I just had a virus, but nope whole week on antibiotics and bedrest :O

If you're following the main thread you'll know we're a good way to the update, just gotta fix all my fuckups!

Since I'm better it's back to butts!
Ruby's doing some public corner-time, but I think she may be a bit of an exhibitionist.
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Sep 8, 2022
Gave this build a play. I found two tracebacks and the bug where we give Ruby another academic lesson immediately after the tutorial one is still there.
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Sep 8, 2022
I like the addition of the night time scenes. I worry though that you're setting up too much of a writing burden for yourself. You might want to condense some things. I don't think we need 4 phases of each type of training for example, especially with how much the events change based on stats. If you wanted the game to be just about Ruby that might be attainable, but I know you have ambitions of adding on other girls. I wouldn't want you to sacrifice your artistic vision or anything, but maybe give your outline a pass and see if you can meaningfully condense parts to lighten your workload. I like your style, especially with how variable the text is, and because of that I don't think you need as many distinct scenes as you otherwise would.
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Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Gave this build a play. I found two tracebacks and the bug where we give Ruby another academic lesson immediately after the tutorial one is still there.
Whelp, those were both easy fixes caused by dumb coder error.
I got rid of that bloody error, so I'd somehow managed to sodding reintroduce it!!!
Fixed it again (I think), it's a lash-job mind.

I like the addition of the night time scenes. I worry though that you're setting up too much of a writing burden for yourself.
You raise a valid point. There's a LOT of creative content to add just to cover everything I want to do with Ruby, and the eventual additional content with Glynda and Narrator-chan (yes I'm a weeb, come at me. Actually don't, I'm a weeb I'll only run away!).
The original scope of the project was only Ruby and those two, with other participants WAY down the line. And it's not like there's a time limit to making this thing (bar my rapidly shrinking window of mortality).
The last thing I want to do is end up like Roguelike and be sodding excellent at the start and then spread the content thinner and thinner while never really managing the depth I started out aiming for.

The good news is that STRUCTURALLY the framework into which to write smut content is now there (bar the CNC stuff, which needs its own mechanical degree of separation so it doesn't end up blurring the lines with the other content). That means I can bang out content at a faster rate.
Hence managing to add the whole Punishment Milestone section with all the planned variables to this bugfix.

Anyway, have a bugfix AND update over on the Main Thread and a butt.

And an extra butt just for JimmyJeremyJerome for finding bugs for me :D


Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Well we're on schedule with another bedroom section added over on the Main Thread.
And I really enjoyed writing this one, I'm a bit of a service-top sometimes and enthusiasm is sexy as hell. Sue me.
I'm a little unsure about whether I'm going to be free next week to get the final one down before I take my hiatus.
I'd love to if I could, but at least I'll make sure this version is stable and SPG scanned, plus drop one more post (and set of butts) before I go.
Then it's radio silence for 4-6 weeks depending on what comes up :O
The good news is at this rate we'll have a fully functioning Demo before Xmas.
Then I'm going to take JimmyJeremyJerome's advice and look at the scope of the project, ask for some feedback over on the main thread as well as here, and look at deciding if we stay narrow and deep on Ruby or go broad and shallow the pool a little.
Plus look for an artist I guess!
It's another Reject Ruby Ass this week, this one was rejected due to the plagiarism machine I'm using struggling to understand that white PJs should not be pink.


Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
I seem to be getting a glitch where even if I do everything right trust just does a massive drop.
Is she visiting you on Tuesday nights?

So if everything's working right your stats should drop to a given level every time you and Ruby are apart.
She'll then come to you on a Tuesday night (for trust) for an extra scene which will unlock the next tier of trust.
This means while she's there with you you can push Ruby a bit further than she'd go on her own initiative, but not too much further.
Then once you do the Tuesday scene her confidence will rise a bit, and she'll keep more of the Trust you add until she hits the next tier.
Having it represented graphically may have been a mistake in retrospect, because it makes it seem like you're losing progress.

Does that make sense, or did you already know all that and I buggered something up?


Mar 4, 2022
Is she visiting you on Tuesday nights?

So if everything's working right your stats should drop to a given level every time you and Ruby are apart.
She'll then come to you on a Tuesday night (for trust) for an extra scene which will unlock the next tier of trust.
This means while she's there with you, you can push Ruby a bit further than she'd go on her own initiative, but not too much further.
Then once you do the Tuesday scene her confidence will rise a bit, and she'll keep more of the Trust you add until she hits the next tier.
Having it represented graphically may have been a mistake in retrospect, because it makes it seem like you're losing progress.

Does that make sense, or did you already know all that, and I buggered something up?
I knew that its just every day it drops by a massive amount I could start from a maxed save, and she goes from full trust to no trust.
I figured it out it was a wrong save.
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Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Ah, old save incompatibility issue.
I'll drop a warning on the main thread, ta for the heads up :D

Also bug-hunters get butts! BUTTTTTTTSSSS!!!!!


Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Managed to squeeze a few dev hours in between the frantic travel prep :D
I've got until Sunday (but no more days off), so if anyone finds any bugs drop them here and I'll try to fix them before I fly.
The hiatus will be more than a full calendar month, so expect 21st/22nd October to be absolute earliest I get to coding again after Sunday.
I'll still have internet access though, so I'll drop in the odd post of musings etc. as I drift around England.

Then on my return we'll have the Combat and Academic progress skits to add in, and then Version 0.04 will be the official Demo version :O

And then, we'll I'll leave that up to you by getting you to vote for it over on the main thread!
Meanwhile Ruby has found a way to make travelling affordable.....