A lot of restaurants that are thriving were another hopeful startup at the dawn of it's life a while ago. There's a wide variety of reasons for why they fail but you can bet that the majority will fail. Focus on money over food, cutting corners, treating your customers poorly, wanting to give up.. The important part is that people keep trying to open new restaurants. And yeah, I understand the 'what is the point, most won't be worth it' mentality, but I'd rather focus on the restaurants that thrive, that bring people together, that of course love their money but do it for the love of food. Some will get Michelin stars, some will be guilty pleasures, others will be 'good but not the best'.
For all the failed start ups there's a few gems that will satiate you, and when I'm in the moment, enjoying the restaurant, I can't say I'm bothered by all the restaurants that are no more, for this one is awesome.
I'm sorry, I got carried away using a food metaphore, but if the shoe fits.