And This Is The Nsfw Version ^-^
Ah No, The File Is Not Incomplete 7u7 I Edit The Right Side Of Her Hair.
Ahhh damn a true artist ahahah I don't have the artistic talent nor the equipment such as a wacom tablet to do it properly. If you edited it yourself that is amazing you are a true talent! That means that jpg is an original edit from yours truly which I find is quite awesome. Your edits look awesome.
If you'd like to, could you please upload the jpgs/pngs that you've edited?
I would love to see them and hopefully be able to use them as my wallpapers as well and I'm sure many others here would as well. However, that is of course your choice, if you don't feel comfortable sharing them, that's totally fine as well.
Either way I just wanted to say that you are absolutely amazing, sure it is just adding the few touches to the hair, but it looks pretty seamless and I'm in awe of your work.