RPGM - Completed - Saori's Ecchi Adventure!? [v1.05] [X-TOYS]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played many games but keep coming back to this one. It's definitely a short game, but an easy 5/5.
    It's like the ideal trash isekai anime but hentai
    It would be awesome if this was longer and uncensored, but still a great game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It was a really fun game, it took me 3 hours to finish it.
    I liked how progressive Saori was getting involved in exhibitionism and corruption.
    The gameplay is very standard for RPGM, you can beat it basically just by attacking and without having to do any kind of strategy.
    The story is linear, but that's not a negative factor, the game offers several H situations and even though it doesn't have many images, the repetition with which they appear is good and it's well designed.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 473335

    For a this kind of game, main character (well, Saori) has some character progression and why she becomes more and more lewd. Funny to see. Short game, 2h and all unlocked. Missing a set of images, 25_sth_sth_sth and that crashes the game. Will look for them in comments.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed this game a lot. It has some very nice progression if you're into exhibitionism and corruption.

    The game is extremely linear, however, and doesn't have much in the way of actual gameplay, however. Standard, boring RPGmaker schlock. That's why I deducted one star. Still, it's fun and worth playing.
    Likes: M.Ed
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game over all.
    There isn't a tremendous amount of H-scene variation. There is a good bit of repeat. However the images are decent.
    The story is fairly good. The author didn't feel the need to turn her into a meet urinal. That's something I appreciate.
    Just so you know there is no prostitution in the game. She sells her panties to a guy and I think that is what causes the confusion.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    There's a type of RPGM "game" where you can't help but wonder why the author didn't simply choose a VN instead of using the clunky RPGM to tell a linear tale without any gameplay at all. Saori's exceedingly tedious adventure is one of those rare occasions where I feel even a VN would be too much for this travesty of a game and a doujin would be superior. Why? The game is the linear-est of the linear. You can literally do nothing else but follow a railroaded path from one town to another, defeat one enemy, be force fed some H-Scenes and then move on to the next. As such, the game is just an interminable affair that I wasn't able to finish.

    There is no innovative gameplay or good worldbuilding here. Even the usual trappings of RPGM combat seem to be missing from this lackadaisacal affair where enemies offer no challenge and combat exists for absolutely no reason. Yet fight some annoying enemies you must. Equipment? Negligible. Dungeons? Simple and pointless. The dev would have been better off not including any sort of combat at all. I suppose it's easy to shoehorn in some combat to pretend it's actually a game when it's anything but. The gameplay is horrendous as there's nothing to do and nowhere to go.

    But what's even worse is the "reward". My complaints about the artstyle aside, the description promises the player character corrupting the naive Saori. But really, it's a railroaded experience where most H-content is forced down your throat and you're not really given an option. Saori doesn't even bother asking you for a lot of it and you either have to bang her or watch her demean herself. Sure, you can make a few choice comments later on but do they impact anything? Nope. There are a couple of occasions where the dialogue options deigns to allow you to either choose to watch the scene or not but that's as far as your involvement in the smut will go.

    The artstyle itself is entirely blase and forgettable. You're really not missing out. None of the scenes are exciting and Saori isn't exactly greatly drawn. All in all, a woeful experience. I want my two hours back.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    There's nothing special here, it's your regular old RPGM game. Same sort of grind, same old stuff. It's basically the most basic example of an RPGM game.

    That said, that's okay. Nothing wrong with being a standard RPGM game. However, the female MC is so incredibly stupid it defies all reason. From the very beginning, everything she says and does is so absurdly retarded. Her stupidity defies all logic.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked this one. I liked the characters, the progression was nice, the combat didnt make me rage, it wasnt grindy, you dont feel bad for the protagonist much, the costumes, while few were excellent. 10/10, Would fap again.
    Likes: Mj893
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I am not the best critic of eroge ... but I think this game is overestimated

    Characters 3/5: History can be said to be a typical "isekai" and thats why i not hace the time for qualify, We have the protagonist who has less personality than Kirito who is from SAO ... I never believed that possible. And the girl, I don't know at what point she is either very stupid or she really is a closet pervert.

    Gameplay 2/5:
    it is too linear. The rpg is very unnecessary, I could adapt this to an NV and there would be no difference in gameplay.

    CG 4/5: This is the part which makes the game worthwhile. I love the style, if it wasn't for the censorship, you could definitely give it a 5/5.

    Final Rating: 3/5

    A game to only fape.

    There is no difficulty getting cg out and there is not much difficulty in the rpg aspect.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game about corruption where girl starts a bit prude, but slowly transforms into depraved girl. Its not your typical dumb girl instantly turned into slut type of game. The main character of story is her male partner who pushes her into new ecchi stuff.

    - One of the good things about this game, that it never really crosses border of NTR, the girl falls in love with MC and only has sex with him. (Obviously strong plot armor is involved where MC always saves her right before she gets raped). But her faithfulness to the MC doesnt stop her for doing some exhibitionism and doing embarassing stuff for money, heh.
    - Althought you cant affect story, you have some choices in dialogues. Its nice to have choice how you want to interact with people. Especially teasing heroine is funny.
    - art is good.
    - easy fights and gameplay. MC and heroine are pretty overpowered. Progress is easy (just buying new gear after entering new town, nothing complicated). If you are here for story and ecchi stuff, then this is big plus.

    - Linear. Story is very straighforward, it wont let you go somewhere untill you finish a chain of quest.
    - A bit short.

    To sum it up:
    I really enjoyed this game. I would recommend playing this.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Note: My “review” is general overview of a game and with heavy weight on how much I enjoyed it rather than “critical/objective” rating. In another words my “review” is PERSONAL ENJOYMENT + a bit of “critical” rating/comments.

    +some nice scenes
    +useful game finishing reward

    -little linear story telling essentially

    Saori is a dumb thot. Enough said. Not sure why bothered to finish to be honest.

  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to say, wasn't expecting this game to go in the direction it did. When I saw the woman focused on the game, I thought it'd be another corruption game. Then when I saw the male character, I thought it might be NTR. I was only half correct however.

    It's short, but it sets out to do what it needs to do, the art reminds me of an old anime, but that's not really a complaint in my opinion. Basically, this game is an Isekai, right down to the fact your character basically kicks the shit out of everyone. I however didn't expect the game to be so wholesome. There's a few times where the main female is almost raped, but never actually gets raped. In fact, the MC is the only man she has sex with, which is what really surprised me.

    For the corruption, while she doesn't have any sort of corruption meter of any kind, she becomes more dirty as the story goes on. Basically, she ended up being stuck with a very horny guy, and after showing her gratitude to him with sex, they basically never stop having sex. They continue to bang each other in different locations, and sometimes even in public, to the point she finds out she likes being naked in public. On top of this, the woman is both a sadist and a hardcore troll; when men try to rape her and the MC beats them, she'll taunt them with her experiences with you, and then start having sex right in front of them. Clearly this woman gives no fucks about NTR. Honestly, I liked how sadistic she gets to her would be rapists, it beats a fragile woman who just gives in.

    My only two complaints is that the game is awfully short. There's only one boss who's a remote challenge (and it's the final boss, so that speaks for itself), and I feel the story gets resolved too quickly without expanding on more potential things they could do together. The other is the fact I think the game doesn't give her enough chances to truly show how hard she's hit rock bottom in terms of depravity. While she strips in public, she never actually has sex in town in front of everyone, only to those you defeat. I feel her corruption would be greatly shown if she had someone who wasn't an enemy to her but caught her having sex.

    All in all, I still think the game is good. She's cute, which is what really matters, and the only character you ever really see the face of, and the game is hot enough as it is, so even for a short game I'd say it's one of the better RPG Maker games.