Ren'Py - Sarada Training: The Last War [v3.6] [Kamos]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This is so confusing
    I remember the game being tagged as complete
    And then it was removed
    Game is a huge grind
    You can jump to the latest update but then you left confused about the story and there even cheats
    But oh boy if you use the cheats to ignore the grind , Get ready for a really bugged game with error after error if you do
    The idea of brainwashing with the sharingan and start a harem is not a bad idea for a game
    But the game grind is so long that you just want to give up because it's so slow
    There really better naruto parody games with the same idea of sharingan harem here that are not so buggy
    Only thing good are characters from the anime and renders
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Repetitive and boring. Models look fine in the static scenes, but when H scene begins they lose quality. Story is bad, lack proper flow and not that interesting, but that maybe because of grammar that hurts eyes.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is strange.
    The grammar is poor, sometimes it's feels worse than machine translation.
    Art is ok for the models, but sex scenes can feel a bit weird (especially the rough scenes).
    Story is ok for fanfiction, but clearly not one I would anxiously awaits the continuation of.
    Did I enjoyed it ? Sometimes. Do I recommend it ? No, not really.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    It is technical functional, so its not a 1. Technically. Barely. Impressively unfunctional.

    Everyone else has crapped on the grammar enough, but what they neglect to mention is half of it is fine. Like Tsunade's lines. They tend to be fine. Near or actually fully understandable English. Sarada's are almost always... poorly written... and... overuse... these...
    Its actually more jarring than if they were just consistently bad.

    The story is bad. You are ???. You have magic powers to mind-control people. You need Sarada to help you with this because ??? apparently the Sharingan helps people use kekkai-genkai now I guess.
    That's it, that's the story.
    "But what about the SEXO"
    Almost entirely irrelevant to the story.

    The gameplay:
    So impressively broken the dev added multiple in-game cheat options that don't even work.
    You can start a new game at like 4 different points in the game. Pick any but the last, and you will just spawn in with default stats and no progress on anyone as if you just chose the standard start. They do nothing. The last one puts girls in a 'harem village'. Except when it doesn't and clicking the option does nothing. Or you go back to konoha and get error messages talking to people for some reason.
    Or click your apparently end-game Sarada on your apparently end-game MC and have her suck your poorly drawn dick no issue, but when you use MIND CONTROL she flips out, despite being under mind control

    You can add stats, but you have no idea what stats matter when or where or at what number.
    'Complete girl story', but it plainly doesn't work at all
    Add money, but there's next to no use for it

    Without cheating, you have a fairly standard grind-fest. I will give the dev credit for trying to direct people where to go. You can open a menu for characters to see how to move them forward. Its often very vague. 'Spam click sarada at day and forest at night' it says, like 20 interactions before clicking the forest does anything. But it does work eventually unless it just doesn't. The game's like that a lot. Click random things until something happens because like you have 4 stats but you have no idea how much of X stat you need for the next stat check scene. A lot of the time it will say 'me eye is weak, me stats are bad, or maybe ye need more progresse me lad, progresse with whim, I do not know, Sarada I guess, that chick is a hoe'.
    And you just don't know. Do you spam click Sarada more? Spam click forest more? Spam click something else more? Who the fuck knows.

    And progress is so linear. You need to click Sarada like 15 times before she moves to forest and then you can train her, then click the easiest option a dozen times, then the next down, etc. Want another girl? Alt tab out of game, look up the walkthrhough, then do the exact sequence of events told, as anything else will not work.

    The Sex:
    The reward for this grindy tedious bullshit in a game where even the cheats used to mask how throughly broken it is don't fucking work right.
    Am it good?
    The art is poor. Like, so poor that in at least one scene, the dick is floating like 6 inches above even the ass. That's not how sex works.
    The dialogue, even ignoring the ESL nature, is just not hot. You could replace most of the girls with a literal piece of meat and it would very little difference.
    That's it, that's all female dialogue during sex in this game. 90% of it is the MC talking about how epic super awesome cool fun times it is. At one point he asks Samui "Do you want my cum" and his next line is "I think that means yes" because writing her fucking answering him is too goddamn hard. Or "Water pipe". At no point do you collect a water pipe in this game. But the mc just "Water pipe"'s on a whim. Its so bad its actually funny.
    And the MC is just inexplicably, jarringly... I dunno. I want to say cruel. Or sadistic. But the girls are always mmmm'ing and moaning. So maybe not. But you're often presented with the option to whip them, add cloathes pins to them, etc. It always comes out of nowhere. Nothing about the mc's personality (fucking idiot) or the majority of the girls implies he'd be into this or they would. But they all just are. And he's always just carrying whips and shit with him 24/7 for some fucking reason. And he whips fucking hard. Like, they bleed hard.

    Its a shame, the dev does seem to be trying. But he needs help, probably. Because anything he tries to fix it either misses the point (giving Tsunade better English when 90% of the content is Sarada and not touching hers up at all) or just outright incompetant (adding multiple quickstarts that don't function correctly, broken cheats, etc)

    Right now the game is just not good at anything. Its poorly written, its poorly translated, its full of bugs, its ugly and the characters are unlikeable.
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Kanley Stubrick

    Reviewed v2.8
    Game started off with a crash when I clicked gallery on the main menu.

    The dialogue in this is an absolute nightmare. I can understand having spelling errors or mistakes in a fan game, but I can safely say this was not once proof read by anyone with a a basic understanding of english.

    The art is there I guess, not horrible but also not really good.

    You have random stats thrown around and things just randomly happen and its hard to tell what is going on at any given moment.

    Sadly can't recommend it.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This has most of the makings of a decent-to-good game, but it is just such a clusterfuck of an experience, especially late-game. Early game it's fine, you're moving because there is so much shit to do and everywhere you click advances some part of the story. Mid-to-late game, however, you start needing to have some events trigger before others are accessible. The dialog is... mediocre at best, and so you will likely end up in a situation where you are just spam clicking every interactable element in the game until something triggers. (Un)fortunately, the game is actually quite large, and so really it creates this experience I summarize as "a cluster fuck".

    I do like the art, and the kinks. Each girl has at least 1 animated scene, with her other scenes being multi-render stills usually. Lots of busty lusty babes. It's just kind of setting itself up to blueball players. And, unfortunately, I don't think cheats or sharing saves can really help it out of that rut, as all the sexual "payoff" comes from playing through the game (I was using cheats excessively and still my experience was a slog). FYI, the in-game cheat menu is located in your bedroom. Click dead-center on one of the posters on the back wall.

    If the game had a built-in guide that tracked your position in the story and told you exactly where to go at what time of day and what items you need and etc to progress, I'd call this a 3.5 star game. As it stands, it's hard to recommend. It's not technically a bad game, but I would not say it's a good game either. Probably sitting at 2.5 stars for me.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    - english is worse than MTL
    - too grindy
    - occasionally unavoidable extreme fetishes (no I don't want to slash the girl with a knife while fucking her. I don't care if she heals later). I can usually avoid it but not always
    - inconsistent art
    - overreach. a lots of under developed zones. and too many zones
    - unclear progression
    - inconsistent art
    - half arsed. like often times the author just does not bother to have a background.
    + some of the art is good
    + I like mind control games
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Sarada Training: The Last War [v3.2] [Kamos]
    You may like it or you may not like it, but the aesthetics of the characters are not for me.
    I saw the images from the site, and in fact I did not like the images, but I downloaded it anyway to try it, since there are several games that made me change my mind despite the artstyle, or in any case that it was perfect with the surrounding environment . This is not the case, in fact it is worse than I thought, too much violence for my taste, things like shaking, whipping and things like that are not for me, and I believe for many others as well, as there are some who appreciate, but this it's MY review, so it reflects my tastes.
    Other than that, I didn't appreciate the gender change of some characters, and the behavior change of other characters.
    Ugly characters and art, good and interesting story.
    I personally don't recommend the game.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Do I like the art? Yes. Do I like the big titties (with some limited lactation options at that)? Yes. Do I like the variety of women and the sex scenes? Yes, yes I do.
    ... buuuuuuut then I have to play it and it is another game that feels like the dev was overreaching. The game tries to do too much with so many locations and characters despite limitations in it's interface and design. It becomes a cumbersome playthrough each time. The effort to reward ratio is way off in a bad way and sometimes even going to replay something you've already opened up feels burdensome.
    I can't bring myself to give it a bad rating but it over-complicated itself into no more than an average status. If it ever gets a quality gallery or goes through a serious round of stream lining and bug fixing I could see it going up but for now, 3 stars.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the only parody games on the site that doesn't suck. The dialogue is poorly translated but not completely fucked like in some MTL, and there is a fucking ton of content.

    If you like Naruto girls and like big breasts, this is a fucking fantastic game.

    Leaving this review because it is insane how few reviews this game has. It is damn good if you are here to uh, have fun.
  11. 2.00 star(s)

    Ferocious B

    This is a good concept that was botched in every way.

    It feels weird to say about a porn game, but this is... Extremely dated. It's an old fashioned trainer, but with a fraction of the production value the standouts of that genre carry. With every character, you move through unlocking a very linear series of events by getting the girl more comfortable with the previous event. Don't forget the old school stat-grind and half-baked turn based combat to round out the 2007-newgrounds/2015 patreon-debut feel. Frankly, it amazes me that a game like this is still in production in 2020.

    The real tragedy is the writing. The maker of this game needs to hire some outside help for the translation. The grammar is, at times, so appallingly bad I assumed it must have been a machine translation-- until I got through the first few sentences and started noticing typos. Someone actually typed this into a computer by hand. There are lines where I struggle to imagine how someone, even a non-native speaker, could have a vocabulary large enough to write but at the same time have grammar so poor.

    It's really a shame because oftentimes the writing is fundamentally good (Mei Terumi is a standout), but half the time the grammar is jarring and immersion breaking and every now and then a line will be nearly undecipherable.

    As is the case in many projects like this, there are significant issues with the story not being intuitive to progress, compounded by the poor translation of dialogue cues and possible bugs. It's sometimes difficult to figure out how to trigger a story event without consulting a guide.

    Finally, be aware of the relatively extreme exploration of two fetishes that the average person may find unsavory. One is extreme breast proportions. Absurdly, uncomfortably extreme. The default breast size of most characters is already too big for me, and likely to anyone who still has the ability to be attracted to women whose proportions are even within the confines of the far extremes of biology. To make matters worse, the character has the ability to make them grow even larger. There is one scene in which Mei Terumi is transformed into an extremely ugly younger version of herself, with the option for the player to grow her chest to a size larger than the entirety of the rest of her body, her bust extending as far as her arms. This scene is one of the few I chose to to use the breast expansion feature which is optional some of the time, not because I had any attraction for breasts that large, but only because thery distracted from the upsetting appearance of her "younger" face.

    The other is a somewhat extreme level of sadism. When it comes to physical pain, my limits don't go far past some spanking or slapping or possibly squeezing. However, this game goes beyond that in an upsetting way by including several unavoidable scenes in which the character "slashes" women (possibly, or rather, hopefully, a mistranslation of "lashing" because one such scene does reference a whip), leaving many large, bleeding gashes. Additionally, needles are stuck through characters nipples before using them to electrocute the victim using a lightning style jutsu. Thankfully, every woman in the game seems to be an extreme masochist who gets off on this more than any other sex act.

    Those distrubing fetishes aside, the game does include some good mind control and body writing content. If you can tolerate everything I complained about and are into both Naruto and Mind Control-- well, there are better Naruto Mind Control games out there. But when you finish those, this might be worth a bit of time as long as you use cheats to skip the grind. Just set your stats really high and then play through the game without ever training or working.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the possibility of being able to interact with all the female characters of the naruto series and I also like the ability of mind control and breast expansion, the only bad thing is that it is not entirely intuitive in its playability to continue the history of each character more in the history of sarada it is something slow and a bit stressful so that consequently it makes me abandon it and continue with the other characters but from there on more I liked everything.

    and as a suggestion if you could add a function of possession of bodies or something similar I would love very much hehe.

    That was all and thanks for reading and wasting your time on this piece of bible bye.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I've been looking for a good, solid Naruto parody for a long time now.
    And though this game is not exactly that or even what I had in mind when thinking about the Konoha sluts being enslaved little by little, I do have to admit that it does the trick and comes packaged with a lot of actually good content.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is certainly not 2.5 stars. Its just over a 3.5 I think just based on the amount of content and play time. Its obvious the creator has put alot of work into it even though there are plenty of problems its still a fair effort.
    Its worth playing if you like the corruption genre and being in whatever world this is, is immaterial to me and I dont think important (I dont know the source material I just like to corrupt the girls!).
    I got at least 3-4 hours of play time that I enjoyed and thats more than a lot of games on this site rated higher than 2.5.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the art and I love the game.
    The premise of the game is very interesting, and the quality of the art is amazing. However, I do think adding some movement to the art during the sex scenes would be nice since the character models just stay still except for their faces.
    Very nice game, will be looking forward to more updates!
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Hear that, Florence? That's the sound of the fourth wall, collapsing!
    If you can ignore bad english, grind, some bad proportions in cg and almost non-existent fourth wall then you might find entertaining game.
    You can ignore part of grind thanks to built in cheat menu, so that's a plus.

    I must say that I enjoyed this game, although given how often fourth wall is broken it started annoying me very fast and bad english really discourages you from trying to follow the plot. So I think 3 stars seem fair.

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  17. 1.00 star(s)

    Detective Cancer

    This was made by someone who actually thinks a hymen is a magical flesh barrier you have to brute-force your way through and bleeds about as much as a knife wound to an artery would, that should tell you something. Besides the complete lack of knowledge of how a human body works, not that the source material ever did, or that it's relevant in any way, the writing is easily worse than machine translation through 6 separate languages.
    The only redeeming factor is the art possibly and it's not good, besides that it's pretty hard to know what to do or when since the whole game is just a garbled mess of flag searches and stat grinds to progress anywhere with absolutely no hints whatsoever and MAN are you gonna mash through a lot of pointless text just to get thrown back out into a menu to do it all over again. Especially the training stuff that goes on far too long, added to that the condescending inner character telling you off when you're not doing something right and kicking you back a few dialogue choices but only when it wants to. Making the wrong dialogue choice at any point in other areas means you also have to grind money to unfuck that choice or waste your time getting back to it some other way. If you like the art enough and can find the honestly fairly awful CG on a site like e-hentai you should do that instead.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    If there is 1 thing I really hate, is another game that give you a carpal tunnel.

    The game was way too grindy, you could get a carpal tunnel from all those clicking in order to advance. It also lack of hint, so you might probably end up repeating the same thing over & over again without any fruitful result.

    Don't get me started on the cheat. The cheat is utter crap, you can capped your stat & it still particularly useless since you would still need to do those chores aka training in order to advance the story.

    With how the game mechanism advance, you might as well just download the 100% full save to take a look at everything. It save you the frustration from constant clicking.

    If this game doesn't have submission & mb element on it, I won't even bother to play this game past 5 minutes. This game literally waste my 4 hours over particularly nothing.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok, so the positives, good game, series that I know a lot of my fellow degenerates will like, and a solid chunk of content

    Onto the subjective, basic but workable gameplay, it's about as barebones a trainer as they come mechanics wise, not a dealbreaker for me, and some may appreciate, but know that while it's certainly large enough, especially for something in WIP

    Onto the negative, dear god the writing is bad, I'm not expecting Shakespeare or anything and I can tolerate the stupid plots of most games on this site, but what really breaks a lot of it for me is the Engrish in it, from spelling to grammar to vocabulary, it's very obvious that the author is not a native speaker.

    Still, I'm a sucker for R34 of stuff I've watched, and it does have good enough art plus an amount of (admittedly somewhat, err... sexist) genres that I'm into and tags that I'm still following.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Despite the semi-often grammar errors and(perhaps this is just my copy of the game) lack of sound, I was able to enjoy the overall story and character interactions, even the Deus ex Machina kekkei genkai of our "protagonist".

    It was very tedious to grind the skills until I unlocked certain characters to speed them up, and really the only ones that matters as far as attacking opponents in the B/A Rank missions is genjutsu and chakra control as far as I can tell. Just hit everything with your eye attack and they die easier than through ninjutsu or taijutsu attacks.

    Now, my one major fault with this game was the ending(s). I honestly expected to face Kawaki or something, but that's fine that it was just a matter of having your skills high enough to attempt to break his jutsu. What isn't fine is the much more bland endings. None of them(of those I had access to, being Ino, Tsunade, Sakura, Sarada, the Harem ending if you skip breaking the jutsu) really felt rewarding. The game was very much "it's all about the journey, not the destination" in that regard.

    The art was good for a lot of the characters and a lot of the scenes. Some were definitely wonky when it comes to anatomy, expressions, but on the whole, they were definitely worth exploring.

    I'm not sure if I'm going to try and unlock the other endings at this point as I don't know what more I could have done for some of the characters.

    Overall, this was a fun time sink with above-average art and a tolerable plot, I'm just left feeling as if something was desperately missing from the endings.