QSP - SaraGame [v1.1.0] [SaraGames]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Yeah, this is not really a game, nor is it telling a story. In its current form (v1.0.8), it’s just a vehicle for presenting random porn clips. You’d seriously be better off going to a porn site.
    *Spoiler alert*
    Day one, you wake up, go to work (if you want, I suppose), work, blow the boss under his desk (or don’t, doesn’t matter). Go home, visit the ghetto for no reason, let a guy rape you (or don’t, doesn’t matter). Wake up in rapist‘s room and become his blowjob junkie if you want (or don’t, doesn’t matter). That’s basically the whole game.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Yes, it's shit in basically every other way that the other reviews have said.

    But congratulations, it's porn for the sake of fapping. It's not a gaming experience to brag about like some of the more complex games on here. It's a vehicle for shuttling from gif to gif without having enough of a timegap that you lose your boner.

    - Most of the gifs are individually good,
    - There's a bare minimum of 'grind', just enough that you start with only a few options and it expands greatly as you run around,
    - Mechanics are simple enough that you don't have to waste brainpower juggling them.

    Sometimes you just wanna fap, and this game absolutely hits that. Judging it by other standards is probably the wrong move, because it really isn't trying to be like those.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Go play literally anything else, it's 4 gigs of the most basic porn and broken english.
    I don't think there's even a single creampie in those 4 gigs it's all facials. Which wouldn't be that bad but c'mon like there's 100 other games on this site that do this exact same thing but better.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Billy Bobinski

    This game is great fun - all the porno clips are really high quality and you get a really nice and simple sandbox to play around in. The dialogue is rough, clearly not from a native speaker but eh - it's a porn sandbox with a female protagonist. You're here to get her railed and humiliated with a simple plot to keep things cohesive, not much else.

    There are sub plots, some nice progressions (like the gradual whorification at the school). Really just a great all round game to hop on to and get your rocks off for an hour or two, then come back later to.

    Hope the dev keeps adding to it , or just makes more games - in a sea of overly complex fappu games, I like his simpler and to the point style - it's perfect for the working man who doesn't have 4 hours to get past the intro dialogue of a porn game.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Horrible, terrible experience.
    No plot, no reason for events, awful "writing" in terrible english, nonsensical """progression""".
    Gameplay as generic as it can get, go around repeating the same event until shit happens for no reason, grindy and boring.
    Basically, a random collection of porn gifs would have the same depth as this "game".
    Oh, and the dev is working on three games at the same time, so don't expect it to get better at any point.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I frequently download low rated games with few votes - quite often people give 1 star without giving it much thought when the game isn't that terrible.

    That isn't the case here:

    There's no plot, no development, no gameplay, no nothing: what you've read so far from this review contains more text and has more soul than any of the scene descriptions in the "game", which is really just a collection of entirely random stolen porn paired with the most unimaginative, generic text in broken English.

    The game is tagged as a simulation. I'm not sure what exactly you're simulating - perhaps a poorly designed porn gallery in geocities:
    The entirety of the game consists of visiting different areas to see different pictures, clicking some links to follow preset storylines where your only say is to skip that story or continue with it. it's like browsing a porn gallery, but one that also includes poorly written text and where it takes multiple clicks to go from one picture to the next. Also, this gallery will be showing you the same gifs over and over.

    I'm not being hyperbolic - the whole thing feels like all of the development focus was aimed towards downloading random porn gifs, and everything else was put together in 5 minutes.

    I'm trying my best to think of a reason to give this a second star, but I really can't. Especially not when this is a version past 1.0 .
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    The game feels pretty bare-bones, with barely any plot and no clear objectives. It's just the same old adult scenes on loop without any real sense of purpose, kind of leaves you wondering why you're playing in the first place. I wouldn't really suggest it unless you're looking to kill time with something very repetitive.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun little game. It's basically a porn dump with some text, interactivity and non-linearity. There's some consistency in the models used and the plot is only somewhat non-sensical. A good game to spend an afternoon playing.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Step 1: Don't download the game
    Step 2: Why did you download the game?
    Step 3: Fine, unzip the files to a folder
    Step 4: Delete everything but the cleverly named "sex" folder
    Step 5: Peruse 4 gigs of uncompressed porn pics
    Step 6: Thank me for sparing you random grind and unguided meandering in the game to find random sex scenes with such amazingly tantalizing and proofread descriptions as
    I go down under the table and take out the Boss's cock from my pants and start sucking
    -Uh! Sara you are on a roll today!
    Step 7: Delete it once you realize you could've just gone to a porn gallery elsewhere for a better experience without wasting your time and internet bandwith
    Step 8: What, did you think I was joking when I said don't download this?
    Step 9: No seriously it's pretty bad and I hope the people with 4 or 5 stars were paid to do so because the world is a sad and terrible enough place as it is, so sometimes we need to lie to ourselves to sleep at night

    And sometimes those lies are trying to rationalize people giving thumbs up to truly terrible "games"
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    So I decided to check this notorious game, which receives constant updates despite having 1.5 stars. It can't be that bad, right?
    I can't say it's a good game, the previous reviews highlight many issues. But I lost time when playing it, it was genuinely hard to stop until I squeezed all content I could find. I think the game strikes a good gameplay balance: not annoying grind, sex scenes from the very beginning, low upkeep maintaining stats, and all this combined with a flow of really hot, well-selected porn. Bonus points in that go for having up to 50% of gifs with a single actress, this way adding more consistency, which often lacks in similar games.
    There are sometimes objectively bad games that still can give you a good time - this is one of them if you know what to expect.
  11. 1.00 star(s)

    Nice Kitty

    Well I download this game and in order to really rate it, I must say about the + and - games
    Sandbox where you can do anything
    there are many of them, from the very beginning of the game and the end you can’t see where you can stop
    The story and plot is terrible
    Pictures - on 3-
    If you compare the game with GirlLife, then SaraGame is just at the very bottom, other game from this developer - terrible
    I wrote that doing 2 games at once is a bad idea
    Example, game -
    Crucial investigation
    Candy's Legacy
    There the developer just said -
    I'm tired, I'm leaving :D

    A lot of negative reviews and the developer himself killed his game with stupid updates
    So here, there is an update, but again bad
    The mechanics of the game is simple, but Sarah Game needs a good programmer, otherwise it's just a set of random pictures and boring text
    Why do 2 games at once - I don't know
    maybe to attract attention and patreons, so people immediately unsubscribe
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    It feels like someone appropriated a bunch of clips off a porn site and asked an AI to make a game with it. However, ChatGPT was unfortunately unavailable that day, so they instead had to go with the Russian knockoff, Chatkeksi Eptov.
  13. 1.00 star(s)

    Golden Twink

    quite literally *all* scenes contain 1-5 sentences. It's genuinely not even worth the time to download it. with QSP/HTML games typically being my favourite, especially sandbox games like this, I thought i'd try it but... There was no love, no imagination, hardly any thought put into it. It's all just incredibly blank
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Too little content, almost no story line at all, no objectives, just repeat over and over again on mindless sex with the same routine without goals = unsure what's the point. File just way too big with the same porn clips. Not recommended unless you wanna waste your time on this.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Низкокачественная игра, занимает слишком много, контента мало, язык корявый, описание ивентов ужасное, короче откровенно ерунда
    Low-quality game, takes too much, little content, the language is crooked, the description of the event is horrible, in short, frankly rubbish
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Look, it's one thing to try to make a simple streamlined game that breaks away from the corruption trope, it's a completely different thing to take mechanics and concepts that require some complexity to work, put barely any effort into fleshing them out and then claim that the end result is working as intended. SaraGame is the latter.

    Despite what the description says, there is still grind and story here, but they're so raw and directionless that I really wish this was just a gallery of .gifs without a "game" attached to it.

    The grind is pointless, because there is nothing backing it up: no penalties or rewards, no way to lose either. It's just that for some scenes you need stamina or money, so you have to waste time going to work or resting.

    The story is pointless, because the writing can't properly establish even a single fucking scene, let alone create some kind of an overall narrative or a setting. Characters are blander than the archetypes they're based on. Plotlines are vessels for porn in the most literal sense possible.

    Oh yeah, and it's also put through a translator.

    So yeah. You can spend about an hour on this game hunting for pics, but I doubt you'll close this game with a positive impression.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Very simple QSP game where you pretty much can go to different places and take every opportunity to get fucked. It is not a life sim and is missing immersion. From the day 1 protagonist has no inhibitions. Only character development is going to gym which will let going to the photo sessions. Mechanics are half-baked i.e. ineffective, so she can walk with cum on face anywhere with nobody giving a crap about this or she can starve all the time with no consequences. In-game stories and scenes are mostly kept simple to the bare minimum. Largest power of this game lies in good GIFs i.e. other people's work (but don't count on large GIF library - in my short gameplay a lot of stuff went on repeat.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Review is for v0.6.5
    I really wanted to rate this higher, but there's just to many flaws to justify it.
    I understand the creators native language is Russian, and the translation makes it very apparent their English needs some work. There are multiple grammatical errors that make the game difficult to play.
    When it comes to characters and story, there really isn't any. There's about three sentences at the beginning of the game that say your a MILF and you have a job, but that's it. Other than that, it's just a hodge podge of events that usually don't make sense. Like why would I sell myself to my neighbor, and then get mad at him when he asks me to suck his dick, it just makes no sense.
    The game play is confusing at best. The developer has made it so that if you don't have enough money, then the option to do something just doesn't show up. Since money isn't that easy to come by at the beginning of the game, this causes the player to continuously miss events because they don't know that the option even exists. There apparently is a school somewhere, but I have no idea how to access it, and the character panel may as well not even exist, because it generally only adds to the confusion.
    In conclusion, I have a hard time recommending this to anybody. If you really like QSP sandbox games, and don't mind stumbling through it, then go for it, but that's really all it's good for.
    Update for v0.
    Actually a lot better. Not really good yet, gut at least it's better. Still needs a huge amount of proofreading and editing to make it more coherent. A page that has total stats would be nice as well.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is more for people that want to get straight to the point. The character has no corruption level and can go get fucked right at the start. The gifs and images that were chosen for the sex scenes are pretty good. So overall pretty good game for a quick fap
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is an absolute mess. Story line doesn't exist, conversations are either non existent or extremely stupid without any sense. English is terrible. Honestly I don't even know where to start.... It's just sad...