RPGM - Abandoned - Satisfy Him [v0.1.0] [Onedge]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Aside from amazing art that would make the game even by itself, this game has the best slowburn setup I have ever seen, and I have the attention span of a 2 year old. Literally just need more of this game in my life asap!!!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely great game. It has great writing and the slowburning corruption isn't too slow nor too fast and feels pretty natural.
    What I also really like is, that the game is a sex game and plays exactly like that. It gives you enough exposition that you know why the characters are doing what they are doing but not more than that and I love that. I came here for the sex and not to know about the lore of some elf kingdom or why the faith of drak'thun has gained more followers in the last century.
    Also the town is so small you don't have to waste your time with pointless walks but still big enough to give you the feeling of a little village. To sum it up: The game knows what you're here for and gives it to you in a slow satisfying way without wasting your time with pointless bullshit.
    The ntr is also great. The man you're cucking has enough screen time to really get the ntr feeling across but not so much that it gets fucking depressing and a suicide simulator like other ntrs.
    Corruption is great, scenes are great, the daughter character has huge potential, just a great game with huuuuge potential.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    PagalKhana 69

    Absolutely legendary game, definitely recommended if u r into ntr and shit. Would love some more outfits for the mc and a functioning toilet and wardrobe otherwise 9/10, great game.
    Loved it absolute banger of a game
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    So just finished playing the 0.1
    It's good.
    It's got a rising scale and a good flow to it. A little grindy but that is essential to help build the anticipation.
    It's a very competent design thus far.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm going to be honest here, I love NTR with Ugly Bastard and this game does it right. It is also a significant improvement from Onedge's last game. The art style is also different from before, but I don't have much to say about it. It works for me. Their last game was also a RPGM game and just like this game there are interesting mechanics or scripts, I guess. It's enough to make it a little more enjoyable and different from other typical RPGM games.
    The game does have a day and night cycle, which can be triggered by certain actions. The game also has these experiences things, which don't seem to really have any effect. But they do give you an insight on the female protag's psyche, which is kinda hot. They're gained through the just following the story, at least so far.
    There are three stats that you need to keep tabs on as well. These stats do have a large effect on the game, but not the story. There's one stat that if too high can cause a game over. You can ignore this with the item the game gives you. Didn't work for me, but w/e. Another stat if too high can cause the last stat to lower. Which then can increase the game over stat.

    With the current version (0.1.0) the story that you play is pretty much the prologue. And it's honestly good. Definitely some top tier NTR potential. There is a bit of reading in the beginning, before you can really start "playing" the game. Which makes sense for a NTR/corruption game. There's no actual sex yet, but my god the dialogue for the scenes are great. I mean it's not Shakespeare, but it's perfect for what the game is going for.

    One of the few games on here that I can't wait for the next update to play. It's got a lot of potential.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Short but good enough to give you full entertainment in that short period of time. Also needs warning at where content ends.

    8/10 Overall Drawings
    10/10 Beautiful MC and Ugly bastard NPCs
    1/10 RPGM but it wasnt that bad playing it. Sometimes you wish making 2d art was as easy as 3d. Guess with limited time and resources RPGM is a better choice.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Rewiev for v0.1.0

    Well, I want to say I am quite impressed with the begginning! I really liked this game because of not rushing, but also not too slow flow of the story, nice art, characters look good for me, and these "suspicious" and "satisfaction" meters I find interesting.

    I think I could recommend this game for everyone who doesn't find NTR theme disgusting. No serious bugs were find, only one small with black screen, when tried to save before the last scene, but it was cured with restarting the game.

    Hope the dev will continue working for this project and hoping there will be mff scenes. Thanks!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    THIS IS EXACLY the game I wish to see, and I would love to see more of as a fan of NTR genre. There are so few dedicated Western made NTR games, this even in the early release form gotta be one of the best out there !

    Anyway - Author surely has great talent, to make the game very profesionaly, and written in a very alluring way.
    Technicaly, Graphicaly, and storywise - there aren't almost any flaws.
    And I love the anchivements aka "experineces" system. - Nice addition.

    Graphics - especialy standing images are top shelf, nearly on Scarlet Ann's level
    Story - is very well writen, and unfolding slowly as it should be, but you never feel like you standing in place !
    Techincaly - it is bugless RPG Maker game, fully polished, and not anoying to play, Money / Suspicion / Progress menagement might be a little bit too grindy, but not to the point of beeing in the way of enjoyment.

    Overall a great great addition to the genre, one that I hope will pave the route for more game's like that in the future.

    5/5 without a doubt
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been testing this game for a little while and it has become a passion project for me to watch as much as it already was for its creator to make. Super hyped to see it here and I know you all are going to love the story as it progresses.

    I play a lot of hentai games and this one... well the writing speaks for itself and the artwork is on point. If you give this a shot you won't be disappointed.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    As promising a start to a game as I've seen in a long time, quite a bit here for a 0.1. I won't list everything it does right but I'll try cover a few things.

    Corruption paced just right, game town isn't the size of a country, doesn't have a trillion side characters taking up oxygen, objectives are meaningful and thoughtful without being so long-winded that you get confused. Really it just avoids a lot of traps that so many other games fall into. The depth is where it should be, in the corruption, not in gimmicky game systems or puzzles or minigames, or a six hour throwaway attempted tearjerker backstory for a side character.

    Can probably tell I've been wading through a sea of mediocre 3D renpy games lately, this was a welcome breath of fresh air, if you're into corruption you have to check this game out.