VN - Others - Abandoned - SBU: The Last Laugh [v0.16] [XavierVCP]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    So lets try to synthethizse (im lazy to look it up, so thats how i will wirte the word) the game in the latest .015:

    You play as some sort of hacker who is given the job of finding some thing using his abilities and stuff. Well this is the plot, but so far it doesn't play any part in the game really, the character that introduces the plot to you is unavailable in the actual game.

    The game is about going to school, talk to people and buld relationships that help you in your objectives, but as the plot plays 0 partm and the school part is not even done, the game consists in talking to people.

    You wake up every morning and you have 4 options:

    Lindsey: The option is there but it doesn't work, she has 0 content. Why is the option there in the first place? well poor game planning i guess.

    Butch: I think he has equal amount of content to the other girls, just missing the sex part, i guess his life is important or something. while accesing his quesline you get to know Lindsey, but Lindsey option never activates, so it is only him, and having his queestline finished doesn't offer any benefits, maybe he helsp you with Holly ex once, and that's it.

    Holly: this is the only girl you get to meet face to face and interact with so far.

    Danielle: this is the stupid part of the actual game cause her entire quesline is through a camera and its NTR, there is no option to engage in any relationship with her in person or otherwise, you meet her once and that's it. Her quesline is about allowing her to become a whore, or stopping her from being abused. If you stop her you will have to do it every time you go check her camera, and ocne its done the event is done.

    If you ask me is ridiculous that an entire quesline is about not allowing lewd stuff to happen. It hink the player whois not into NTR (if you consider her a love interest which is not defined really) should have the option of having her, but so far the option doesn't exist.

    So, what does this game offer really? If you are into NTR you have Danielle, and Holly later, and not explicitely Lindsey, and if you are not you have the option of Holly with exclusivity.
    That's it for what the game offers.

    It doesn't look bad, there is nothing i like specially, and in my opinon the engine sucks, hiting escape closes the game, and saving can only be done in certain situations.
    The black loading screens are a pain in butt, and maybe a turn off, cause they take some time.
    the gamehas animations, and some look better than others, it has sounds that well, they help i guess, and writing it is not cringy at least i can not recall rolling my eyes, with the exception of the homeless that finds out that the phone is hacked based on some light pattern? Thats a shitty excuse,and i get that the scene can nto happen without someone positioning the phone, but cmon! Well i digress (im also lazy to look this word up)

    Overall the game is average right now, but as for lewds there are only few scenes and they are not the most awesome, neither for the majority of people. It needs work, and time and another engine.