VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - School Boss: Harem [v0.0.3] [Hot Hill]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The sex scenes and models are very hot, the problem is that the movement in the scenes is too slow and the face is stuck in the same position.

    Very nice choice of girls, positions and places, this is a solid foundation, but lacks some care and extra work.

    I played through the 3 available chapters and according to the menu there are 6, which means the full game will only be 15-30 minutes long.

    There is no problem with immediately jumping to the sex, we're lacking really lewd entries, but you can do better, I'm giving 3 stars in the hope that you will update and make this game better.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Quite possibly the biggest waste of gorgeous renders that I've ever seen.

    The ONLY reason this game gets 2 stars because it has the sexiest models I have ever seen in a koikatsu game (Not an exaggeration these girls look fucking hot), and because the animations are top tier. If you are looking for the quickest fap ever and do not care what so ever about writing then this game is worth a download for the sex scenes alone. Even so the sex scenes lack sound, text, and half of them are missing cumshots.

    The writing in this game is BEYOND bad. The story and characterization are nonexistent. The game was clearly written by a non-english speaker. God this game is such a shame with how much of a waste it is.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v0.0.2

    Overview: A guy starts working at a school and everybody wants to fuck him instantly.

    Story: You get a job at a school. Every single woman you meet is offering her body before she speaks five full sentences.

    Graphics: Fairly anime looking, with big but not grotesque tits and ass. The sex scenes are animated in 3-4 frame loops, but sometimes the camera moves and there is a whole lot of barrel distortion. Not recommended for the easily seasick.

    Gameplay: It's a VN, sometimes it pauses to go "fuck: Y/N" but there appears to be zero consequences for the player's actions thus far.

    Conclusion: It's like flipping through a bunch of random porno gifs. You can fap to it, but you won't remember anything about it afterward. The art is cute enough, but a VN needs a story and this game has none whatsoever. I'm being somewhat generous with the 3 star review, mostly because it didn't waste my time with a bunch of boring grind.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    No real story, transitions between sex scenes are really rough and jumpy.

    Character models are good, premise is decent but just set dressing.

    Hoping it gets more fleshed out or maybe goes in a totally opposite direction and creates it own odd niche.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    The writing isn't bad, but could be better with a little help.
    There is a selection for 1 or 2 when starting a new game. What's the point there? Starting a new game gives you the play through. Remove that.
    I'm not a fan of slow burning VNs, but seriously there needs to be some interaction between characters besides the chick walking into the room and asking the MC to get it on. There should be some build up.
    I'm going to have to give this one a seriously hard pass for future updates.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Hmm. It is still early on but there really isn't any semblance of a plot and it doesn't look like there will ever be one. Game (if it can even be called that) seems to want you to smash and be done as quickly as possible. Zero buildup. Sex scenes start and end so abruptly.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    I realize this is just a demo so far but even as far as demos go this game is terrible. The one redeeming aspect of the game is the renders. The demo takes less than 2 mins to complete and it is very clearly written by someone who doesn't speak english.

    To give you an idea of the dialogue to expect, on the very first day of school, girl comes into office, says "Ooh you are very handsome" then instantly flashes her ass and tits and says "I want to give you a present". No sex scene, no animations, and then its over and she leaves. Thats basically the 30 second buildup and interactions you have with every character. Game feels like it was made by a 12 year old.