VN - Ren'Py - Completed - School for the Friendless [v1.0] [Conor Hehr]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Big Tip: Go to game folder and use the guide in it you have to 100% every choice to get the ... like 4 sentences changed ... to say love and say kiss.. and umm wife instead of friend....

    For real if want to get the love ending guide is in that folder and helps... but really all it changes is a few sentences and words....

    No Cgs, No real writing very very simple, no development, 2 the gals are all to similar (more so when not on their route), really nothing to this...

    It very short and the sprites get like 3 images each so +1 for that along with fact game works and knows it does choices poorly so much that contains guide in it ...
    Especially the "common" route that also requires 100% for love but at 90% will allow you to be with girl forever making you think you can get route... see a few people post that clearly make this mistake.

    Skip this really any VN is better (idc of no sex but keep that in mind also and the REDACTED joke in the text.... and CENSORED box ...... on food .. haha..)