Unity - School, Love & Friends [v2.11] [Walkius]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    School, Love & Friends ( Overall Score: 10 / 8 )
    ( Best Feature: The best adult game about school life.)

    Humor: 10 / 8

    Character Development: 10 / 9
    Story: 10 / 8
    Update time: 10 / 7
    Content for each update: 10 / 8
    Render: 10 / 8

    This game deserves to watch and show support. It has a lot of story paths. It's a really good thing, but update can take a little while if you're expecting a certain story path.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    At least game without unreal, overbusted and overassed models, and with great renders. THANKS!
    It's easy to understand and logical (usually)
    Story is nice and after a lot of grinding (to much for me) there is a lot of sex,
    But sex scenes are unacceptable short. And without finish mainly. :(
    Where is cum? Extend sex scenes with few more renders and add "cum to..." options, or just with cum render, and it wil be much, much better.
    Moving across school without nothing to do is so boring. Add few shortcuts.

    Other cons:
    No sleep sex, no voyeur and nice peeking - fe in bathroom at schol, (longest than one render), unrepeatable scenes.
    I wish to blowjob scene with Lily in Cafe bar back...
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the rating for the Game in Version [v1.6] from me:

    + Very easy to understand
    + Great Renders
    + Nice Story
    + Lots of Sex
    + Nice swinging scenes

    - Nothing right now

    I have never sat so long on one Game without getting tired of playing,my damn neck is killing me after sitting 12 hours playing this Game,damn that`s a record time for me with one game.
    I Just enjoyed every minute of it,different places,hot women,nice MILF`s,easy game play,great Sex scenes with closeups........
    Lots more to guarantee hours of game play.....

    Damn worth the download in my Book.
    Lots of fun Playing.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    My last Review where I give this game one star is 2 years old, and since then many changes happened in this game, that’s why I will change my review.

    Original Review Aug 20, 2019
    New Review 29.08.2021

    “To do this game in Unity was really a bad choice! RenPy would be a better choice! And also there is only a limited numbers of saves that you can use (only 10) because of this it is impossible to save this game before the sex scene... and there is no Gallery....”

    The Dev have added a gallery in this game, where you can see the sex scenes, I like the gallery but the problem is the Halloween event. The Halloween event starts with a big party and your choice make it different with which girl you have fun with. The problem is, you must play the party from begin, before you can have fun with other girl. I would suggest when you click on the Halloween event then other tab is opening and you can decide if you want play from the beginning or want to play from the scenes from the different girls.
    But unfortunately the Gallery is not completed. As a example, when the MC looks in the changing room and sees all girls naked.

    The dev also added animation in the sex scenes, great choice!

    For the sex scene unfortunately in the textfield you can see the face from the character that speaks. Its a good design but the problem is the main character, it is really annoying to see his big face every time he speaks in a sex scene. I hope the dev change it, that you can see in sex scene only the girls and not the MC.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    You cannot even interact with actors.. Aside from the author's plot.. nothing matters. *Visit the bathroom: your sister it showering." not an event.... *Visit the bathroom: your sister it showering." SAME NOTHING. Repeatedly until you find the path the author intended. Meanwhile not only are potential scenes not happening to you. You have no guidance.. While I love the fact this author did not go with humongous tits.. Gameplay needs a lot of work. A Re-write
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    characters: well done and they are so many.

    gameplay: nicelly done.

    scenes: really hot.

    story: good.

    draws (cg): well done.

    conclussion: this game have quantity and quality, it also feels with a lots of tough
    and effort on it, i can see myself waiting for the next 455345 updates...
    (i mean there is like a plethora of characters and content... and thats awesome).
    now the anoying part, the dialogue box text feels akward and there is a bit of grind.

    this game TOTTALLY deserve your time and money.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    7/10 on the whole is not bad. I miss a lot of corruption and seduction. Images are sufficient (animation).
    It's a supergrinding game .... = boredom. Good idea, succession of events too good and no bugs.
    I'll go back to the base again. It wants to add a lot of conquest and teasing. Otherwise, it's a boredom ball. More emotions, and a story will help and tears and disappointments will not hurt. So keep going.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Just once, I would like a rating system that allows for a 1/2 of a star - there, now that is out of the way:

    First point - The story, relatively typical. Young male MC moves in with "family", feels taboo attraction to housemates, builds stats through daily activities, ad nauseum. Nothing real new here, then again, it's why most of us review the same type of game/VN :sneaky:

    Second - Game play. Again, nothing all that different. Stat building via daily grinding with repetitive scenes and tasks. Initially there seems to be a good amount of "build sex scenes" that progress well enough with content that gives you enough to enjoy without feeling like the grind is never going to result in anything "fappable". The Twins route is a good example of this process: you start by training them together and as each stage is done, you ACTUALLY get more scenes with the characters - imagine that, progress for the grinding :cool: Of course, this is slower with some characters than others and, in some cases, not nearly as developed as one would expect; that is, there are some characters you would think more scenes are going to happen...aaaand, nothing, (or at least not as much as you might expect for certain characters). That said, it could be my expectations are different than others - take this part of my review with a grain of salt. Expanding on this, I would echo some other reviews here that there is a system of grinding that rivals doing laundry - it is never ending :rolleyes: With all of this in mind: I noticed there are a few games that don't have a rollback feature, this one is NOT an exception - some would argue it takes away from the game play, taking chances, etc. To a point I agree, The problem, however, arises when you need to go back because of what you feel is a poor decision or *GASP* a missed fappable scene. Why is this a problem? Well, in most games where the rollback is not enabled, the player can SAVE AT ANY TIME! This has to be one the most annoying aspects of this game - you cannot save during a scene, even where choices are being made - you have to wait until you are in "free roam" at home and a few other "qualified" locations...frustrating when you click beyond a point where a save would have been helpful. Any game with choices and multiple story lines should ALWAYS offer rollback and/or right-click saves and loads throughout.

    Third - Grinding. Since I mentioned it, I might as well cover it. While I wouldn't say there is any more (definitely not less), grinding than other games, there is more than I believe is necessary to accomplish goals (ultimately fappable content). I'm not certain, after two years, whether this is intentional on the part of Walkius or just became a habit...perhaps it is getting a little better, if the Holiday release is any indication - much better overall; of course, once that is over we go right back to the standard grind-fest. While I enjoy a good story with fappable content, I would like it to progress - this is like Groundhog Day II the porno...

    Fourth. Character models and renders. If anyone has been paying attention to my posts, you know my preferences lean more to the "realistic" and petite (not caricatures of the feminine form) Maria is a great example of what I mean - she is what a MILF should look like (my opinion) not some misshapen cartoon character from some anime parody (again, my opinion and preference). Taking into consideration this takes place with mostly school age (all 18 year old seniors I'm certain ;)) these models make sense. If you prefer extreme breast size, overly large hip proportions, etc. this might not be the game for you.

    Finally, as a 3DCG game goes, this is better than most (given the sheer number out there) and Walkius hasn't abandoned this project like so many other developers - Hell, he was willing to work around the Patreon policy on Incest, which is more than can be said for some developers that are rated higher here..relying on the community to make that fix :cool: My biggest ask is getting the story moving and intersperse some different scenes to alleviate some of the grind.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    just awesome game...Enjoyed every second of it...Cool story and characters..In the end I wanted more ...a lot more ..lol...but its a game to play definitely ...

    Lot of interactions with cool characters , love and sex ..dialogues are very good and fit into the story perfectly ...

    This new version will be as awesome and so far enjoying it as the previous one ---
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    I must say that the renders are okay. However, if you don't use the cheat console, it takes ages to get anything done in the game. It's a continuous grinding fest. Personally I hate that, besides the fact that I simply don't have the time for that. So, unless the dev quits on the grinding part of the game, I can't recommend playing this game.
  11. 3.00 star(s)

    Grick Rimes

    Review for [v1.3]

    First the bad (Because I always like to try and end positive.): Too much grind for my personal tastes. Also you can't advance time an hour here or there at school. You just advance to 12 then to 1600. The models are pretty sexy, I suppose. But they're all petite builds (with the exception of the mom.... can't tell about the teachers really) Little true variety. (Thats a subjective comment, however. Take it with a grain of salt. Some people like petite and petite alone. Others, like me, are big boob guys. But I do like a game with variety.) I would recommend some sort of hints or something in future episodes/updates.
    THE GOOD: Despite my preference for big boobs, the models are sexy. There are slutty characters, lesbians, strictly dickly and a few middle of the road. Some TBD characters (To Be Determined.) I like that. Variety is the SPICE of life. The dates are cool. I'm particularly fond of the Mayo dates. But Mimi is a sexy bitch.... and I mean both sexy and bitch.... LOL! The dialog is fun for me. I'll be watching this one and hopefully future updates will allow me to compliment more things.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for 1.3

    No scene replay feature and some scenes are unrepeatable also you can't save during a scene furthermore scenes are not easily re-triggered.

    NTR is affordable like it should always be but I would rather an option just to turn it off though.

    No sleep sex and no pretend sleep sex - pretend sleep sex being both parties are awake and one is pretending to be asleep so I don't know why that tag is there.

    There is far too much grinding and repetition highly recommend using the cheat Mod to reduce it.

    Sex scenes are ok the renders are good though just need more of them and the story is ok same with the writing.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    [Rev v1.0.6]
    My new go-to definition of the 'good' ranking for a porn game. A competent mishmash of aspects that nod to / rip off bits of several other games, nothing shockingly new but nothing done bad enough to warrant an immediate close&delete.

    Art's 'good' in that it mostly mitigates the uncanny valley. Proportions are... um... realistic... if not to my preferences.

    Writing is passable. Reads like a 'good' translation from another native language. Moment-to-moment narrative is alright, if a bit contrived. MC veers a bit into hapless dipshit territory on occasion.

    No porn acts squicked me; the obligatory old pervy man is not what I'm here for and those... realistic... aspects... Boobs. I like curves and boobs. Those are a bit less prevalent here than in other art styles.

    TLDR: it's 'good' if a tad uninspired. Should be the benchmark of what creators aim for before asking for Patreon pledges.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game! Realistic body proportions with lots of characters each with their own personalities. Plenty of sub-plots and avenues to discover and unlock. Great artwork, plenty of content already, and more characters I hope to "get to know better" with future chapters.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is very good. Above all, the diversity of the choices and the large number of characters encountered.
    The game is extensive and very extensive.
    The story can be developed in many ways.
    Graphics impressed me. The figures are well made, pleasing to the eye.
    The game is very pleasant.
    As for me, the game deserves a full five-star rating.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I thas a good number of characters, it's not a VN so you can choose which paths to go for first (with some requirements of course.
    I also like the models a lot and the story progresses relatively well (especially compared to other games).
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great to see someone who has actually changed there game to match Patreon rules regarding incest. Graphic are great and the scenes are really cool, yeah would be better if they was animated, but they good enough. Think this is my new fave adult game, certainly in top 5. great job in providing an enjoyable game that has many different characters to interact with.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Tried the game. There is far far too much grinding and repetition just for the sake for it, a lot of people don't have the time for that myself included. But what really bothered me is how he cut content from the game only because some ntr hater kept spamming for it. A lot of people wanted that kink but he just listened to the haters. I canceled my pledge and judging from the 15% drop of the average support a lot of others did the same.
  19. L
    1.00 star(s)


    Way too much grinding and the school map takes way too many clicks to get anywhere after the dev. decided to update the old way it used to work. Unplayable mess of a game.

    CGs are good I guess but I can't get to them without braking my monitor.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs...

    (02/02/2018 - Original Review - v0.7)

    This is a heavy grind game, that includes the oh so overused Family Sex stuff...

    The visuals of the characters are excellent, and no weird body proportions... The downside is that all the erotic scenes are short lived, as in they don't last long... There are a few semi-mini-games, such as when the male protagonist masturbates his younger cousin, or the locker room scenes... The backdrops are decent looking, although not sure they are unique... The UI is pretty easy to understand, and I love the school map that shows where characters are...

    The script is pretty good, as I ran into hardly any spelling/grammar errors... The plot (what little there is) revolves around a male protagonist student, who moves in with his aunt and two cousins while he goes to school... From there you basically grind out personal skills, money, and relationship stats with different characters... The further you get in all those, the more content that opens up with certain characters... There is a task window that gives you subtle hints on what is needed for each characters story line, but no specifics... You need to figure those out on your own... The tasks are broken down by category as well...

    Because of the grindy nature of this game, expect to see repeating content... And for people wondering if there is a guide and/or walkthrough, sadly I couldn't find one... I had to pretty much goof around and go to places over and over to figure stuff out... You can look up some answers to progression questions, but it is a tough road... After spending over half a day playing this game, I've come to the end of my rope... Even though I still have tasks to complete... Mostly because some of them require very specific circumstances, and some require a lot of time goofing around before they rear their ugly heads... And after repeating the same things for a long while, waiting for some random event to pop, so you can continue, is hog wash...

    Overall, the game has very nice character visuals, and you do get some sense of a few story lines including love/romance with some characters, but the relationships feel artificial, mostly because each step of a characters story line is short lived, and the rewards are short lived as well... This is mostly a porn fest, with hardly any story, even when there is story...

    Even with it being a grind based game, it could have been better than it is, if only more story had been added to each characters story lines (not more sex scenes, but actual story)... The potential was there, but it's not really what this game's goal appears to be... I had some fun now and then with this game, but the grind sort of wears on you after a while... Will I revisit this game? Maybe after it gets to completion and only if someone makes a guide or something for those moments when you haven't a clue what to do next... Because the game doesn't give you enough hints in some cases, so you're left in the wind, blowing from here to there, without getting anywhere...

    (03/25/2018 - Review Update - v0.9)

    Ok, well it's not completed yet, but I decided that I'ld give this game another go... This time around I decided to spend a little extra time and complete this thing entirely (as far as at most one of the girlfriend options, not both)...

    As to my prior comment that there are moments when you feel clueless as to what to do next, that still holds true now and then, but the game does try to give you hints, but not always quite as obvious as you might hope... Also, sometimes the story line hint system shows a line as done or waiting for future development, but there may still be variants to the end portion of that story line that you have not seen yet, which requires re-visiting those events again as you continue playing, and trying different things or choices...

    An example would be the Twins Group story line... Once you've gone bowling with them all, the game shows no further hints on content, just telling you that you can use your phone to go bowling as you feel like it... So yes, that story line is done, because going bowling was the end of the story aspect... But there is still a small amount of content to be experienced when going bowling again and again... Such as sex in the alley and getting caught by the twins having sex in the alley, and so on... This occurs in a few of the story lines now and then... To include the lesbian cheerleaders line, as sure the hints section shows it's done, but there is still more variations of visiting the girls by the pool... Same with the sleepovers, trying different variants of who passes out and how drunk certain women get... So just be aware of that kind of stuff... It's not always the case with every story line, but it does occur in a few...

    There is a NTR antagonist, but he can be optionally taken care of in the current content, before he actually gets too far with any of the current characters... As you can blackmail him into either leaving the household alone, or just blatantly going away... The developer tries to hint on other websites, that by blackmailing the guy and making him a friend, that a lot more content will be available in future releases, rather then just getting arid of him via his girlfriend... So it's up to you how you handle him... In either case, he no longer is a current threat after the blackmail... What the future holds, is up in the air...

    There isn't a huge amount of new content since the last time I played, but there is a decent amount... I did feel like I ran into a bug, where at one point the older sister asked the protagonist to go shopping with her, and afterwards her bedroom interactions seemed to have reset... Having to do the first aid again, and then being able to go back to doing all the sexual stuff afterwards... Unsure if that was intentional or a bug...

    Overall, this game is still VERY GRINDY... Having to cycle through an entire game week to do another interaction at the school for certain story lines, repeatedly, just adds to the grind, because unlike a Ren'py game, you can't space bar through text and so on, since it requires so much moving the mouse and clicking to get through a game day... As this is not a normal visual novel at all... Sure there are occasional visual novel type story elements, but it really does not feel like a visual novel at all... Just too much repeated content, and repeating game play mechanics, and nothing that allows you to easily skip past repeating content... Will I revisit this one again at some point? Probably after a lot more content gets added... It's a HIGHLY time consuming game...