RPGM - School of Lust [v0.9.0b] [Boner Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This game has a good art and some gameplay mechanics like the hole or selling things you obtained in a shop, but that's it.

    Overall this is a grindfest where you playfor ours and get nothing in return.

    This game has been developed since 2017, i'm writing this in 2024. It has been 7 years and it has almost no content.. I could count on the fingers the amount of sex scenes (vaginal/anal sex).

    This game also has the "avoidable netorare" option, but in reality it is unavoidable. You are forced to watch "soft netorare" where the landlady gets kissed and groped by others. The same with the sister. If you want to make an unavoidable netorare, at least do it right.

    Another problem is the cheating. This is an offline game and yet the developer thought it was a good idea to punish the player for cheating. So he developed a cheating option for the player and when the player uses it, he gets punished. How dumb could this be?

    TL,DR: Grindy and has almost no content. Play it if you have nothing better to do with your time.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This review is for v0.8.0a


    The art is decent, the story is both predictable yet satisfying, the gameplay loop is decent but super grindy to the point that any sexual content is spread out super thin.
    This is compounded by the fact that you have to grind to progress any relationship in any way, which is further compounded by the fact that you have to grind to earn any kind of stat, be it money, or a physical attribute.

    I spent two whole days playing this game before I gave up and did a save edit to give myself massive amounts of money and maxed out stats without being forced to have the name of Cheater for using the in-game anti-grind option.

    Even after doing this, I still got stuck with massive amounts of grinding since the only way to raise relationship with people is by giving them gifts and spending time with them, so after spending many hours on this game with a disappointed boner and no motivation to continue playing, I finally gave up and moved on to another game of the month.

    TLDR: very grindy, semi-decent art, not enough "content" for the amount of grind.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game,It has several tags that are my favorites, such as mind control, rape and sleep sex
    The scenes are pretty good, the missions are good, the minigames are good too, what I think could be improved is the progression of the game, I find it a little slow and tiring
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    heavenly pete

    Occasionally this game will have a really hot scene and you'll play through it and want more, so you go around event hunting and find like 1-3 more events like the hot one and feel pretty satisfied.

    Then you wait 10 months for the annual update and the new events will be the most complete garbage where the mom-landlady is drawn in MS paint and looks like a frog or the event will be bloated with grind and 10 year old humour dialogue and you'll feel completely scammed.

    But sometimes if you wait it out after 2yrs they push an update that hits the right spot and reminds you why you bothered in the first place. Luckily, this update had that with the roof tanning scene and the scarlet content.

    So yeah don't expect consistency or regular updates but, if you're patient, the game will eventually hit a home run on some niche fetish; usually something like exhibitionism or something hot with the green haired lollipop chick. Most 2.5/5 game I've ever seen on this site.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This is the perfect "meh" game, don't get me wrong, i've sunk my teeth into this shit and swallowed about 10 or more hours worth of content (time i will not get back) and was rewarded with some immensely hot scenes, i even considered this a really good 4 star game at somepoint too, but i've lost faith this past year, this is gonna be milfy city v2, i wouldn't if i were you, if i'm proven wrong, and the content doubles over, i'll swallow my pride and come back to this game, then urge you to do so too, until then i'd use this game for a few strokes then leave it
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Fave thus far. High density and frequency of events, genuinely fun writing, amazing Live2D art, fun minigame to play, stuffed with different kinks, can't wait until the game is finished but very worth playing as is.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    This is an unplayable piece of shit. It eats CPU and RAM like crazy yet it works worse than Witcher 3 on ultra graphics. Sometimes it doesn't load textures at all. Sometimes it loads only a part of a character's figure. Sometimes it just loads a wrong character. Sometimes the scenes start flickering. And that's made 100 times worse by the fact that the cocksucker dev enabled saves only at specific spots, so if the game starts behaving like shit at some moment and you have to restart it, the last save may be quite a long time ago.

    I wish I could rate it 0/5. I haven't seen any other RPGM game with such horrible performance, and I've played a plenty of them.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The game when it started (2019) promised a lot, even its developer (Boner games)... but since 2023 it still hasn't come out of alpha, Boner games tries to fight against piracy, DMCA and all that more than working on the game itself.
    over the years on patreon the game hasn't improved much... the animation is similar to paper theater and the quality of drawing or of the scenes as such hasn't improved... in some cases it can actually be said to have gotten worse .

    I do not recommend paying on patreon since in order to download the game you need the $10 tier...also there are many cases in which even paying you cannot download the game, because they use their own download portal (And it sucks ) as it is constantly damaged.

    Boner gives the option of sending your own download link by e-mail in case of errors with the download portal itself... but only if you're lucky, since they never check their contact email or patreon messages . I know of cases in which even when they send you their own link, it contains a damaged copy of the game and after sending this they simply disappeared (if you can see the patreon community there are current cases).

    Among many it is mentioned that Boner is the Yandere dev of xxx games.
    Apparently their patreons right now are close to 200 or even less but it is not known why they hide them... but in this case the best thing to do is report the creator with patreon under the option "this reader does not deliver his rewards " since the download and communication problems happen since 2020.
  9. 5.00 star(s)



    This game took me by surprise. I usally do not play H-games , but this game is leigt a good game. It has extremely good humor in its dialog and characters (if it fits your humor of course , a little edgy, a bid stupid but legit fun and sometimes even intelligent and reasonable dialog lines by the characters. altough there is one character which could rub some sensetive people the wrong way or make them uneasy , because the game heavly implies sexual abuse by her relative, just as a warning)

    The Story is what surprised me the most. it has a story which is , as someone might expect, extremly insane and sexual, but not without narratives that will catch your interest. For example : The school is sourounded by a huge mystery contained in its underground dungeon and i am sure the answer to that is as insane and funny as the whole game is, but it catched my interest , because it is build up in the exactly right pace and does not draw itself out (imo)

    The gameplay mechanincs also impressed me , a lot of simple , short but funtional and even fun mini games and even a store management is implemented.

    The strongest aspect of this game , in my opinion, its pacing. The dialog and all the quests are done in an extremely easy to digest pacing, straight to the point , contains enough information to establish characters and personalities but is not in any way drawn out.

    The h content will satisfy most people but in my opinion it could be more polished. the animation could have more details to it and more ... motion. The gold standard when it comes to 2D H-animation is Crimson Keep for me and the game does not reach that level.

    I will definitly consider buying this game when 1.0 is released , because there is so much content and funny quests in it and you can tell it was made with care and dedication and love for the genre.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 779276

    A real banger of a game. Like a proper RPG you find scenes in a non linear way, but they really packed out the content here, scenes get triggered by dates, hanging out, passing days, growing stats ect. and there' a ton of content all well drawn.

    Honestly if i made a game it would be very close to how this is structured. Lots of hidden stuff and very dynamic. That being said though it is a long one, yes there's constant stuff to look at, but be prepared for very slow growth, and needing a tone of money to buy gifts, which is the only way to jack up the girls stats. Or you can just cheat and give yourself a billion dollars.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I really love this game's premise, the fetish list, the scenes, but there are strikes against this game that's keeping it from 5 star
    1. Running shoes randomly stop working and need to be unequipped and reequipped to function. This is a minor one, but annoying.
    2. The inconvenience of saving in this game, needing to go to a checkpoint everytime to drop a save. They have the ability to load from the phone, why not saving as well?
    3. The uncustomizable control scheme in the hole. Handling is awkward with the default, and the wasd aiming is no good, mouse is the only real way to go, but you can only move with the arrow keys meaning to have to either bend your arms uncomfortably to reach both or move the keyboard to the side. Even more awkward to do that on laptop.
    4. The lack of incest in this game. This is fixable with the help of the good mod, but this is just disappointing.
    Still, the content that is there is great, ultimatly landing with a rating of 4 stars for me.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is 5/10 for me, great starter, great art and great story

    But this will be one of the game that will never finish because the scope of the game is just too big.

    You have school life, roguelike, and store simulation mixed in one game.

    The maps is also kinda big with no purpose other than just to make the player waste more time to walk and explore.

    This game is great, it has the potential not gonna lie, and I like the girls in it too, but please stop adding more mechanic into this game and focus more on the smaller details that needed the most attention on
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This eroge was quite fun to play, while the updates might be slow, the first experience is what matters the most.

    The only complaint I have is how complicated some things are... Don't get me wrong I love challenges in eroges, but this is not a challenge but just not knowing where to go, and getting lost all the time.

    Besides that, I fucking love this eroge, and I hope the updates will become more frequent.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Good graphics, good girls, decent story and gameplay. Highly recommend talking to the person (gypsy I believe?) to get the unlimited money cheat, it's just too grindy otherwise.

    I've gotten a good 22 hours out of it, so it's worth the download.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Hmm the non-h parts of the game are done really amazing and kudo's to the artist.
    But the H parts of it are pretty damn low tier, almost like a different artist did the sex scenes o.0

    Which is a pity, game has great potential, i even loved the ntr scenes

    Great humor in the game too, tons of things to like in the game and worth trying out, would be 5/5 if better quality art in sex scenes
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Making this review much more as a reminder to myself to not play this game than anything else

    the visuals are really great. in fact, one once starting playing this game will rapidly notice that the visual art is the main reason to persist through and tolerate the repetitive and annoying routine the game requires the player to do in the slowest way possible, even though the engine itself is perfectly fine because the real problem is having not only to walk the same path an infinite amount of times but also having to rewatch 2-3 seconds cutscenes everytime in basic actions(as in going to school, for example)

    then, as quick to appreciate how good the visuals are, anyone can realize that maybe it just isn't worth going through hours of repetition to follow a story that barely shows consistent progress at all

    even when the game does show other interesting points(such as the nice acid humor) they're still overshadowed by the frustration of not finding oneself able to make the MC connect with the wanted girl. a frustration big enough to make me look up the list of H-scenes just to end up seeing that I already had seen everything available with Flora, which would be:
    -almost no romantic scenes or dialogue at all
    -small cutscenes with a massive amount of grinding between them, resulting in abrupt construction of the relationship between the protagonist and the girl, which then would make it hardly interesting to follow, much less enough to tolerate such repetitive, slow and nonsensical grinding
    -going from that to having not even intimate h-scenes with the character, just one sex scene that also includes another female character that had absolutely no relationship whatsoever to the quest before

    in a balance, clearly the insatisfaction from the frustration given from both gameplay and writing aspects weight more than the positive points that make this game look momentarily good like the great artstyle and the provocative humor

    more cutscenes, dialogues and h-scenes developing the characters relationships and a faster, more dynamic grinding process would already fix this game and leave any player satisfied
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    A Hidden gem !

    Though the preview pictures are not really showing what's inside, I passed by side of this game during a long time, but I finally tried it and ... whow !

    - Graphics, Animations, Fun, Lewd, Content

    - A bit grindy sometimes, small map running through (mainly the school an school entrance)
    - A bit worried as it is not finished that it could be too long and too grindy in the end
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the best adult games made with RPG Maker with a great and original gameplay and exquisite art (Even the ones ruined by Patreon censorship) but also the one with the most desapointing updates: Slow, taking even over 5 months to get a single update with unfinished quests and bugged stuff and it seems like the developers are more preocupied of improving their shitty DRM system instead of their game but the stuff is great, worthy of getting published in a future by a renowed erotic games publisher like Tinyhat.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Not only has a great modeling, is fun, some concepts are a bit repetitive but just like a dating sim or a RTS. But the game itself is really well made, the coding and some things are really well thought, for example, if you go to the school without your uniform istead of making you go back to your house and having to deal with all the processes of changing the clothing to the character the game leads to you a option menu where it changes the character clothes and allows you go in without having to do the other steps.
    The only thing i can say if the developer/s read this is, you are makin a great job, is a great game, fun, well structured and something that can lead to a really big project. DONT ABANDON IT please. The gaming and developing industry has a lot of devs tired of working while people just blow up their dreams by being toxic for no reason. Every person in this world can have his own point of view but remember that we (I'm a developer) are people too. Mistakes are made when you create a game or a webpage or just a program to administrate something, and people needs to be more patient and less toxic with their criticism.
    It makes a huge difference to read "The game imo needs changes" or "The game is not what i expected" than read "This is a fucking piece of shit".
    But the point is. Devs, you are doing a nice job with this project. Keep working hard as you do <3
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I played different versions of the game, somewhat completed it, and I really enjoyed it. The only problem I see is that the developer is kind of slow with the game progress. Regardless of that, great art and animations, loved game mechanics, it was unique experience.