VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Sculptor [v0.13.0] [Discarded Union]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Firstly, it boasts an impressive array of fetishes, catering to a wide range of interests and preferences. This diversity adds depth and intrigue to the overall experience, making it more engaging for players.

    Secondly, the level of completion in this visual novel is commendable. From the intricately crafted characters to the immersive game world, every aspect feels meticulously designed and thought out. It's evident that a great deal of effort went into ensuring a polished and satisfying experience for players.

    Perhaps most notably, the game scenario itself is nothing short of amazing. The storyline is captivating and richly developed, drawing players into its world and keeping them hooked from start to finish. Each decision feels consequential, contributing to the overall narrative in meaningful ways.

    One of the standout features of this visual novel is its high replayability factor. Selecting a specific romantic interest often leads to branching paths and unique storylines, encouraging players to explore different options and outcomes. very good
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    This rating is for a rather early version. (Sorry to see that it seems abandoned.)

    Excellent writing. Very little graphic, what is there is fine.
    Relatable Charaters. Good (but not very challenging) development of reasonably "kind" sub-dom relationship.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    An amazing game to play, even in it's current state. I played 1.2, and enjoyed 1.3 even more. I hope that Discarded is okay, and even if he does not return to this project, I will still be fully satisfied with it, and continue to enjoy what this game represents to me.

    I can endorse this game fully, even in it's current state.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to say I'm a sucker for Tsunderes.
    I love the art style, I love the progression, and I love that there are options on how to proceed that don't make the game super rapey.
    I'm definitely keeping this one watched.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't think a game on this site has ever proven me wrong this much before... I came into this seeing the they/them pronouns and thinking that it would be an sjw garbage fest as well as seeing feminization and thought it would be of the male sort primarily and probably forced onto the mc, but this game without a doubt defied all my expectations by far and proved me wrong. This is an excellent game and I will definitely be watching it from now on.

    Lets talk about the good things first:

    1 - Choices, you got a great amount of choices to choose what kind of person you want your character to be in the relationship with the bully.

    2 - Great Amount of content so far in it's development.

    3 - Along with choices, you can actually choose different routes though I have only played the route where you become her dom and she becomes your submissive, I think it was written quite well so far and I bet the others are just as good as well but I can't say for sure as I'm more into the master stuff and making her my plaything to be honest.

    4 - Actual choice of bully so you can have whichever gay or straight sexual reactions that suit your tastes. As well as finally a female character that has a nice flat chest instead of the normal gigantic tits.

    Lets talk about what think is neither good nor bad:

    1 - The art is kinda lacking but it seems to be placeholders for now (at least I think) The female sprite looks nice in my opinion, (lacks a vagina though unless I'm blind).

    2 - Sometimes choices felt pointless as they all led to the same thing but in the end I guess they are just to help you get more into character so I won't judge for that as it still kept me engaged.

    Now if I would have to point out something that I found completely lacking or any negative at all It would be that it can get a little confusing and sometimes it can get repetitive with the choices and points. To understand what you need for each scene and such. I think it would be much better to add something to keep track of the points you get and such.

    In conclusion this is a great game and I highly recommend it.

    Review of v0.13.0
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent feminization game from a slightly different perspective than the usual ones. Multiple branches give the game replayability and the player's decisions matter for the plot advancement.
    The lewd scenes are really hot and well written.
    My only con is that the game is in an incomplete state; some of the assets are not yet implemented, but that is to be expected. I will gladly give the game 5/5 as soon as it reaches completion.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Interesting writing and impressively consistent systems. There are a lot of different levers to pull, but unfortunately most of them seem to lead to the same handful of events currently. I'm looking forward to seeing the planned art assets and seeing how the different story lines continue to progress.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Art assets aside, this is a pretty interesting start. The core idea is fun and the branching paths seem different enough to warrant multiple playthroughs.

    I have found the odd error, usually in reference to the bully's name or preferred pronouns, but they're few and far between. Looking forward to seeing how this game continues to flesh out, especially once the art is implemented.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Genuinely interesting approach which might be a completely new thing in the genre. I've played the route as a reasonable human being might and it almost feels a bit cathartic. All those pricks at school, it would have been great to be able to approach that shit in this way...

    The art is under developed, that will change if they keep at it. I didn't bother with the nasty routes yet as I was genuinely wondering if it was possible that someone might write a story that doesn't involve subjugation and being a top...

    It's not there yet but it is one to watch as it may become something exceptionally unusual in the genre...

    I've given it 4 stars, not for the art (very eaarly days and not overly inspired as yet), but for the promise it shows and it is well written...