Searching for an Artist to create a special Girl...


Apr 17, 2022

i am thinking of realizing a small game / story project in which a female char would be
transformed from a tiny girl to...

Lets say - there are many thoughts what could happen to her ;)

I am very openminded if she will be a 3d or 2d graphic-char.
I need some nice Background-Pics, too - but thats sure easily done (for you)...
No animations are planned - but some Scene-Pics are coming up, too.

I am absolutely no artist in graphics - i would appreciate if you - if you like to be work with me
PM me and we can discuss what you are able to do - and how i can compensate you for the effort.

Actually i am more a Server-Guy - i am hosting several online-games, wikis, forums and whatever.
Perhaps we can exchange / complement our capabilities ?!

Thanks for reading ;)