HTML - Secret Taboo [v2.91] [Livervt]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Freundin aus Denken

    Probably the best corruption real porn game I've played so far. The weird zoomer edits actually help a lot and having the MC getting mind controlled felt surprisingly immersive. The game systems aren't too bad but could be improved upon (make every click count for something, less downtime, better pacing in between transformations).

    I'm gonna deduct one full star because of the bimbo transformation. I don't have anything against bimbo fetish and even though I'd loved to see only Alex Grey for the entire game I can understand Dev wanting some diversity. It sadly is also the part where consistency is kicked out of the door. After what felt like 90+% of Alex Grey we now see multiple girls here and there. Maybe sticking to one dedicated bimbo would've been best.

    Also and that's a personal preference, not everybody likes bimbo so an alternative storyline with more Alex Grey content (she did enough stuff tbf and even got a bit bigger in some scenes) would have been nice. As of right now I always enjoy the game till Phase 3.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    "...and after that class finally starts to respect. Without my friend, I couldn't that accomplish. "

    Yep, it's Engrish, and bad Engrish at that. I thought with the decent ratings I was going to enjoy this, but it started out badly and just got worse.

    The UI is awful. Don't know what size monitor it was designed for but it is just tiny, and if you try and change the size, you just lose the 500 pointless items the designer has stuck in the side panels. Then trying to read the tiny text and conversations is just a pain in the....

    Probably a decent game hidden in the crap dialogue etc, but I just gave up. No reason for bad English with all the help you can get, whether real or AI.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I think the game is a 4* until corruption 3 where it drop to 3*

    This game is a corruption game, like all corruption game you start pure and end up a slut.

    The problem with level 3 is that for some reason the dev tough it was a good idea to for change on the physic of the main character. I think it was a bad idea for multiple reason.

    Reason 1: More work, since the mc had a big change all the precedent scene need to be rework/ redone this will take a lot of time and will not give anything more to the game.

    Reason 2: Less variety, the game already had a big breasted schoolgirl Lena, no need for a second one, dev could have had more scene the her while keeping the small breasted mc... Now we have two characters that are pretty much the same. In that type of game it's a big deal since they use multiple actress all the time so conceptual difference are very important.

    Maybe this is not a big deal for you but I personally liked the variety of characters/ body type in game.

    Reason 3: Story become weird, What I mean by that, breast implant somehow make that mc regain part of her memory (don't ask me why ) and everyone kinda remember at the same time that she had a brother...?

    I don't really care about the new character but here R2 comeback. Lena and mc are the same. So Lena x Brother and Mc x Brother are the same... No variety... Same for Teacher x Mc, could have been teacher x Lena but now it's the same...

    Anyway I could not finish the current version of the game I lost my interest before the end...
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Less grindy than Girl Life, but a whole lot of useless busywork nonetheless. Bad writing, bad navigation, bad UI, bad coding. This project ropes you in with themes and visuals, but the experience of it is insanely time-consuming and incoherent due to bad design, bad structure and bad, bad pacing. Bad game.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    A BBC game with poor English, not the worse I've read in games but still...
    The game play is also kind of useless and the progression is very slow!

    If the game get rewritten and completed in a few years perhaps the game would be worthwhile.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm also not a native speaker, but the English in this game is just incomprehensibly bad. This wouldn't be an issue if the game didn't insist on having some kind of "story". The basic idea of a female protagonist slipping into "corruption" is nice, but as others have said: The game fails at communicating clearly WHY all of this is actually happening.

    The UI is pretty good, though. I like some features like the phone. Buttons are inconsistent, there's also too much scrolling involved - the game would benefit greatly from having the most important dialogue prompts in a fixed div / the bottom bar.

    Then there's the grind. You raise "relationship" points by repeating mundane events. Over time, you get some "corruption" points as well, but progress is slow. Due to the nonsensical plot, you mindlessly click through the days to get to the next important event. There is a hint system which is neat.

    The porn in this game is mostly well chosen, but I really hate those clips with the loud music. They're obnoxious. Having a wardrobe and the ability to choose different avatars is nice. Managing the wardrobe would be much easier if you were able to change clothes everywhere. I know, it's not "realistic", but going to back to certain places just to change the outfit gets boring really fast. There are also the usual linear stat grinds, say hello to "fitness" and the obligatory gym.

    In my opinion, the dev should look for some proficient English speakers to go over the dialogue. It's good that most scenes are short and to the point, but this game desperately needs a stronger narration and better dialogue. Not only from a grammatical standpoint, but also regarding realism. The characters in this game talk like they've just had a lobotomy.

    I'm still giving this 3 stars, because there is some potential.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    A tough one to rate. It's extremely good in some areas and extremely poor in others.

    Needs Improvement:

    - The English is quite bad. If you're privileged enough to have English as your first language, you'll have a tough time getting immersed in this one. It's extremely rough. This is a shame because if you squint hard enough through the elementary word salad, you can start to see some semblance of an original porn story in there.

    - Typical time-slot sandbox game problems. Too much clicking to progress to different events. This game DOES in fact have significant grind, despite what it says. The in-game walkthrough is appreciated, but is often either incorrect or unclear (see problem #1)

    The Good:

    Given the indecipherably bad writing, why might you enjoy this game over something like College Daze or Bimbo Life Coach?

    Pretty simple. This game delivers on good porn and doesn't make you read through thousands upon thousands of words in prose to give you what you want. And when it does, it delivers. The clips are well chosen and high quality.

    Simply put, you might be able to fap to this one when other more polished and more competently written titles might not be able to do the job, and for some of us, that's all we're really here for.

    I know this is the Dev's first game. All I can say is that if they keep improving on their English skills, they could have a long and successful future here.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This game features a nice user interface, sensible navigation, and a decent pace, which only a handful of HTML games offer.

    The sex scenes consist of multiple parts of the same video, so while the actresses may change from one porn event to the next, at least they remain consistent within the same scene.

    The story is probably the weakest aspect: the character goes from innocent to wanting to fuck some random guy from a jewerly store to being a braindead bimbo in the span of a few weeks, and the reasons offered don't make much sense.

    The themes are mostly incest, bimbofication, and interracial. Nonce which I like, so I didn't play it to the end. Of course, me not having those fetishes isn't the game's fault, and I'm not considering them for the rating.

    If you're into those, and if you don't need a good story, this will be an enjoyable game.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Secret Taboo is an HTML time management game in which you play as an innocent girl and preside over her inevitable corruption.

    It feels different to me than most corruption games. Typically, you have optional corruption paths throughout games like this. In Secret Taboo however, corruption is the point. If you choose not to take the corruption paths, you're basically locked into doing nothing. While there are some choices about how you go about the corruption, the only path through the game is being the bad girl.

    I can't really decide whether I like it. It definitely removes the will she/won't she that a corruption game typically has and doesn't really replace it with much. On the other hand, isn't the corruption kinda the point of a game like this? Is this not what we came here to see? I suppose I like having the option to be the goody two-shoes and force the game to convince me corruption would be a good time, but I guess it's not mandatory.

    I guess it's rather fortunate that the game isn't hanging its hat on the will she/won't she tension as the writing isn't the best. There are a lot of grammatical errors and the characters are their roles with little personality to speak of. That said, there are some good scenes despite the thin characters. Mostly because...

    The video selection and editing is quite good. Outside of the hot models, the game pulls a lot of trippy, mind control style filters that really sell the descent into corruption. Sometimes, the game even alters the UI to show how mentally destroyed the MC is. It's really well done, and something other games really haven't pulled off.

    Overall, Secret Taboo is very different than most corruption style games. Whether that's something you'll like, depends on your preferences. Personally, I've enjoyed it and think a little bit of dicey writing is worth seeing the good scenes.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Best html game ever.

    Unless you do something to change mc's apperance, she is same in every scene unlike most of the html games. Very cool musics. Very cool edits. Because of this game, other games feel bad.
    It also has an in-game guide which helps you so you never get stuck.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I realy like this game, all the music added, the storyline the UI, I also like there is a ingame guide what to do and how to continue in a storyline.

    I find this one of the best html games there is on this site.
    Highly recommend to try it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Alea iacta est

    Ahhh.. what a surprise this game.

    99% of HTML games are rubbish, navigation problems, tedious grind, cheap sex scens...

    This game is different, it is smooth (there are few grind elements).
    The developer has brain, he created a fairly simple navigation, a good quest log, and a smooth journey that doesn't requires stupid micro-tasking.

    The story is simple but at the same time it feels "real", characters are decently described.

    Technically might not be the best game but I want to give 5 stars to underline that this HTML game worth to be played.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    [v2.35.6] An amazing game, imo the best HTML game out there. S-tier game. I've spent about 7.5 hours and got most of the content and I saw some of the ending pathways.

    - Amazing scenes and clips (the best out of all HTML games)
    -Audio and general polish of the game is incredibly high quality
    -Lots of content
    - Contains a gallery for some scenes
    -Story is interesting enough
    -Nice variety of portraits
    -No overload of stats
    -Breast surgery doesn't cause fake-looking tits

    -A couple of bugs
    -No keyboard controls
    -Most outfits dont do much

    Full review:

    The story so far for this game has been quite interesting. I am a person who prefers more visual content over text based, and this game definitely has a good mixture of this to make the story engaging. I am looking forward to seeing where the story goes in the next updates.

    The scenes are what really makes this game stand out from most other HTML games. The clips/montages are of exceptionally high quality and it's paired with the high quality audio, making the scenes amazing. Sometimes the audio does bug out and not adjust properly on the video, but I think that's more of a software issue rather than a fault of the game; it's an easy fix anyway just by lowering the general computer audio. I also really love the consistency with the scenes, most of them include a petite blonde girl which definitely keeps the immersion - there are many HTML games which just use random porn scenes of girls with different body types and hair colours which is super inconsistent. After the breast surgery in the game, the scenes and portraits all get updated to girls with bigger boobs which is great and shows the consistency and how high quality the scenes are. The scenes are also fairly easy to obtain, even if you don't know how to progress, there is a clear tab where you can see your objectives. I also do appreciate how most of the scenes can be replayed (either by going back to the location, or by looking in the gallery).

    The navigation of the game is OK. Since there usually isn't much text on the screen at any one point, you don't have to scroll all the time so it's not annoying. I do wish there were keyboard controls, but it's not that big of a deal.

    Other stuff I liked: I mentioned before the consistency of portraits - I really like them in this game, the girls are usually hot and the outfits are also hot. I do wish some of hte outfits did have more of an effect, it's only really the uniforms and sports outfits that do anything. I also think the stats in this game is well done, there are only a handful and so it's not overwhelming. I've played games with like 20 stats and it's just overwhelming and annoying to keep track of all of them. In this game, it's much clearer and easier to tell what they are and how to improve the stats. Another thing that I appreciated about the game was that the breast surgery doesn't cause the MC to get fake-looking tits. I am personally not a fan of bimbofication and even though there is an optional ending for this, I'm glad that the MC just gets 'upgraded' to normal looking big boobs.

    Overall, this game is the greatest HTML game I've played with the most amazing scenes of any HTML game. I would highly recommend this game, especially those that dont really enjoy text-based games.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Actually a pretty difficult game for me to review and I will note early on in this review that it's partially due to personal taste. I also feel like I should mention that I have not finished all of the content. I stuck around for the daddy content but was dissapointed when it actually lead somewhere so shut it down.

    First off I need to point out that the game has pretty terrible english. Sometimes I can barely make sense of what is said and as such I believe I have missed parts of the story that the dev intended to be shown. Which is important to note in this review of the game.

    The game has an interesting premise, you're a pretty normal girl who will through porn logic will end up a bimbo. I personally don't like mind control stuff so I started getting a bit skeptical a bit into the game. Especially since I honestly didn't think it did a good job at first showing it to be mind control. I will say that the clips used have been edited nicely to at least send the message to the player that the MC is in some way losing control. At first I honestly thought it was due to some latent personality disorder or something.

    I see others kinda liking the writing but I couldn't quite get into it as a lot of it ends up being "Person A being polite to MC but when things get naughty MC is called a whore or slut by everyone". I get that the game is about humiliation and women being cum dumpsters but it got old. I also very much like my female protags to have active roles in their sexuality rather than just having things happen to them. I didn't like mind control too much before this game and it certainly didn't change my opinion.

    Final note: I kinda feel like you need to love watching BBC content to really appreciate this game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A really well made game. It centers around corruption of the female protagonist.
    What really sets this game apart is the use of music and edits - in the porn videos, the scenes, the tooltips and ui itself. It's well made, enhancing the experience. Of course, there is room to improve.
    The model choices are really good, and the corruption is good as well. It starts out slow and somewhat grindy, but gets much better as you advance. It's also appreciated that the in-game to-do checklist is easy to follow.
    It's already fairly full of content, particularly for an html. If the dev keeps this up, this could be one of the best games in it's genre.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm really fond of real porn game, but a lot of them are badly done, this one is not the best game i have done but it works. Some points i want to list here:
    -The writing is okay, not great, not bad.
    -The processus of corruption is well-done, if its your kink, you will enjoy it.
    -Female protag, its not so common, so if its your thing, lets go.
    -Really good choice of video, but awful sound balancing, it would be awesome if it could be fixed.
    -The path to follow for each quest is clear, you are never lost, its always appreciated.
    -its a bit grindy at first, but when you manage to trigger the first level of corruption, it becomes fun really fast.
    Thanks for reading, and note that english isnt my first langage.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    [Review of v1.9a on 5/26/2023]

    HTML games are all too common; it takes some effort to stand out.

    For me, it's often whether it has the particular fetish that I'm interested in. Frankly, I will not click into an HTML game if it doesn't have mind control or corruption as a fetish. There's too many HTML games for me to bother with something outside of my interests; as a whole, F95 is practically flooded with HTML, RenPy, and RPGM games.

    After that, there needs to be some reason for me to enjoy the game, whether that be compelling writing or some other unique feature to the gameplay.

    Secret Taboo does not have those things. The writing is fine; it fulfilled its purpose. The gameplay is bog standard. So what's the catch?

    Secret Taboo manages to impress in at least one way: the clip edits. Livervt has done a great job with making mind control and hypnotism fetish content out of the clips that they've chosen. They stated in their post that this is what they enjoy doing, and it clearly shows. They've done great work.

    As for the rest of the game, while it is competently made, I do have criticisms and complaints.

    On the technical side, the audio control for the game doesn't work from page to page. You will get ear fucked if you try controlling the audio with the game's own audio settings. On top of that, the audio from clip to clip varies wildly. Even if you use your hardware or system settings, some audio will either be too quiet, or way too loud.

    On the gameplay side, this game does have a slight grind in order to fill relationship bars and get the money for clothing and items, which runs counter to the author's tagline claim. That doesn't bother me, because HTML itself as a game engine sort of incentivizes it, and it isn't particularly egregious in practice.

    What DOES bother me is that one of the game over scenes actually does have a painfully long grind, which is neat in theory but awful in practice. If the player has to spend a long time in one area to create an impression of time passing, then there needs to be at least some variety in the writing to make it mean something. While some parts of the text did change, I would argue that it wasn't nearly enough to justify the monotony, so I suggest cutting the number of repetitions necessary down a bit or creating more flags for text to change as the MC adapts to their situation.

    My only other complaint is regarding personal taste. I would have preferred the instigator of our character's mind control have played with the character a bit more or show more interest in monopolizing her. However, as written, the instigator in question is actually after the MC's mom, and it feels like he's very eager to start that process right from the jump. Not a problem, but more corruptive sex scenes for the MC beforehand would have been nice.

    All in all, this is good for an HTML game, but I wanted something a little different. This won't blow anyone's mind, but it will work for a wank.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Living In A Lewd World

    This is one of few real porn game, that I enjoyed very much and I think, this has multiple reasons.

    • The game tells you mostly what you have to do. There is a quite good quest list, that gives you tips how to progress.
    • The dialogue is held quite simple and enriched with many images and videos, that underline the ongoing story. So it is more a VN as a written story with some images, what i personally prefer.
    • There is a cheat menu, that allows you to avoid grindy activities.
    • Especially for the main protagonist and for Lena the chosen images and videos feel quite consistent (the only one, I didn't like that much are that one of the webcam, as a burly woman with shorter brown hair and a skinny woman with long fair hair don't fit that well together).
    • There are very much and very different lewd deeds to do and to witness, which are through and through very hot.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has excelent visuals, nice progress speed and mediocre writing. Story is very trivial as with all other bimbo corruption games, but it is well made and starts off gradually. So far the only thing I miss in it is motivation for the MC. Besides corruption, there is not much more driving the story. Maybe it was designed that way.. who knows.
    A place for improvement would be a brother/sister and maybe male MC with an option to change gender or go to trans. But that would complicate it quite a lot. (although the game would be much more diverse - no pun intended). Another thing is there are videos playing in the middle screen, a image of the MC on the left side and another one on the right side, representing the other character during a conversation or sex. However the left side is also video (or gif) sometimes which can be distracting. The UI is a bit overcrowded and instead of volume slider, gym pass, etc. I would appreciate having list of "quests" on the main page like: In 3 days: go there and do that. The stats are a bit messed, since Relationship can be easily boosted to 100%, while corruption takes ages. Due to to the Levels of corruption introduced, sometimes the events I do produce corruption or relationship, but stats stay at zero. So they don't really matter much. I think it is best to either remove Mom/Dad corror make it matter. Clothes choice can be improved. and more gradual. The overall feeling is that game needs some re-balancing and simplifying.

    Waiting for new and interesting updates!
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Version 1.6

    This is something of a dying breed: An HTML-based game that is not about gender-switching or sissification. However, it is about corruption and bimbo-ification and so the dynamics and plot-structures are pretty much the same.

    The game revolves around a basic teenager who suddenly becomes aware of sex through an impossibly fast school-friend. For reasons that are never made clear, the realisation that one of her school friends is getting railed by her dad inspires the MC to follow her example and so the game's grind revolves around a) getting hotter by working out, b) looking hotter by getting a job that allows you to buy more revealing clothes, and c) slowly seducing your parents while trying not to exhaust yourself in the process.

    All of this is very familiar and none of it is particularly well thought-through or balanced. The game makes it clear that there are systems being affected by the daily grind but it's all quite linear in so far as you get hotter and so find it easier to corrupt, and so find it easier to unlock scenes.

    This lack of balance does create some interesting effects as one of the game's few innovations is allowing you to switch to the viewpoint of an NPC for a single scene when they go off and get fucked. There are also moments where your character stumbles across people having sex or gets propositioned and these encounters serve to massively increase your corruption level and give a nice glimpse of a much larger and more perverted world lurking just beyond the horizon of days spent chastely flirting with teachers and letting your dad look down your top. It's a nice effect and a real change from the gradual expansion of perversion that features in most grindy HTML games but I will be intrigued to see how the dev handles this going forward. I mean... if your friend is fucking his sister in the first twenty minutes and you're fucking your dad in the first hour while the game is going 'this is really basic shit' then the game really does need to deliver on that promise going forward.

    As of version 1.6, there are loads of sub-systems and mini-games and you can tell that the game has been designed with room to expand but there are definitely bugs (I couldn't get the office stuff to work at all) and the lack of balance in the grind means that some activities feel less rewarding than they should given the fact that they require a bit of grinding to unlock. There's also stuff like gifts and different clothing choices that don't seem to serve any purpose and the game hints at a number of different endings but I didn't feel empowered by those choices and I'm not even sure what they mean.

    Technically, the game looks a lot better than a lot of other HTML-based games but I think that recent releases like the female spy game have really raised the bar on what can be done with an HTML interface.

    This isn't a bad game, but it is a bit of a mess.