I gave the Data Crystal to Antlers, but for some reason - maybe because I stole it back from her office? - I don't have the "Passing it up the Chain" achievement.
I'm pretty sure the second last one shouldn't be there at the very start - prior to making any choices.
I think one of the two is meant to be "I don't feel like doing anything," while the other is "I've already done all I wanted to do."
Coming back from the company retreat, the first day heading for work, this happens
after I leave the apartment and select a travel method to work.
It should probably be fixed so it triggers the moment the player presses "Leave apartment" button, otherwise the text makes little sense.
Oral Presentation ends with a "Work" instead of a "Return to work," because of this, instead of continuing the work, it sends the player back to the start of the work-day screen.
In Stage 4 you unlock new Latex Lingerie that comes with a full mid-section covering garter, as of right now, this garter does not function as a corset.
Given how the garter is a huge part of the lingerie set, it should probably be made into functioning as a corset to retain the look of the set.
This achievement seems to be given before Re-visiting Café 52, I got the scene where I got coffee from the 142nd floor, and Antlers tells me to get it from Café 52 next time. Either that, or I got it during Lunch when, for some reason, I still end up at the 52'nd floor Canteen, or one on the 142nd floor that Hank also works at?
The Only Place That Brews it Right
Re-visit Cafe 52 after moving upstairs.
If your "Hours worked today:" states "8.5/8.5," shouldn't "Work completed today:" then show more than "84%"?
Or does the "Work completed today:" only count the uninterrupted time, while the "Hours worked today:" counts both uninterrupted and interrupted?